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Alcohol (Condition)
- Has Disadvantage on Dexterity and Charisma checks.
Sources of Alcohol
- Amnian Dessert Wine
- Arabellan Dry
- Arkhen's Hoard
- Ashaba Dusk
- Baalor Ale
- Baldur's Grape
- Barrel-Aged Callidyrran
- Blackstaff
- Blingdenstone Blush
- Brass City Scrangle
- Carafe of Wine
- Chultan Fireswill
- Common Table-Wine
- Eigersstor Noblerot
- Esmeltar Red
- Farsea Marshwine
- Frostkiss Ale
- Gulthmeran Reserve
- Highsun Liqueur
- Ithbank
- Lovely Malty Beer
- Marsember Ice Wine
- Mermaid Whiskey
- Monastery Firewine
- Mug of Beer
- Pitcher of Beer
- Plum Fizz
- Portal Sherry
- Purple Dragon Blush
- Rolling Deck Rum
- Rosymorn Firewine
- Stagswift Tonic
- Starburst Shandy
- Suzailian Sweet
- Syl-Pashan Sup
- Tyche Pink
- Whalebone Spiced
- Wine
Items that grant special effects while having this condition:
- 2 turns of this condition are applied whenever consuming one of the many alcoholic Camp Supplies items.