Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.
- Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
- Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
- Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5.
/* CSS placed here will affect users of the Vector skin */
* Everything here has to be documented properly, explaining what it does if
* not obvious, and especially, explaining where the CSS classes/ids/etc. are
* actually used. Things should be transitioned to use TemplateStyles as much
* as possible; otherwise list ALL templates / pages that rely on the CSS
* found in here.
* Also, the CSS here should be divided into sections and sub-sections just as
* you would do with headers in a regular page. Use the following format for
* these "headers" below:
* /*
* * == This is a section of cleaned-up CSS ==
* * /
* /*
* * === This is a sub-section of the above ===
* * /
* == Advertisement ==
* On Vector i.e. desktop we show two ad units:
* - Header (id: bg3wiki-header-ad)
* Static location, usually top-right of the article, below the search.
* - Sidebar (id: bg3wiki-sidebar-ad)
* Sticky (follows on scroll), within the sidebar.
* These are added via hooks in LocalSettings.php.
* The "mw-ads-enabled" and "mw-ads-disabled" classes are also added via a hook
* in LocalSettings.
* There are also "mw-anonymous" and "mw-logged-in" which are equivalent under
* normal circumstances, since ads are only shown to anon visitors, but please
* use the ad-specific classes just in case.
* === Header ad banner ===
* There are two possible layouts for this:
* - If the screen is wide enough, it's to the right of the article header,
* which will get a maximum width to leave place for the banner.
* - If the screen is too narrow, the ad banner will be above the article's
* header, and will be centered.
/* The container for the ad. */
#bg3wiki-header-ad {
display: none;
.mw-ads-enabled #bg3wiki-header-ad {
display: block;
position: relative;
width: 468px;
height: 60px;
border: 1px dashed var(--bdr-color);
align-content: center;
overflow: hidden;
/* The wide layout where the header ad is to the top-right. */
@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) {
/* Make room for the banner to the right of the heading. */
.mw-ads-enabled #firstHeading {
/* Make a bit more vertical room for the banner. */
margin-top: 22px;
/* Ad banner is 468px. Add another 16px as padding. */
max-width: calc(100% - 468px - 16px);
.mw-ads-enabled .mw-indicators {
/* In sync with the 16px above. */
margin-right: 16px;
#bg3wiki-header-ad {
float: right;
/* The narrow layout where the header ad is above the article header. */
@media screen and (max-width: 1199px) {
#bg3wiki-header-ad {
margin: auto;
margin-bottom: 1em;
/* Placeholder text for when ad isn't shown yet / doesn't show up. */
#bg3wiki-header-ad p {
text-align: center;
line-height: 1.5em;
font-size: 1.1em;
font-style: italic;
color: var(--fg-dark);
/* The actual insertion point for the ad. */
#bg3wiki-header-ad-ramp {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
align-content: center;
/* So the two divs (fuse & ramp) don't block each other. */
/* Set pointer-events back on their child nodes. */
pointer-events: none;
/* See comment about pointer-events above. */
#bg3wiki-header-ad-fuse div,
#bg3wiki-header-ad-ramp div {
pointer-events: auto;
* === Sidebar sticky vertical ad ===
* Note that being anonymous (.mw-anonymous) normally corresponds to ads being
* enabled (.mw-ads-enabled) but in some cases a logged in user may still have
* ads enabled (e.g. for testing) so we account for that possibility by using
* the correct class selectors.
* Being logged in and also having ads enabled will make the sidebar ad appear
* quite far down, due to the Special and Toolbox sections being visible. This
* causes layout issues when viewing a short article, but that's OK since it's
* just for testing purposes.
/* Anon visitors have little use for these, so hide them to make more room for
the ad. That said, we add a link to Special:Upload to the sidebar for anon
visitors, as they may want to use that. */
.mw-anonymous #p-Special,
.mw-anonymous #p-tb {
display: none;
/* The aforementioned link to Special:Upload for anon visitors. */
.mw-logged-in #n-Upload-file {
display: none;
/* The ad section of the Sidebar has its own "About ads" link. */
.mw-ads-enabled #n-About-ads {
display: none;
/* The container ("portlet" in MW terms) for the ad; see MW:Sidebar. */
#p-Advertisement {
display: none;
.mw-ads-enabled #p-Advertisement {
display: block;
top: 0;
position: sticky;
/* The div containing the ad slot; see LocalSettings.php. */
#bg3wiki-sidebar-ad {
position: relative;
width: 160px;
height: 600px;
margin-top: 5px;
border: 1px dashed var(--bdr-color);
align-content: center;
overflow: hidden;
/* Placeholder text within ad slot. */
#bg3wiki-sidebar-ad p {
text-align: center;
line-height: 1.5em;
font-size: 0.9em;
font-style: italic;
color: var(--fg-dark);
/* The actual insertion point for the ad. */
#bg3wiki-sidebar-ad-ramp {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
align-content: center;
/* So the two divs (fuse & ramp) don't block each other. */
/* Set pointer-events back on their child nodes. */
pointer-events: none;
/* See comment about pointer-events above. */
#bg3wiki-sidebar-ad-fuse div,
#bg3wiki-sidebar-ad-ramp div {
pointer-events: auto;
/* The "Served by $adProvider" text below. */
#bg3wiki-ad-provider-notice {
font-size: 0.7em;
font-style: italic;
color: var(--fg-dark);
* == Sidebar & Main Page customization ==
* Add some icons to special links in the sidebar and main page.
/* Discord */
body.theme-dark-grey #n-Join-the-Discord\!,
body.theme-dark-grey #n-Discord {
margin-top: 8px;
body.theme-dark-grey #n-Join-the-Discord\! a,
body.theme-dark-grey #n-Discord a {
padding-top: 3px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
padding-left: 24px;
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 34 34'%3E%3Cpath fill='%23FFA03C' d='M26.0015 6.9529C24.0021 6.03845 21.8787 5.37198 19.6623 5C19.3833 5.48048 19.0733 6.13144 18.8563 6.64292C16.4989 6.30193 14.1585 6.30193 11.8336 6.64292C11.6166 6.13144 11.2911 5.48048 11.0276 5C8.79575 5.37198 6.67235 6.03845 4.6869 6.9529C0.672601 12.8736 -0.41235 18.6548 0.130124 24.3585C2.79599 26.2959 5.36889 27.4739 7.89682 28.2489C8.51679 27.4119 9.07477 26.5129 9.55525 25.5675C8.64079 25.2265 7.77283 24.808 6.93587 24.312C7.15286 24.1571 7.36986 23.9866 7.57135 23.8161C12.6241 26.1255 18.0969 26.1255 23.0876 23.8161C23.3046 23.9866 23.5061 24.1571 23.7231 24.312C22.8861 24.808 22.0182 25.2265 21.1037 25.5675C21.5842 26.5129 22.1422 27.4119 22.7621 28.2489C25.2885 27.4739 27.8769 26.2959 30.5288 24.3585C31.1952 17.7559 29.4733 12.0212 26.0015 6.9529ZM10.2527 20.8402C8.73376 20.8402 7.49382 19.4608 7.49382 17.7714C7.49382 16.082 8.70276 14.7025 10.2527 14.7025C11.7871 14.7025 13.0425 16.082 13.0115 17.7714C13.0115 19.4608 11.7871 20.8402 10.2527 20.8402ZM20.4373 20.8402C18.9183 20.8402 17.6768 19.4608 17.6768 17.7714C17.6768 16.082 18.8873 14.7025 20.4373 14.7025C21.9717 14.7025 23.2271 16.082 23.1961 17.7714C23.1961 19.4608 21.9872 20.8402 20.4373 20.8402Z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
font-weight: bold;
/* Repeated on Main Page */
body.theme-dark-grey #mainpage-discord-invite a {
margin-left: 2px;
padding-left: 18px;
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 34 34'%3E%3Cpath fill='%23FFA03C' d='M26.0015 6.9529C24.0021 6.03845 21.8787 5.37198 19.6623 5C19.3833 5.48048 19.0733 6.13144 18.8563 6.64292C16.4989 6.30193 14.1585 6.30193 11.8336 6.64292C11.6166 6.13144 11.2911 5.48048 11.0276 5C8.79575 5.37198 6.67235 6.03845 4.6869 6.9529C0.672601 12.8736 -0.41235 18.6548 0.130124 24.3585C2.79599 26.2959 5.36889 27.4739 7.89682 28.2489C8.51679 27.4119 9.07477 26.5129 9.55525 25.5675C8.64079 25.2265 7.77283 24.808 6.93587 24.312C7.15286 24.1571 7.36986 23.9866 7.57135 23.8161C12.6241 26.1255 18.0969 26.1255 23.0876 23.8161C23.3046 23.9866 23.5061 24.1571 23.7231 24.312C22.8861 24.808 22.0182 25.2265 21.1037 25.5675C21.5842 26.5129 22.1422 27.4119 22.7621 28.2489C25.2885 27.4739 27.8769 26.2959 30.5288 24.3585C31.1952 17.7559 29.4733 12.0212 26.0015 6.9529ZM10.2527 20.8402C8.73376 20.8402 7.49382 19.4608 7.49382 17.7714C7.49382 16.082 8.70276 14.7025 10.2527 14.7025C11.7871 14.7025 13.0425 16.082 13.0115 17.7714C13.0115 19.4608 11.7871 20.8402 10.2527 20.8402ZM20.4373 20.8402C18.9183 20.8402 17.6768 19.4608 17.6768 17.7714C17.6768 16.082 18.8873 14.7025 20.4373 14.7025C21.9717 14.7025 23.2271 16.082 23.1961 17.7714C23.1961 19.4608 21.9872 20.8402 20.4373 20.8402Z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
font-weight: bold;
/* Payment */
body.theme-dark-grey #n-Payment {
margin-top: 8px;
body.theme-dark-grey #n-Payment a {
padding-top: 3px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
padding-left: 24px;
background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,<%3Fxml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"%3F><svg fill="%23FFA03C" viewBox="-0.5 0 20.4 20.4" xmlns=""><path d="M16.417 10.283A7.917 7.917 0 1 1 8.5 2.366a7.916 7.916 0 0 1 7.917 7.917zm-4.844 1.754a2.249 2.249 0 0 0-.556-1.477l-.001-.002a3.02 3.02 0 0 0-.835-.665l-.003-.002a3.498 3.498 0 0 0-.866-.313H9.31a3.78 3.78 0 0 0-.795-.083 2.849 2.849 0 0 1-.475-.037 1.8 1.8 0 0 1-.494-.158l-.002-.001a1.17 1.17 0 0 1-.371-.298L7.172 9a.733.733 0 0 1-.175-.44.749.749 0 0 1 .421-.63 2.157 2.157 0 0 1 1.11-.297 2.283 2.283 0 0 1 .391.066l.049.01a2.479 2.479 0 0 1 .473.166 1.33 1.33 0 0 1 .381.261.792.792 0 1 0 1.118-1.12 2.902 2.902 0 0 0-.85-.585 3.996 3.996 0 0 0-.785-.268h-.001l-.008-.002v-.786a.792.792 0 1 0-1.583 0v.763a3.557 3.557 0 0 0-1.14.454 2.328 2.328 0 0 0-1.159 1.967 2.296 2.296 0 0 0 .529 1.44 2.724 2.724 0 0 0 .894.717 3.342 3.342 0 0 0 .942.305 4.398 4.398 0 0 0 .736.059 2.202 2.202 0 0 1 .46.046 1.927 1.927 0 0 1 .467.168 1.431 1.431 0 0 1 .382.308.674.674 0 0 1 .165.436c0 .097 0 .324-.385.573a2.182 2.182 0 0 1-1.132.314 3.515 3.515 0 0 1-.494-.06 2.381 2.381 0 0 1-.459-.148h-.001a.953.953 0 0 1-.356-.274.792.792 0 1 0-1.197 1.037 2.516 2.516 0 0 0 .967.708 3.799 3.799 0 0 0 .774.237h.007v.783a.792.792 0 1 0 1.583 0v-.79a3.581 3.581 0 0 0 1.17-.479 2.215 2.215 0 0 0 1.107-1.9z"/></svg>');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
font-weight: bold;
/* Donation */
body.theme-dark-grey #n-Support-bg3\.wiki\! {
margin-top: 8px;
body.theme-dark-grey #n-Support-bg3\.wiki\! a {
padding-top: 3px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
padding-left: 24px;
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg role='img' viewBox='0 0 24 24' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath fill='%23FFA03C' d='M23.881 8.948c-.773-4.085-4.859-4.593-4.859-4.593H.723c-.604 0-.679.798-.679.798s-.082 7.324-.022 11.822c.164 2.424 2.586 2.672 2.586 2.672s8.267-.023 11.966-.049c2.438-.426 2.683-2.566 2.658-3.734 4.352.24 7.422-2.831 6.649-6.916zm-11.062 3.511c-1.246 1.453-4.011 3.976-4.011 3.976s-.121.119-.31.023c-.076-.057-.108-.09-.108-.09-.443-.441-3.368-3.049-4.034-3.954-.709-.965-1.041-2.7-.091-3.71.951-1.01 3.005-1.086 4.363.407 0 0 1.565-1.782 3.468-.963 1.904.82 1.832 3.011.723 4.311zm6.173.478c-.928.116-1.682.028-1.682.028V7.284h1.77s1.971.551 1.971 2.638c0 1.913-.985 2.667-2.059 3.015z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
font-weight: bold;
/* Repeated on Main Page */
body.theme-dark-grey #mainpage-donate-link a {
margin-left: 2px;
padding-left: 18px;
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg role='img' viewBox='0 0 24 24' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath fill='%23FFA03C' d='M23.881 8.948c-.773-4.085-4.859-4.593-4.859-4.593H.723c-.604 0-.679.798-.679.798s-.082 7.324-.022 11.822c.164 2.424 2.586 2.672 2.586 2.672s8.267-.023 11.966-.049c2.438-.426 2.683-2.566 2.658-3.734 4.352.24 7.422-2.831 6.649-6.916zm-11.062 3.511c-1.246 1.453-4.011 3.976-4.011 3.976s-.121.119-.31.023c-.076-.057-.108-.09-.108-.09-.443-.441-3.368-3.049-4.034-3.954-.709-.965-1.041-2.7-.091-3.71.951-1.01 3.005-1.086 4.363.407 0 0 1.565-1.782 3.468-.963 1.904.82 1.832 3.011.723 4.311zm6.173.478c-.928.116-1.682.028-1.682.028V7.284h1.77s1.971.551 1.971 2.638c0 1.913-.985 2.667-2.059 3.015z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
font-weight: bold;
/* Advertisement info */
body.theme-dark-grey #n-Update-on-ads,
body.theme-dark-grey #n-About-ads {
margin-top: 8px;
body.theme-dark-grey #n-Update-on-ads a,
body.theme-dark-grey #n-About-ads a {
padding-top: 3px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
padding-left: 24px;
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 1024 1024' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath fill='%23FFA03C' d='M512 64a448 448 0 1 1 0 896 448 448 0 0 1 0-896zm0 192a58.432 58.432 0 0 0-58.24 63.744l23.36 256.384a35.072 35.072 0 0 0 69.76 0l23.296-256.384A58.432 58.432 0 0 0 512 256zm0 512a51.2 51.2 0 1 0 0-102.4 51.2 51.2 0 0 0 0 102.4z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
font-weight: bold;
* == TOC ==
* Styling of MediaWiki's autogenerated Table of Contents
.tocnumber {
display: none;
.toc ul ul {
border-left: 1px dotted var(--bdr-color);
padding-left: 0.5em;
.toc > ul {
padding: 0.75em 1.75em;
margin: 0;
* == Miscellaneous ==
/* Allows conditionally hiding things on narrow screens. */
@media screen and (max-width: 1199px) {
.bg3wiki-minwidth-1200 {
display: none;
* == Extensions ==
* === AudioButton ===
a.ext-audiobutton[data-state="play"]::before {
content: ' ';
background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" width="16px" height="16px" viewBox="0 0 64 64">
<circle fill="none" cx="32" cy="32" r="29" stroke-width="3" stroke="%23ffa03c"/>
<polygon fill="%23ffa03c" points="24,18 24,46 48,32 "/>
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
display: inline-block;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
vertical-align: -12%;
background-position: bottom;
a.ext-audiobutton[data-state="pause"]::before {
content: ' ';
background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" width="16px" height="16px" viewBox="0 0 64 64">
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width: 20px;
height: 20px;
display: inline-block;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
vertical-align: -12%;
background-position: bottom;
* This is CSS that was added in the past and wasn't always documented well.
* Some of it may be unnecessary and should perhaps be cautiously deleted,
* other parts should be moved either to TemplateStyles or to the cleaned up
* section above. Some of it may also be better placed in Extension:Themes.
html {
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/* Fix pre being bright on dark */
body.theme-dark-grey pre {
background: var(--bg-main);
color: var(--fg);
/* Set pre colour on light */
body.theme-light pre,
body.theme-light code {
background: var(--mw-code-background-color);
.wikitable caption {
padding: 0.2em;
/* Table styling */
.wikitable {
border: var(--bg3wiki-box-border) !important;
.wikitable tr,
.wikitable td,
.wikitable th,
.wikitable tr :is(th, td) {
padding-left: 0.4em;
padding-right: 0.4em;
padding-top: 0.2em;
padding-bottom: 0.2em;
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background-color: var(--bg3wiki-wikitable-bg) !important;
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.wikitable td ol,
.wikitable td dl,
.wikitable tr td :is(ol,
ul) {
text-align: left;
.wikitable > .ublist > ul,
.wikitable > .bg3wiki-ublist > ul {
margin: 0;
* Make some warnings more prominent
body.theme-dark-grey .mw-userconfigpublic {
color: yellow;
body.theme-dark-grey .mw-userconfigdangerous {
color: red;
font-weight: bold;
* Feedback Footer
body.theme-dark-grey .bg3wiki-article-footer {
border: 1px solid var(--bdr-color);
background-color: var(--bg-dark);
.bg3wiki-article-footer {
font-size: 1.1em;
margin-top: 1em;
padding: 0.5em;
* Various elements used across the wiki
/* Info blob */
body.theme-dark-grey .bg3wiki-info-blob {
background-color: var(--bg-dark);
/* D20 background image for numbers */
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background-image: url('/static/d20-bg.png');
background-position: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 35px;
/* Tooltip box */
body.theme-dark-grey .bg3wiki-tooltip-box {
background: #1B1A19;
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body.theme-dark-grey .bg3wiki-tooltip-gradient-veryrare {
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #54003299, #1B1A1999, #1B1A1999, #40295199);
body.theme-dark-grey .bg3wiki-tooltip-gradient-legendary {
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body.theme-dark-grey .bg3wiki-tooltip-gradient-story {
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #561D0099, #1B1A1999, #1B1A1999, #40295199);
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/* Box and text colours - Green */
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--bg3wiki-box-bg-green: #1b1c16;
--bg3wiki-box-border-green: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-green: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-poison-fg: #44bb00;
/* Box and text colours - Cyan-green*/
--bg3wiki-box-dark-cyan-green: #2f3b28;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-cyan-green: #232e1d;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-cyan-green: #21261e;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-cyan-green: #181c16;
--bg3wiki-box-border-cyan-green: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-cyan-green: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-necrotic-fg: #40b050;
/* Box and text colours - Cyan */
--bg3wiki-box-dark-cyan: #283b39;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-cyan: #1d2e2c;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-cyan: #1e2626;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-cyan: #161c1b;
--bg3wiki-box-border-cyan: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-cyan: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-healing-fg: #30bbbb;
/* Box and text colours - Blue*/
--bg3wiki-box-dark-blue: #2a3a40;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-blue: #202f33;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-blue: #1e2426;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-blue: #161a1c;
--bg3wiki-box-border-blue: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-blue: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-cold-fg: #3399cc;
/* Box and text colours - Indigo */
--bg3wiki-box-dark-indigo: #2e374a;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-indigo: #262c38;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-indigo: #21242b;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-indigo: #191a1f;
--bg3wiki-box-border-indigo: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-indigo: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-lightning-fg: #3366cc;
/* Box and text colours - Violet */
--bg3wiki-box-dark-violet: #402f4d;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-violet: #33273b;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-violet: #27212b;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-violet: #1c191f;
--bg3wiki-box-border-violet: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-violet: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-thunder-fg: #8844bb;
/* Box and text colours - Magenta*/
--bg3wiki-box-dark-magenta: #4a2e42;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-magenta: #3b2636;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-magenta: #2b2129;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-magenta: #1f191e;
--bg3wiki-box-border-magenta: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-magenta: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-psychic-fg: #cc77aa;
/* Bright colours */
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-physical-fg-bright: #8c8c8c;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-force-fg-bright: #cc3333;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-fire-fg-bright: #ee5500;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-radiant-fg-bright: #ccaa00;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-acid-fg-bright: #80b000;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-poison-fg-bright: #44bb00;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-necrotic-fg-bright: #40b050;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-healing-fg-bright: #30bbbb;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-cold-fg-bright: #3399cc;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-lightning-fg-bright: #3366cc;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-thunder-fg-bright: #8844bb;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-psychic-fg-bright: #cc77aa;
/* Temporary fix for ui link color issues */
--bg3wiki-ui-menu-item-a: white;
--bg3wiki-math: invert(1);
/* Variables with the dark suffix are intended for detail elements within the contents of pages, such as tabbers, infoboxes, amboxes and tables. These are darker than other elements. */
/* Intended for very large boxed elemetns that cover an entire page. */
--bg3wiki-tooltip-doc-bg: #2b2a28;
--bg3wiki-tooltip-bg: #1B1A19;
/* Intended for accents like headers or titles */
--bg3wiki-accent: #211e1c;
--bg3wiki-accent-bg: #211e1c;
--bg3wiki-accent-dark-bg: #232324;
--bg3wiki-accent-text: var(--fg);
/* Intended for labels in boxes */
--bg3wiki-label-bg: #2f2b28;
--bg3wiki-label-border: 2px solid #232323;
--bg3wiki-label-dark-bg: #171717;
--bg3wiki-label-dark-border: 1px solid #1f1d1c;
/* Intended for data elements in boxes, where its contents are displayed. */
--bg3wiki-data-bg: #232323;
--bg3wiki-data-border: 1px solid #4d4a46;
--bg3wiki-data-row-even-bg: #272727;
--bg3wiki-data-row-odd-bg: var(--bg-main);
--bg3wiki-data-dark-bg: #1f1e1e;
--bg3wiki-data-dark-border: 1px solid #242322;
/* Intended for detail elements in boxes */
--bg3wiki-detail-bg: #1b1b1b;
--bg3wiki-detail-dark-bg: #121212;
--bg3wiki-detail-dark-border: 2px solid #121212;
/* Relative location */
--bg3wiki-relative-location-bg: var(--bg3wiki-data-dark-bg);
--bg3wiki-relative-location-header-bg-dark: var(--bg3wiki-accent-dark-bg);
/* Old Navbox colours. Will be removed. */
--bg3wiki-navbox-bg: var(--bg-dark);
--bg3wiki-navbox-bg: var(--bg-dark);
--bg3wiki-navbox-header-bg: var(--bg3wiki-accent);
--bg3wiki-navbox-header-text: var(--bg3wiki-accent-text);
--bg3wiki-navbox-header-secondary-bg: #28201B;
--bg3wiki-gameplay-navbox-bg: #302d2d;
--bg3wiki-gameplay-navbox-header-bg: #241f1f;
/* css tooltip colours */
--aria-label-tooltip-bg: hsl(200deg 5% 10%);
--aria-label-tooltip-fg: hsl(0deg 0% 90%);
--aria-label-tooltip-border: none;
/* Documentation */
--bg3wiki-documentation-bg: var(--bg3wiki-tooltip-doc-bg);
--bg3wiki-documentation-border: var(--bg3wiki-tooltip-border);
--bg3wiki-documentation-header-bg: var(--bg-dark);
/* Tab bar */
--bg3wiki-tabbar-bg: var(--bg3wiki-data-dark-bg);
--bg3wiki-tabbar-active-color: var(--fgt);
--bg3wiki-tabbar-active-bg: var(--bg3wiki-accent-dark-bg);
/* License */
--bg3wiki-license-color: rgb(210,210,210);
/* Spoiler warning */
--bg3wiki-spoiler-warning-start: #443E20;
--bg3wiki-spoiler-warning-end: #232323;
--bg3wiki-spoiler-warning-strong-color: #ebb73f;
/* Widget:lower city map */
--bg3wiki-lower-city-map-bg: var(--bg-dark);
--bg3wiki-lower-city-map-inner-bg: var(--bg-main);
/* Toc */
--toc-subheader-border-color: var(--bg3wiki-tooltip-border);
/* Tables */
--bg3wiki-wikitable-bg: var(--bg3wiki-data-dark-bg);
--bg3wiki-wikitable-header-bg: var(--bg3wiki-label-dark-bg);
--bg3wiki-wikitable-border: var(--bg3wiki-data-border);
--bg3wiki-wikitable-muted-bg: var(--bg3-wiki-label-dark-bg);
--bg3wiki-wikitable-muted-border: var(--bg3wiki-data-border-bg);
/* Quotes */
--bg3wiki-blockquote-marks: #C1A878;
/* Hatnotes */
--bg3wiki-hatnote-bg: inherit;
--bg3wiki-hatnote-font-style: italic;
--bg3wiki-hatnote-font-size: inherit;
--bg3wiki-hatnote-padding: 0 1.6em 0.4em 1.6em;
--bg3wiki-hatnote-margin: 0 0 0.4em 0;
/* Resistance colours */
--bg3wiki-imagetext-text-resistant-color: #a9f5f0;
--bg3wiki-imagetext-text-immune-color: #e8e29e;
--bg3wiki-imagetext-text-vulnerable-color: #ff476c;
/* Character info colours. Outdated. Will removed with the template. */
--bg3wiki-characterinfo-bg: #1B1B1B;
--bg3wiki-characterinfo-color: #C1A886;
--bg3wiki-characterinfo-border: 1px solid #785000;
--bg3wiki-characterinfo-header-bg: #281C14;
--bg3wiki-characterinfo-header-color: #C1A886;
--bg3wiki-characterinfo-subheader-bg: #1B1B1B;
--bg3wiki-characterinfo-subheader-color: #C1A886;
/* Infobox colours */
--bg3wiki-box-header-bg: var(--bg3wiki-accent-dark-bg);
--bg3wiki-box-label-bg: var(--bg3wiki-label-dark-bg);
--bg3wiki-box-label-border: var(--bg3wiki-label-dark-border);
--bg3wiki-box-data-bg: var(--bg3wiki-data-dark-bg);
--bg3wiki-box-data-border: var(--bg3wiki-data-dark-border);
--bg3wiki-box-detail-bg: var(--bg3wiki-detail-dark-bg);
--bg3wiki-box-detail-border: var(--bg3wiki-detail-dark-border);
--bg3wiki-box-border: 1px solid #785000;
--bg3wiki-box-accent-dark-border: 1px solid #121212;
/* Navbox colours. */
--bg3wiki-navbox-data-bg: var(--bg3wiki-data-row-even-bg);
--bg3wiki-navbox-data-row-even-bg: var(--bg3wiki-data-row-even-bg);
--bg3wiki-navbox-data-row-odd-bg: var(--bg3wiki-data-row-odd-bg);
--bg3wiki-navbox-header-bg: var(--bg3wiki-accent-bg);
--bg3wiki-navbox-label-bg: var(--bg3wiki-label-bg);
--bg3wiki-navbox-label-border: var(--bg3wiki-label-border);
--bg3wiki-navbox-sublabel-bg: #3b3632;
/* Ambox. */
--bg3wiki-ambox-bg: var(--bg3wiki-data-dark-bg);
/* References need to be recolored on dark theme */
body.theme-dark-grey .references li:target {
background-color: var(--bg-darker);
/*** Light theme-related styling ***/
body.theme-light .mw-echo-ui-notificationBadgeButtonPopupWidget-popup > .oo-ui-popupWidget-popup > .oo-ui-popupWidget-head {
border-bottom-color: var(--light-body-border);
body.theme-light .oo-ui-popupWidget-popup {
background-color: var(--light-body-light);
border-color: var(--light-body-border);
body.theme-light oo-ui-widget oo-ui-widget-enabled mw-echo-ui-placeholderItemWidget oo-ui-labelElement,
body.theme-light .mw-echo-ui-placeholderItemWidget {
background-color: var(--light-body-mid);
body.theme-light .oo-ui-buttonElement-framed.oo-ui-widget-enabled > .oo-ui-buttonElement-button {
background-color: var(--light-body-mid);
/*** Light theme-related colors ***/
body.theme-light {
/* Box and text colours - Default */
--bg3wiki-box-dark-default: #bab3b6;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-default: #c3c1c2;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-default: #c9c7c8;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-default: #d5d5db;
--bg3wiki-box-border-default: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-default: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-physical-fg: #58586F;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-physical-fg-bright: #878787;
/* Box and text colours - Red */
--bg3wiki-box-dark-red: #d4a9b0;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-red: #d4babe;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-red: #d6c5c8;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-red: #dbd5d6;
--bg3wiki-box-border-red: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-red: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-force-fg: #A52C42;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-force-fg-bright: #FF385D;
/* Box and text colours - Orange*/
--bg3wiki-box-dark-orange: #c9b199;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-orange: #cfc0b2;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-orange: #d1c6bc;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-orange: #dbd6d3;
--bg3wiki-box-border-orange: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-orange: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-fire-fg: #8B4713;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-fire-fg-bright: #E05E00;
/* Box and text colours - Yellow */
--bg3wiki-box-dark-yellow: #c2b793;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-yellow: #c9c1a9;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-yellow: #cfc9b6;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-yellow: #d9d7d0;
--bg3wiki-box-border-yellow: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-yellow: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-radiant-fg: #6A5820;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-radiant-fg-bright: #AD8200;
/* Box and text colours - Yellow-green */
--bg3wiki-box-dark-yellow-green: #baba8d;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-yellow-green: #c4c4a1;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-yellow-green: #c9c9ad;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-yellow-green: #d6d6ce;
--bg3wiki-box-border-yellow-green: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-yellow-green: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-acid-fg: #5D5D1D;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-acid-fg-bright: #8A8A00;
/* Box and text colours - Green */
--bg3wiki-box-dark-green: #aeba86;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-green: #bfc7a3;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-green: #c5ccaf;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-green: #d7d9d0;
--bg3wiki-box-border-green: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-green: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-poison-fg: #4D6114;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-poison-fg-bright: #6F9400;
/* Box and text colours - Cyan-green*/
--bg3wiki-box-dark-cyan-green: #9dbf8c;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-cyan-green: #b1c9a5;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-cyan-green: #bbcfb2;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-cyan-green: #d3d9d0;
--bg3wiki-box-border-cyan-green: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-cyan-green: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-necrotic-fg: #2C6615;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-necrotic-fg-bright: #339900;
/* Box and text colours - Cyan */
--bg3wiki-box-dark-cyan: #8ebfbb;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-cyan: #a5c9c6;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-cyan: #b2cfcc;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-cyan: #d0d9d8;
--bg3wiki-box-border-cyan: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-cyan: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-healing-fg: #1A6560;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-healing-fg-bright: #00998C;
/* Box and text colours - Blue*/
--bg3wiki-box-dark-blue: #9bb9c7;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-blue: #afc3cc;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-blue: #bccbd1;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-blue: #d0d7d9;
--bg3wiki-box-border-blue: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-blue: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-cold-fg: #0E627C;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-cold-fg-bright: #0091C2;
/* Box and text colours - Indigo */
--bg3wiki-box-dark-indigo: #a7b7d1;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-indigo: #b8c2d6;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-indigo: #c1c8d6;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-indigo: #d1d7e3;
--bg3wiki-box-border-indigo: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-indigo: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-lightning-fg: #1A52C1;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-lightning-fg-bright: #4281FF;
/* Box and text colours - Violet */
--bg3wiki-box-dark-violet: #c4aed4;
--bg3wiki-preqreq-color: black;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-violet: #cbbcd6;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-violet: #cfc5d6;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-violet: #dbd5e0;
--bg3wiki-box-border-violet: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-violet: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-thunder-fg: #8127C2;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-thunder-fg-bright: #B957FF;
/* Box and text colours - Magenta*/
--bg3wiki-box-dark-magenta: #d4a7ca;
--bg3wiki-box-mid-magenta: #d6b8cf;
--bg3wiki-box-bright-magenta: #d6c1d1;
--bg3wiki-box-bg-magenta: #ded3dc;
--bg3wiki-box-border-magenta: 1px solid #a85050;
--bg3wiki-box-border-faded-magenta: 1px solid #BA8E91;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-psychic-fg: #82457A;
--bg3wiki-damage-colour-psychic-fg-bright: #C766B2;
/* Temporary fix for ui link color issues */
--bg3wiki-ui-menu-item-a: black;
--mw-code-background-color: #ddd4bb;
/* We want itemicon border opacity to be 1.0. */
--bg3wiki-itemicon-border-opacity: 100%;
/* Navbox colours */
--bg3wiki-navbox-header-bg: var(--light-body-dark);
--bg3wiki-navbox-header-secondary-bg: var(--light-body-mid);
--bg3wiki-gameplay-navbox-header-bg: var(--light-body-dark);
--bg3wiki-navbox-bg: var(--light-body-light);
--bg3wiki-gameplay-navbox-bg: var(--light-body-light);
--bg3wiki-navbox-header-text: default;
/* Define different colors for relative location theme */
--bg3wiki-relative-location-bg: var(--light-body-light);
--bg3wiki-relative-location-header-bg-dark: var(--light-body-dark);
--aria-label-tooltip-bg: hsl(0deg 0% 90%);
--aria-label-tooltip-fg: hsl(200deg 5% 10%);
--aria-label-tooltip-border: 1px solid hsl(200deg 5% 10%);
/* Override tooltip colour */
--bg3wiki-tooltip-bg: var(--light-body-light);
/* Documentation */
--bg3wiki-documentation-bg: #eaf3ff;
--bg3wiki-documentation-border: #a3caff;
--bg3wiki-documentation-header-bg: #c2dcff;
/* Tab bar */
--bg3wiki-tabbar-bg: var(--light-body-light);
--bg3wiki-tabbar-active-color: var(--light-background-link-color);
--bg3wiki-tabbar-active-bg: var(--light-body-background-color);
/* License box */
--bg3wiki-license-color: black;
/* Spoiler box */
--bg3wiki-spoiler-warning-start: var(--light-body-dark);
--bg3wiki-spoiler-warning-end: var(--light-body-light);
--bg3wiki-spoiler-warning-strong-color: black;
/* Widget:lower city map */
--bg3wiki-lower-city-map-bg: var(--light-body-light);
--bg3wiki-lower-city-map-inner-bg: var(--light-body-main);
/* Toc */
--toc-subheader-border-color: var(--light-body-border);
/* Tables */
--bg3wiki-wikitable-bg: var(--light-body-light);
--bg3wiki-wikitable-header-bg: var(--light-body-dark);
--bg3wiki-wikitable-border: 1px solid var(--light-body-border);
--bg3wiki-wikitable-muted-bg: var(--light-body-mid);
--bg3wiki-wikitable-muted-border: var(--light-body-border);
/* Quotes */
--bg3wiki-blockquote-marks: #4a2e1d;
/* Hatnotes */
--bg3wiki-hatnote-bg: inherit;
--bg3wiki-hatnote-font-style: italic;
--bg3wiki-hatnote-font-size: inherit;
--bg3wiki-hatnote-padding: 0 1.6em 0.4em 1.6em;
--bg3wiki-hatnote-margin: 0 0 0.4em 0;
/* Resistance colours */
--bg3wiki-imagetext-text-resistant-color: #0d5752;
--bg3wiki-imagetext-text-immune-color: #424028;
--bg3wiki-imagetext-text-vulnerable-color: #591523;
/* Infobox colours old */
--bg3wiki-characterinfo-bg: var(--light-body-light);
--bg3wiki-characterinfo-color: black;
--bg3wiki-characterinfo-border: 0;
--bg3wiki-characterinfo-header-bg: var(--light-body-dark);
--bg3wiki-characterinfo-header-color: black;
--bg3wiki-characterinfo-subheader-bg: var(--light-body-mid);
--bg3wiki-characterinfo-subheader-color: black;
/* Infobox colours */
--bg3wiki-box-header-bg: var(--light-body-dark);
--bg3wiki-box-label-bg: var(--light-body-mid);
--bg3wiki-box-label-border: none;
--bg3wiki-box-data-bg: var(--light-body-light);
--bg3wiki-box-detail-bg: var(--light-body-light);
--bg3wiki-box-detail-border: none;
--bg3wiki-box-border: var(--light-body-border);
--bg3wiki-box-accent-dark-border: none;
/* Navbox colours. */
--bg3wiki-navbox-data-bg: var(--light-body-light);
--bg3wiki-navbox-data-row-even-bg: var(--light-body-light);
--bg3wiki-navbox-data-row-odd-bg: var(--light-body-light);
--bg3wiki-navbox-header-bg: var(--light-body-dark);
--bg3wiki-navbox-label-bg: var(--light-body-mid);
--bg3wiki-navbox-label-border: var(--light-body-light);
--bg3wiki-navbox-sublabel-bg: var(--light-body-mid);
/* Ambox. */
--bg3wiki-ambox-bg: var(--light-body-mid);
/* Item icons */
body.theme-light .bg3wiki-itemicon {
background-color: var(--light-body-light);
/* Info blob */
body.theme-light .bg3wiki-info-blob {
background-color: var(--light-body-mid);
/* UID/UUID widget */
body.theme-light .bg3wiki-uid > tt {
background-color: var(--light-body-mid);
/* Coordinates: Light skin needs the background not to be transparent */
body.theme-light .bg3wiki-coordinates {
background: #343232;
/* Helper classes to add a drop shadow to white icons only on light theme */
body.theme-light .bg3wiki-lightmode-drop-shadow,
body.theme-light .bg3wiki-lightmode-drop-shadow > img {
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 2px black);
body.theme-light .gallery.bg3wiki-gallery-drop-shadow img {
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 2px black);
CSS tooltip implementation. Usage in markup:
<some-element aria-label="tooltip text here">
normal text
.mw-body [aria-label]:hover,
.mw-body [aria-label]:focus {
position: relative
.mw-body [aria-label]:hover::after,
.mw-body [aria-label]:focus::after {
position: absolute;
white-space: pre;
line-height: 1;
padding: 0.3rem;
content: attr(aria-label);
background-color: var(--aria-label-tooltip-bg);
color: var(--aria-label-tooltip-fg);
border: var(--aria-label-tooltip-border);
text-decoration: unset;
/* See optional override below. */
bottom: 100%;
left: 0;
/* Changes the tooltip position. */
.mw-body [aria-label].aria-label-top-rig:hover::after,
.mw-body [aria-label].aria-label-top-rig:focus::after {
bottom: 100%;
left: unset;
right: 0;
/* Optional class for indicating tooltip presence via underline. */
.bg3wiki-help-tooltip[aria-label] {
cursor: help;
text-decoration-line: underline;
text-decoration-style: dotted;
text-decoration-thickness: 1px;
text-underline-offset: calc(1ex / 2);