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Wooden Crate

Revision as of 20:30, 27 August 2023 by Rekan (talk | contribs)
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Wooden Crate image

Wooden Crates are Container items that can be found throughout the game.

Sturdy enough to endure rocky voyages or decades stacked ten-deep in a dusty warehouse.


Where to find

Found throughout the game as set dressing, often containing random common loot.

Passive Features

It has 4 Hit Point.

Damage TypesBludgeoningVulnerable
Damage TypesPiercingResistant
Damage TypesNecroticResistant
Damage TypesPoisonImmune
Damage TypesPsychicImmune
Damage TypesRadiantResistant

Trivia and Notes

  • It's heavy and have low value.
  • Can be used as set-dressing and storage at camps.