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Revision as of 20:42, 28 January 2025

Example of an in-game tooltip this module aims to replicate.

This module renders damage information in a format designed to replicate the in-game view.


Parameter Meaning
damage n The damage string in the simple format

ExprTerm + Expr | Term
TermDice | Integer | "prof"
DiceInteger "d" Integer

For example, "2d8 + 1d6 + 4". The "prof" term is a special value for Proficiency bonus that is occasionally used.

damage n type The type of the damage which may be any of the damage types in the game or one of the special values: weapon (for damage type that is inherited from the weapon), Physical (for an unspecified physical damage type), or Healing (for healing which is displayed separately from damage).
damage n modifier The modifier added to the damage. It may be a specific ability score such as Strength or Charisma or it may be a special value such as melee, ranged, finesse, or spell.
damage n save The saving throw used to avoid or reduce this damage if applicable.
damage n save dc The DC of the saving throw for this damage instance.
damage n save effect The effect of a successful saving throw on this damage. Values can be negate or halve.
damage n per Specify if the damage is dealt repeatedly for example per turn or per distance moved.
damage n conditional Specify that this damage requires some special conditions to apply.
damage n delayed Specify that this damage is delayed rather than applying immediately.
damage n self Specify if this damage is dealt to the user rather than the target.
str Strength ability score used for evaluating modifiers
dex Dexterity ability score used for evaluating modifiers
con Constitution ability score used for evaluating modifiers
int Intelligence ability score used for evaluating modifiers
wis Wisdom ability score used for evaluating modifiers
cha Charisma ability score used for evaluating modifiers
casting ability The ability score used for casting. Determines how to evaluate the spell special modifier value.
weapon Specify the weapon used in order to evaluate generic "Normal weapon damage" values.
dice size Specify the size of the dice images. Setting it to 0 removes them entirely.
level Specify the level which is needed to evaluate "Proficiency bonus" damage modifiers.


Example Markup Renders as
Unspecified ability scores
{{#invoke: Damage display | main
| damage 1          = 1d6 + 2
| damage 1 type     = Piercing
| damage 1 modifier = finesse
| damage 2          = 1d6
| damage 2 type     = Fire
Damage: 4~14
Specified ability scores
{{#invoke: Damage display | main
| damage 1          = 1d6 + 2
| damage 1 type     = Piercing
| damage 1 modifier = finesse
| damage 2          = 1d6
| damage 2 type     = Fire
| damage 3          = 2d8
| damage 3 type     = Radiant

| str = 9
| dex = 17
Damage: 9~33
1d6 + 5Damage TypesPiercing
+ 1d6Damage TypesFire
+ 2d8Damage TypesRadiant
Specified casting ability
{{#invoke: Damage display | main
| damage 1          = 1d10
| damage 1 type     = Force
| damage 1 modifier = spell
| damage 2          = 1d10
| damage 2 type     = Force
| damage 2 modifier = spell
| damage 3          = 1d10
| damage 3 type     = Force
| damage 3 modifier = spell

| wis = 10
| int = 8
| cha = 17
| casting ability = cha
Damage: 12~39
1d10 + 3Damage TypesForce
+ 1d10 + 3Damage TypesForce
+ 1d10 + 3Damage TypesForce
Unspecified weapon
{{#invoke: Damage display | main
| damage 1          = weapon
| damage 2          = 1d6
| damage 2 type     = Necrotic
Damage: 1~6
Normal weapon damage
+ 1d6Damage TypesNecrotic
Specified weapon
{{#invoke: Damage display | main
| damage 1          = weapon
| damage 2          = 1d6
| damage 2 type     = Necrotic

| weapon = Spear +1 
Specified weapon and abilities
{{#invoke: Damage display | main
| damage 1          = weapon
| damage 2          = 1d6
| damage 2 type     = Necrotic

| weapon = Spear +1
| str = 17
| dex = 12
Damage: 6~16
1d6 + 4Damage TypesPiercing
+ 1d6Damage TypesNecrotic
Big dice
{{#invoke: Damage display | main
| damage 1          = 1d12
| damage 1 type     = Cold
| damage 2          = 1d10
| damage 2 type     = Lightning
| damage 3          = 2d8
| damage 3 type     = Psychic
| damage 4          = 1d4
| damage 4 type     = Force
| damage 5          = 2d6
| damage 5 type     = Bludgeoning

| dice size = 45
Damage: 7~54
1d12Damage TypesCold
+ 1d10Damage TypesLightning
+ 2d8Damage TypesPsychic
+ 1d4Damage TypesForce
No dice
{{#invoke: Damage display | main
| damage 1          = 1d12 + 2
| damage 1 type     = Slashing
| damage 2          = 1d6
| damage 2 type     = Poison

| dice size = 0
Damage: 4~20
1d12 + 2Damage TypesSlashing
+ 1d6Damage TypesPoison
Proficiency bonus
{{#invoke: Damage display | main
| damage 1          = 1d12 + 2
| damage 1 type     = Slashing
| damage 2          = prof
| damage 2 type     = Radiant

Lua error at line 223: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value.

Proficiency bonus w/ level
{{#invoke: Damage display | main
| damage 1          = 1d12 + 2
| damage 1 type     = Slashing
| damage 2          = prof
| damage 2 type     = Radiant

| level = 8

Lua error at line 223: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value.

Saving throw
{{#invoke: Damage display | main
| damage 1             = 8d6
| damage 1 type        = Fire
| damage 1 save        = dex
| damage 1 save dc     = 16
| damage 1 save effect = halve
Damage: 8~48
8d6Damage TypesFire
Miscellaneous properties
{{#invoke: Damage display | main
| damage 1             = 1d6
| damage 1 type        = Fire
| damage 1 per         = turn
| damage 2             = 2d4
| damage 2 type        = Acid
| damage 2 delayed     = yes
| damage 3             = 1d6
| damage 3 type        = Piercing
| damage 3 self        = yes
| damage 4             = 1d10
| damage 4 type        = Poison
| damage 4 conditional = yes
Damage: 5~30
1d6Damage TypesFire
+ 2d4Damage TypesAcid
+ 1d6Damage TypesPiercing
+ 1d10Damage TypesPoison
{{#invoke: Damage display | main
| damage 1             = 1d6
| damage 1 type        = Healing
| damage 1 modifier    = Wisdom

| wis = 19
Damage: 5~10
1d6 + 4Healing

local getArgs = require("Module:Arguments").getArgs
local p = {}

-- These variables will be populated by the parser function
local damage_dice = {}      -- List of damage dice images to render
local damage_instances = {} -- List of damage instances to render
local min_roll = 0          -- Value to show as the upper bound of damage
local max_roll = 0          -- Value to show as the upper bound of damage

-- Given a modifier type such as "melee" or "caster", evaluate the specific
-- value based on provided ability scores
local function evaluate_modifer(modifier_type, args)
	if not modifier_type then
		return nil
	local modifiers = {}
	local evaluated_modifier = nil

	for _, ability in ipairs({"str", "dex", "con", "wis", "int", "cha"}) do
		modifiers[ability] = args[ability] and math.floor((args[ability] - 10)/2) or nil

	-- Handle melee, ranged, and finesse special modifier values
	if modifier_type == "melee" and modifiers["str"] then
		evaluated_modifier = modifiers["str"]
	elseif modifier_type == "ranged" and modifiers["dex"] then
		evaluated_modifier = modifiers["dex"]
	elseif modifier_type == "finesse" and modifiers["dex"] and modifiers["str"] then
		if	modifiers["dex"] > modifiers["str"] then
			evaluated_modifier = modifiers["dex"]
			evaluated_modifier = modifiers["str"]

	-- Handle spell special modifier value
	if modifier_type == "spell" and args["casting ability"] then
		evaluated_modifier = modifiers[args["casting ability"]]

	-- Handle case where modifier is a specific ability score
	local modifier_abbr = string.sub(string.lower(modifier_type), 1, 3)
	if modifiers[modifier_abbr] then
		evaluated_modifier = modifiers[modifier_abbr]

	return evaluated_modifier

-- Render the scattered damage dice to replicate how it looks in-game
local function damage_dice_format(frame, damage_dice, width)
	local n_dice = #damage_dice
	-- Determine width of overall element which is dependent on number of dice
	local elem_width = width
	if n_dice >= 2 then
		elem_width = elem_width * 1.4
	-- Determine padding which is dependent on number of dice
	local left_padding = 0
	if n_dice >= 3 then
		left_padding = width * 0.4
	local top_padding = 0
	if n_dice >= 2 and n_dice < 4 then
		top_padding = width * 0.3
	elseif n_dice >= 4 then
		top_padding = width * 0.7
	local element = string.format([[<span style="
		display:      block;
		position:     relative;
		width:        %s;
		height:       %s;
		margin-left:  %s;
		margin-top:   %s;
		margin-right: 10px;
		elem_width .. "px",
		width .. "px",
		left_padding .. "px",
		top_padding .. "px"
	-- Translation and rotation to position each dice in a way that replicates
	-- the in-game damage preview
	local image_transform = {
		[1] = "translate(  0%,  0%)",
		[2] = "translate( 40%, -30%) rotate(20deg)",
		[3] = "translate(-35%, -25%) rotate(40deg)",
		[4] = "translate( 40%, -70%) rotate(25deg)",
		[5] = "translate(-40%, -68%) rotate(40deg)",
	for i, dice in ipairs(damage_dice) do
		if i > #image_transform then
		element = element .. string.format(
			"<span style=\"z-index: %d; position: absolute; transform: %s\">",
			n_dice - i,
		element = element .. string.format(
			"[[File:%s %s.png|link= |x%s]]</span>",
			width .. "px"
	return element .. "</span>"

-- Format the damage values
local function damage_format(frame, args)
	-- Text to insert in place of modifiers whose value could not be evaluated
	local unevaluated_modifiers = {
		melee        = "[[Strength#Strength_modifier_chart|Strength modifier]]",
		ranged       = "[[Dexterity#Dexterity_modifier_chart|Dexterity modifier]]",
		finesse      = "[[Finesse|Strength or Dexterity modifier]]",
		spell        = "[[Spells#Spellcasting_ability|Spellcasting modifier]]",
		strength     = "[[Strength#Strength_modifier_chart|Strength modifier]]",
		dexterity    = "[[Dexterity#Dexterity_modifier_chart|Dexterity modifier]]",
		constitution = "[[Constitution#Constitution_modifier_chart|Constitution modifier]]",
		wisdom       = "[[Wisdom#Wisdom_modifier_chart|Wisdom modifier]]",
		intelligence = "[[Intelligence#Intelligence_modifier_chart|Intelligence modifier]]",
		charisma     = "[[Charisma#Charisma_modifier_chart|Charisma modifier]]",
	-- Outermost div container for the entire element
	local result = "<div class=\"bg3wiki-info-blob\" style=\"font-family: unset\">"
	-- Damage range preview
	result = result .. "<b>Damage: " .. min_roll .. "~" .. max_roll .. "</b>"

	-- Flexbox that holds the dice images on the left and damage values on the right
	result = result .. [[<div style="
		display: flex;
		align-items: center;
		width: fit-content;

	-- Left div element containing the damage dice images
	local dice_size = tonumber(args["dice size"] or args["dice width"] or "30")
	if dice_size > 0 then
		result = result .. damage_dice_format(frame, damage_dice, dice_size)

	-- Right div element containing the damage instance list
	result = result .. "<div>"
	for i, damage in ipairs(damage_instances) do
		local value = damage["value"]
		if value == "weapon" then
			result = result .. "<div>Normal weapon damage</div>"
			if damage["modifier"] and damage["modifier"] ~= "" then
				-- Damage instance has an unevaluated modifier
				local modifier = string.lower(damage["modifier"])
				if unevaluated_modifiers[modifier] then
					value = value .. " + " .. unevaluated_modifiers[modifier]
					-- Copy the modifier field verbatim as a fallback
					value = value .. " + " .. damage["modifier"]
			result = result .. "<div>"
			if i > 1 then
				result = result .. " + "
			result = result .. frame:expandTemplate{
				title = "DamageColor",
				args = { damage["type"], value }
			} .. frame:expandTemplate{
				title = "DamageType",
				args = { damage["type"] }
			} .. "</div>"
	result = result .. "</div>" -- End right flexbox element
	result = result .. "</div>" -- End flexbox
	result = result .. "</div>" -- End outermost div

	return result

-- Parse a damage instance
-- Writes result to the global variables damage_instances, damage_dice, min_roll, and max_roll 
local function damage_parse(args, damage, damage_type, damage_modifier)
    local evaluated_modifier = evaluate_modifer(damage_modifier, args)
    if evaluated_modifier or not damage_modifier then
        damage_modifier = ""
    local evaluated_damage = ""
    local flat_bonus = 0

    -- Parse the damage string which (for now) assumes a very simple format of
    -- Expr = Term + Expr | Term
    -- Term = Dice | Integer
    -- Dice = Integer d Integer
    for term in string.gmatch(damage, "[^+%s]+") do
        if string.find(term, "d") then
            -- Dice term
            local count = string.sub(term, 0, string.find(term, "d") - 1)
            local dice	= string.sub(term, string.find(term, "d") + 1, -1)
            -- Track damage dice for when we render the dice image
            table.insert(damage_dice, {
                ["value"] = "d" .. dice,
                ["count"] = count,
                ["type"] = damage_type

            evaluated_damage = evaluated_damage .. " + " .. term

            -- Track the low/high values for the overall damage range preview
            min_roll = min_roll + count
            max_roll = max_roll + count*dice
            -- Constant term
            flat_bonus = flat_bonus + tonumber(term)

    -- If enough information is provided to assign a numerical value to the
    -- modifier, combine it with other flat bonuses
    if evaluated_modifier then
        flat_bonus = flat_bonus + evaluated_modifier

    min_roll = min_roll + flat_bonus
    max_roll = max_roll + flat_bonus
    -- Re-add the updated flat bonus to the damage string
    if flat_bonus > 0 then
        evaluated_damage = evaluated_damage .. " + " .. flat_bonus
    elseif flat_bonus < 0 then
        evaluated_damage = evaluated_damage .. " - " .. -flat_bonus

    -- Strip leading " + "
    evaluated_damage = string.sub(evaluated_damage, 4, -1)

    table.insert(damage_instances, {
        ["value"]	 = evaluated_damage,
        ["type"]	 = damage_type,
        ["modifier"] = damage_modifier

-- Parse the special "weapon" damage value which involves a cargo query into the
-- weapons table for the specific damage values
local function weapon_parse(args)
	local weapon_name = args["weapon"]
	if not weapon_name then
		table.insert(damage_instances, { ["value"] = "weapon" })

	-- Fields stored in the weapons table. These are liable to change.
	local fields = [[
	local query = mw.ext.cargo.query('weapons', fields, {
		where = "name=\"" .. weapon_name .. "\""
	if #query > 0 then
		weapon = query[1]
		for i, damage_field in ipairs({"damage", "extra_damage", "extra_damage_2"}) do
			-- TODO: Weapons with special modifiers like Sylvan Scimitar do not
			-- have their modifier stored in the table correctly.
			local modifier = "melee"
			if weapon["melee_or_ranged"] == "ranged" then
				modifier = "ranged"
			if weapon["finesse"] then
				modifier = "finesse"
			-- Modifier calculated this way only applies to main damage instance
			if i > 1 then
				modifier = nil
			if weapon[damage_field] then
				damage_parse(args, weapon[damage_field], weapon[damage_field .. "_type"], modifier)
		table.insert(damage_instances, { ["value"] = "weapon" })

function p.main(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)

	local i = 1
	while args["damage " .. i] do
		local damage = args["damage " .. i]
		local damage_type = args["damage " .. i .. " type"]
		local damage_modifier = args["damage " .. i .. " modifier"]

		if damage == "weapon" then
			damage_parse(args, damage, damage_type, damage_modifier)
		i = i + 1

	return damage_format(frame, args)

return p