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Sa'varsh Kethk is a Githyanki NPC in Baldur's Gate 3. He can be found at the Classroom in Crèche Y'llek at X: 1358 Y: -774.
Kethk is a brutal taskmaster, not above killing his own students if it means hardening the survivors. He will do exactly this to Youth Varrl, unless interrupted by the party, who can step in to save the youth's life or kill the child themselves.
He firmly believes in survival of the fittest, and will espouse his beliefs on child rearing and other tenets of traditional githyanki philosophy when further engaged in conversation.
He and his students will become hostile if the party progresses far enough in Discover the Artefact's Secrets.
Attacks and abilities
Kethk can spend up to three Superiority Die on Battle Manoeuvers: