Gale ApprovesGale approves of doing good and helping those in need. He approves of solving conflicts with diplomacy and appreciates thoughtful or pragmatic solutions.
He dislikes harming innocents or destroying or wasting valuable knowledge or lore.
The actions and choices listed on this page will raise or lower Gale's Approval.
For more information about the approval system, see Approval.
Promise Zevlor you will talk to Kagha about stopping the ritual (+1)
Agree to help Zevlor (in his cave) to try to convince to Kagha to stop the ritual. (only if you previously decline to help / skip talking to Zevlor / knockout by Aradin) (+1)
Question why the Gods don't directly intervene when Elminster comes to your camp
Tell Arabella her parents would be proud (+1)
After staking Astarion, say bringing him was a mistake. (+1)
When you find Gale conjuring an image of Mystra, use Insight on him to say "there's more to it than that". (Note: the Cleric or Paladin-specific option will not give approval.) +1
When Gale says that Mystra "is all creation"...
(Wizard-only) Tell him you agree and that "there's no greater deity". +5
(Cleric of Mystra only) Tell him "no other god comes close to her divinity". +5
When Gale offers to help you experience the Weave, tell him you'd like to. (The Cleric-specific options about normally doing so via prayer will also give approval.) +5
When experiencing the Weave with Gale, and given a choice of what to imagine:
Tell the party that Astarion will remain in the party because you trust him when it is revealed to them he is a vampire, or tell the party that if they don't like [having a vampire in the party], that they can leave. (-1)
When Elminster visits camp, joke about how you'll be rid of the Absolute and Gale when he uses the orb.
Ask Mizora if she will leave if you turn on Karlach. (-1)
When Gale offers to help you experience the Weave, turn him down. -2
(Wizard, Warlock, Sorcerer or Bard) When Gale asks if the Weave feels the same way to you as it does to him, tell him you "practise magic, not melodrama". -1
When experiencing the Weave with Gale, and given a choice of what to imagine:
Picture kicking him in the gut -5
Picture his head on a spike. -10
When Gale says that Mystra "is all creation", tell him he's deluded. (Note: This dialogue option is unavailable to Sorcerers.) -2
When Gale is helping you experience the Weave and tells you to "picture the concept of harmony", tell him that it's too abstract for your tastes. -1
As the Dark Urge: Confess to murdering the bard. (-1)
If you do not give Gale enough magical artefacts and he tells the player they no longer need to give him any (because he's made a deal with Raphael), use the tadpole's powers to find out why. -5
Act Two
Act 2 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3.