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{{ up to date | 2023-09-04 }} <!-- Date format is YEAR-MONTH-DAY, like 2023-08-07. -->
| description = Monk is a character class in Baldur's Gate 3.
| image = Class Monk Badge Icon.png
{{ClassQuote|quote=Channel your cosmic enlightenment by deftly dodging and efficiently disassembling your foes through stunning strikes and a whirlwind of martial art attacks.|image=Class Monk Badge Icon.png}}
'''Monk''' is a character [[Class]] in [[Baldur's Gate 3]]. Monks are unarmed combatants capable of spending Ki Points to perform special abilities. Monk's key ability scores are [[Wisdom]], [[Dexterity]], and [[Constitution]].
The Monk Subclasses are: {{IconLink|Class Monk Four Elements Hotbar Icon.png|Way of the Four Elements}}, {{IconLink|Class Monk Open Hand Hotbar Icon.png|Way of the Open Hand}}, {{IconLink|Class Monk Shadow Hotbar Icon.png|Way of Shadow}} __NOTOC__
{| class="wikitable nomobile" style="width: 100%;"
! colspan="6" | The Monk Class Progression
| style="width: 4%;" | Level
| style="width: 8%;" | [[Proficiency Bonus]]
| style="width: 4%;" |  Martial Arts
| style="width: 4%;" |  {{R|ki|forceplural=yes}}
| style="width: 11%;" |  Unarmoured Movement
| Features
| [[#Level 1|1st]]
| +2
| 1d4
| 2
| -
| {{SAI|Unarmoured Defence (Monk)|Unarmoured Defence}}, {{SAI|Martial Arts: Dextrous Attacks}}, {{SAI|Martial Arts: Deft Strikes}}, {{SAI|Martial Arts: Bonus Unarmed Strike}}, {{SAI|Flurry of Blows}}
| [[#Level 2|2nd]]
| +2
| 1d4
| 3
| + 3 m / 10 ft.
|  {{SAI|Unarmoured Movement|size=25}},
{{SAI|Patient Defence}},{{SAI|Step of the Wind: Dash}}, {{SAI|Step of the Wind: Disengage}}
| [[#Level 3|3rd]]
| +2
| 1d6
| 4
| + 3 m / 10 ft.
| {{Icon|Class Monk Badge Icon.png|24|link=#Level 3}} [[#Level 3|Choose a subclass]], {{SAI|Deflect Missiles}}
| [[#Level 4|4th]]
| +2
| 1d6
| 5
| + 3 m / 10 ft.
| {{SAI|Feats|Feat}}, {{SAI|Slow Fall|size=25}}
| [[#Level 5|5th]]
| +3
| 1d6
| 6
| + 3 m / 10 ft.
| {{SAI|Extra Attack}}, {{SAI|Stunning Strike (Melee)}}, {{SAI|Stunning Strike (Unarmed)}}
| [[#Level 6|6th]]
| +3
| 1d6
| 7
| + 4.5 m / 15 ft.
| {{SAI|Ki-Empowered Strikes}}, {{Icon|Class Monk Badge Icon.png|24|link=#Level 6}} [[#Level 6|Subclass feature]], {{SAI|Improved Unarmoured Movement}}
| [[#Level 7|7th]]
| +3
| 1d6
| 8
| + 4.5 m / 15 ft.
| {{SAI|Evasion}}, {{SAI|Stillness of Mind}}
| [[#Level 8|8th]]
| +3
| 1d6
| 9
| + 4.5 m / 15 ft.
| {{SAI|Feats|Feat}}
| [[#Level 9|9th]]
| +4
| 1d8
| 10
| + 4.5 m / 15 ft.
| {{SAI|Advanced Unarmoured Movement}}, {{Icon|Class Monk Badge Icon.png|24|link=#Level 9}} [[#Level 9|Subclass feature]]
| [[#Level 10|10th]]
| +4
| 1d8
| 11
| + 6 m / 20 ft.
| {{SAI|Purity of Body}}, {{SAI|Improved Unarmoured Movement}}
| [[#Level 11|11th]]
| +4
| 1d8
| 12
| + 6 m / 20 ft.
| {{Icon|Class Monk Badge Icon.png|24|link=#Level 11}} [[#Level 11|Subclass feature]]
| [[#Level 12|12th]]
| +4
| 1d8
| 13
| + 6 m / 20 ft.
| {{SAI|Feats|Feat}}
== Class Information ==
[[File:Default Monk Armor.png|240px|right|Monk's default armour]]
* '''Level 1 Maximum Hit Points:''' {{InfoBlob|8 + {{Ability|Constitution}} Modifier}}
** '''Hit points at higher levels:''' {{InfoBlob|5 + {{Ability|Constitution}} Modifier}}
* '''Key Ability Scores:'''
** {{Ability|Wisdom}} for improved Ki [[Difficulty Class|DC]] and [[Armour Class]].
** {{Ability|Constitution}} for more Hit Points.
** {{Ability|Dexterity}} for attack rolls and damage rolls of unarmed strikes and monk weapons, higher [[Initiative]] and [[Armour Class]].
* '''Saving Throw Proficiencies:''' {{Ability|Strength}}, {{Ability|Dexterity}}
* '''Equipment Proficiencies:'''
** {{SimpleWeaponsProf}}, {{WeaponType|Shortswords}}
* '''Monk Weapon:''' Monk weapons are those with which the Monk has [[Proficiency]], and which do not have the [[Weapons|two-handed]] or [[Heavy (weapon property)|heavy]] properties. Monks can use dexterity for those weapons, even if they do not have the finesse property.
* '''Skills with Proficiency''' ''(Choose 2):''
** [[History]], [[Insight]], [[Religion]], [[Acrobatics]], [[Stealth]], [[Athletics]]
*** You receive a bonus to every [[Character Creation#Skills|skill]] that you are [[Proficiency|proficient]] in. At [[#Level 1|Level 1]] the [[Proficiency Bonus]] is +2.
* '''Spellcasting Ability:''' {{Ability|Wisdom}}
* {{Recharge|Short Rest}}
* Monks do not cast spells using spell slots. Instead, they use a resource specific to Monk called {{R|ki}}s.
** Monks can use {{SmallIcon|Monk_Ki_Icon.png}}Ki while [[Silenced]] due to {{SmallIcon|Monk_Ki_Icon.png}}Ki not requiring a verbal component.
==Level Progression==
Through experience, you acquire new power. You gain the following traits.
===Level 1===
* '''{{R|ki|forceplural=yes}}: 2'''
* '''{{SAI|Flurry of Blows}}:''' Using a {{action|bonus}} and a {{R|ki}}, punch twice in quick succession. Equivalent to two normal unarmed attacks.
* '''{{SAI|Unarmoured Defence (Monk)|Unarmoured Defence}}:''' Your reflexes are as effective as any armour. While not wearing armour, you add your [[Wisdom]] Modifier to your {{Armour Class}}.
* '''{{SAI|Martial Arts: Dextrous Attacks}}:''' Attacks with Monk Weapons and unarmed attacks scale with your [[Dexterity]] instead of your Strength if your Dexterity is higher.
* '''{{SAI|Martial Arts: Deft Strikes}}:''' Attacks with Monk Weapons and unarmed attacks deal {{DamageText|1d4|Bludgeoning}} damage, unless their normal damage is higher.
* '''{{SAI|Martial Arts: Bonus Unarmed Strike}}: ''' After making an attack with a Monk Weapon or while unarmed, you can make another unarmed attack as a {{Action|Bonus}}.
===Level 2===
* '''{{R|ki|forceplural=yes}}: 3''' ''(You gain an additional Ki Point to fuel your monk techniques.)''
* '''{{SAI|Patient Defence}}:''' When activated with a {{action|bonus}} and a {{R|ki}}, [[Attack Roll]]s against you have {{Disadvantage}}, and you have {{Advantage}} on {{SavingThrow|Dex}}.
* '''{{SAI|Step of the Wind: Dash}}:''' Use a {{action|bonus}} and a {{R|ki}} to double your [[Movement Speed]]. Jump no longer requires a bonus action.
* '''{{SAI|Step of the Wind: Disengage}}:''' Use a {{action|bonus}} and a {{R|ki}} to disengage. Jump no longer requires a bonus action.
* '''{{SAI|Unarmoured Movement}}:''' Your [[Movement Speed]] increases by {{Distance|m=3|ft=10}} while you are not wearing armour or using a shield.
===Level 3===
* '''{{R|ki|forceplural=yes}}: 4''' ''(You gain an additional Ki Point to fuel your monk techniques.)''
* '''Martial Arts: Deft Strikes:''' Damage from attacks with Unarmed/Monk Weapons deal {{DamageText|1d6|Bludgeoning}} (previously 1d4) unless their normal damage is higher.
* '''{{SAI|Deflect Missiles}}:''' Use your reaction to reduce the damage from a ranged weapon attack by 1d10 + your [[Dexterity]] Modifier + your monk level. If the damage is reduced to 0, you can use a Ki Point to return the missile back to the sender.
====Select a Subclass====
{| class="wikitable" style="min-width: 420px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! style="width: 250px; text-align: center;" |{{ImageLink|Class Monk Four Elements Badge Icon.png|Way of the Four Elements|w=150|h=150}}
! style="width: 250px; text-align: center;" |{{ImageLink|Class Monk Open Hand Badge Icon.png|Way of the Open Hand|w=150|h=150}}
! style="width: 250px; text-align: center;" |{{ImageLink|Class Monk Shadow Badge Icon.png|Way of Shadow|w=150|h=150}}
*{{SAI|Harmony of Fire and Water}}
*Select 3 subclass spells from:
**{{SAI|Blade of Rime}}
**{{SAI|Chill of the Mountain}} <!--i know, but its literally the same icon-->
**{{SAI|Fangs of the Fire Snake}}
**{{SAI|Fist of Four Thunders}}
**{{SAI|Fist of Unbroken Air}}
**{{SAI|Rush of the Gale Spirits}}
**{{SAI|Shaping of the Ice}}
**{{SAI|Sphere of Elemental Balance}}
**{{SAI|Sweeping Cinder Strike}}
**{{SAI|Touch of the Storm}}
**{{SAI|Water Whip}}
* {{SAI|Flurry of Blows: Topple}}
* {{SAI|Flurry of Blows: Stagger}}
* {{SAI|Flurry of Blows: Push}}
* {{SAI|Shadow Arts: Hide}}
* {{SAI|Shadow Arts: Pass Without Trace}} {{Icon|Concentration Icon.png|16px}}
* {{SAI|Shadow Arts: Darkness}} {{Icon|Concentration Icon.png|16px}}
* {{SAI|Shadow Arts: Darkvision}}
* {{SAI|Shadow Arts: Silence}} {{Icon|Concentration Icon.png|16px}}
* {{SAI|Minor Illusion}} {{Icon|Concentration Icon.png|16px}}
===Level 4===
* '''{{R|ki|forceplural=yes}}: 5''' ''(You gain an additional Ki Point to fuel your monk techniques.)''
* '''{{SAI|Slow Fall}}:''' When you fall, you can use your reaction to gain [[Resistance]] to Falling damage.
* Choose a '''[[Feat]]'''.
===Level 5 ===
* '''Proficiency Bonus: +3''' ''(You gain +1 to your Proficiency Bonus.)''
* '''{{R|ki|forceplural=yes}}: 6''' ''(You gain an additional Ki Point to fuel your monk techniques.)''
* '''{{SAI|Extra Attack}}:''' You can make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack
* '''{{SAI|Stunning Strike (Melee)}}:''' Spend a {{R|ki}} to deal your Weapon Damage and possibly {{SAI|Stunned (Condition)|Stun}} the target.
* '''{{SAI|Stunning Strike (Unarmed)}}:''' Spend a {{R|ki}} to deal your Unarmed Attack Damage and possibly {{SAI|Stunned (Condition)|Stun}} the target.
=====Subclass Features: =====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: top; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! style="width: 250px;" |{{IconLink|Class Monk Four Elements Hotbar Icon.png|Way of the Four Elements}}
! style="width: 250px;" |{{IconLink|Class Monk Open Hand Hotbar Icon.png|Way of the Open Hand}}
! style="width: 250px;" |{{IconLink|Class Monk Shadow Hotbar Icon.png|Way of Shadow}}
* {{SAI|Cloak of Shadows}}
===Level 6===
* '''{{R|ki|forceplural=yes}}: 7''' ''(You gain an additional Ki Point to fuel your monk techniques.)''
* '''Improved Unarmoured Movement:''' Your [[Movement Speed|movement speed]] increases by 4.5 m / 15 ft (previously 3 m / 10 ft) while you are not wearing armour or using a shield.
* '''{{SAI|Ki-Empowered Strikes}}:''' Your unarmed attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming enemies' Resistances and Immunity to non-magical damage.
=====Subclass Features: =====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: top; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! style="width: 250px;" |{{IconLink|Class Monk Four Elements Hotbar Icon.png|Way of the Four Elements}}
! style="width: 250px;" |{{IconLink|Class Monk Open Hand Hotbar Icon.png|Way of the Open Hand}}
! style="width: 250px;" |{{IconLink|Class Monk Shadow Hotbar Icon.png|Way of Shadow}}
* Select 1 spell from the Monk spell list.
* '''New Spells:'''
**{{SAI|Clench of the North Wind}} {{Icon|Concentration Icon.png|12px}}
**{{SAI|Embrace of the Inferno}}
**{{SAI|Gong of the Summit}}
*{{SAI|Manifestation of Body}}
*{{SAI|Manifestation of Mind}}
*{{SAI|Manifestation of Soul}}
*{{SAI|Wholeness of Body}}
*{{SAI|Shadow Step}}
===Level 7===
* '''{{R|ki|forceplural=yes}}: 8''' ''(You gain an additional Ki Point to fuel your monk techniques.)''
* '''{{SAI|Evasion}}:''' Your agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain spells. When a spell or effect would deal half damage on a successful [[Dexterity]] [[Saving Throw]], it deals no damage if you succeed, and only half damage if you fail.
* '''{{SAI|Stillness of Mind}}:''' If you are {{SAI|Charmed (Condition)|Charmed}} or {{SAI|Frightened (Condition)|Frightened}}, you automatically cast '''Stillness of Mind''' to remove the condition.
===Level 8===
* '''{{R|ki|forceplural=yes}}: 9''' ''(You gain an additional Ki Point to fuel your monk techniques.)''
* Choose a '''[[Feat]]'''.
===Level 9===
* '''Proficiency Bonus: +4''' ''(You gain +1 to your Proficiency Bonus.)''
* '''{{R|ki|forceplural=yes}}: 10''' ''(You gain an additional Ki Point to fuel your monk techniques.)''
* '''Martial Arts: Deft Strikes:''' Damage from attacks with Unarmed/Monk Weapons deal {{DamageText|1d8|Bludgeoning}} (previously 1d6) unless their normal damage is higher.
* '''{{SAI|Advanced Unarmoured Movement}}:''' [[Difficult Terrain]] doesn't slow you down and you can {{SAI|Jump (Bonus Action)|Jump}} an additional 6 m / 20 ft while you are not wearing armour or using a shield.
=====Subclass Features: =====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: top; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! style="width: 250px;" |{{IconLink|Class Monk Four Elements Hotbar Icon.png|Way of the Four Elements}}
! style="width: 250px;" |{{IconLink|Class Monk Open Hand Hotbar Icon.png|Way of the Open Hand}}
! style="width: 250px;" |{{IconLink|Class Monk Shadow Hotbar Icon.png|Way of Shadow}}
* {{SAI|Improved Elemental Casting}}
* Select 1 subclass spell from the Monk spell list
* {{SAI|Ki Resonation: Punch (Action)|Ki Resonation}}
* {{SAI|Ki Resonation: Punch (Bonus Action)}}
* {{SAI|Ki Resonation: Blast}}
===Level 10 ===
* '''{{R|ki|forceplural=yes}}: 11''' ''(You gain an additional Ki Point to fuel your monk techniques.)''
* '''Improved Unarmoured Movement:''' Your [[Movement Speed|movement speed]] increases by 6 m / 20 ft (previously 4.5 m / 15 ft) while you are not wearing armour or using a shield.
* '''{{SAI|Purity of Body}}:''' You are [[Damage Types|Immune]] to {{DamageType|Poison}} damage and can't be {{SAI|Poisoned (Condition)|Poisoned}} or affected by disease thanks to the purifying ki flowing through your meridians.
===Level 11===
* '''{{R|ki|forceplural=yes}}: 12''' ''(You gain an additional Ki Point to fuel your monk techniques.)''
=====Subclass Features: =====
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align: top; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; border: none;"
! style="width: 250px;" |{{IconLink|Class Monk Four Elements Hotbar Icon.png|Way of the Four Elements}}
! style="width: 250px;" |{{IconLink|Class Monk Open Hand Hotbar Icon.png|Way of the Open Hand}}
! style="width: 250px;" |{{IconLink|Class Monk Shadow Hotbar Icon.png|Way of Shadow}}
* Select 1 subclass spell from the Monk spell list
* '''New Spells:'''
** {{SAI|Flames of the Phoenix}}
** {{SAI|Mist Stance}} {{Icon|Concentration Icon.png|12px}}
** {{SAI|Ride the Wind}} {{Icon|Concentration Icon.png|12px}}
* {{SAI|Tranquility}}
* {{SAI|Shadow Strike}}
* {{SAI|Shadow Strike: Unarmed}}
===Level 12===
* '''{{R|ki|forceplural=yes}}: 13''' ''(You gain an additional Ki Point to fuel your monk techniques.)''
* Choose a '''[[Feat]]'''.
== External Links ==
* {{FRWiki|Monk|long}}

Revision as of 21:00, 14 October 2023
