A ledger with details on the current employees of the Circus of the Last Days.

This book is redolent with the enticing smell of paper and ink.
- Rarity: Common
- Weight: 0.5 kg / 1 lb
- Price: 14 gp
Where to find
In a chest in Lucretious' tent in the Circus of the Last Days
[A ledger containing all past and current circus employees. It's written in a dark brown ink that looks suspiciously like blood.]
Akabi: Tried to trap and rob us in a demiplane. Bound him in a chamber pot until he freed us - lasted less than an hour. 110 years.
Zethino: Appeared in my tent in the dead of night asking for a job. Agreed on the condition she let me sleep. She obliged.
Zara the Mummy: Showed up one day selling face-paints. Said nothing. Asked nothing.
Popper: Caught him pickpocketing. The little minx tried to sell me what he'd just nicked. Hired him on the spot.
Fred/Paramidious (I forget which is which): 'Borrowed' from a hag. Excellent cleaners. 25 years.
Boney/Stoney: Elemental Plane of Earth. Rescued them from an angry mob. Something about 'wonky lines'. No time debt - just a portion of their commissions.