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Varrl is encountered in the midst of being reprimanded by his combat instructor, Sa'varsh Kethk. Kethk is disgusted by the youth's countenance, soft for a githyanki warrior, and seeks a challenger to fight the boy in order to teach him a lesson. If uninterrupted, the party steps up to fight, or if an ensuing ability check fails, Varrl will be killed.
Alternatively, if passing a Persuasion check, Varrl will be spared and can be talked to afterwards. Varrl will confess that he has doubts about the teachings of Vlaakith and, if two subsequent ability checks are passed, reveals he has been reading the story of Orpheus and hands over Orpheus, Prince of the Comet, Part Two: Sacrifice. If you offer to let him read your copy of part one, found in the Arcane Tower in the Underdark, only one check is required and you can keep both books. The party can subsequently betray Varrl's confidence by revealing his heretical education to Kethk. This results in Varrl's death.
DC 21Vaarl can also be talked to if he is knocked out, then subsequently healed. He does not recover on his own, not even after a long rest.
If spoken to, Varrl may reveal that he placed Orpheus' mark somewhere in the creche, hoping to find another interested in Orpheus' story. The mark can be found on Vlaakith's portrait, a black line drawing of a streaking comet.
More information can be found in the infirmary. Ghustil Stornugoss has healed Varrl 47 times, considers him a waste of resources, and asks Sa'varrsh Kethk to "do something about him", which may have prompted the confrontation you first witness.
Companion approval
- Persuading Kethk to stop the "lesson" +1 +1 +1 +1
- Sharing the first volume of Orpheus with Varrl -1