Module:ParseList: Difference between revisions

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Created page with "local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local p = {} -- Config options, these may be overwritten in the main function local delimiter = "," local makeLinks = false local pluralize = false local joinWord = "and" local function splitString(str) local values = {} for value in str:gmatch("[^" .. delimiter .. "]+") do table.insert(values, value:gsub("%s+", "")) end return values end local specialPlurals = { Thief = "Thieves", thief = "..."
No edit summary
Line 11: Line 11:
     local values = {}
     local values = {}
     for value in str:gmatch("[^" .. delimiter .. "]+") do
     for value in str:gmatch("[^" .. delimiter .. "]+") do
         table.insert(values, value:gsub("%s+", ""))
         table.insert(values, value:gsub("^%s+", ""):gsub("%s+$", ""))
     return values
     return values

Revision as of 21:24, 23 July 2023

Doc page: Module:ParseList/doc

This module allows you to process a list of values (separated by a comma by default) and display them in a variety of useful formats.

{{#invoke:ParseList|main|Fighter, Cleric, Wizard}}


Script error: The function "main" does not exist.


The first parameter is the list to be processed. The remaining parameters are optional:

parameter default meaning
style 'text' The desired output format, see below for possibilities.
type Deprecated synonym for style.
delimiter ',' The character that should serve as a delimiter of the input list. This can actually be a string of multiple characters which will all work as a delimiter, but that usage is discouraged as it may cause confusion.
makePlural (empty) If provided and not blank, means that each element will be turned into a plural word.
makeSingular (empty) If provided and not blank, means that each element will be turned into singular.
makeLowercase (empty) If provided and not blank, means that each element will be made all-lowercase.
makeLinks (empty)

If provided and not blank, means that each element will be made into a link.

If any transforms like plural, singular, or lowercase were specified, the original element will be the link destination, and the transformed version the link text. E.g., the list element "Apple" would become [[Apple|apples]] if makePlural, makeLowercase, and makeLinks were provided.

useTemplate (empty)

If provided, will use the provided template on each element, i.e., turn every X into {{Template|X}}.

This is done after any transforms like plural, singular and lowercase. E.g., the list element "Apple" would become {{Template|apples}} if makePlural, makeLowercase, and useTemplate were provided.

useTemplate2 (empty)

If provided, will use the provided template on each element and its transformed form as two template arguments.

E.g., the list element "Apple" would become {{Template|Apple|apples}} if makePlural, makeLowercase, and useTemplate were provided.

textDelim ', '

If style is text, this is used as the delimiter for the output list.

Setting this causes the default value for textLastDelim to be changed to the same value, since the default value of textLastDelim is unlikely to be useful with anything other than the default value of textDelim.

Note that the default value is not just a comma; it's a comma followed by a space character.

textLastDelim (conditional)

If style is text, this is used as the delimiter between the last two elements of the output list.

If textDelim is not set (i.e., left at its default value), then the default value for this is ', and ' such that an input list "X, Y, Z" would be turned into "X, Y, and Z". You could leave textDelim unset, but set textLastDelim = <nowiki>, or </nowiki> to get the output "X, Y, or Z" instead.

If textDelim is set, then this defaults to the same value as that. E.g., specifying textDelim = <nowiki> + </nowiki> would transform the input list "X, Y, Z" into "X + Y + Z" without needing to also change the value of textLastDelim.

Note: The use of <nowiki> here is to prevent leading and trailing space characters from being ignored when setting textDelim or textLastDelim to a string that should start and/or end with a space character.

The automatic plural/singular transforms are able to recognize certain irregular plurals and handle them correctly, such as "thieves" and "quarterstaves." This is handled partly through a table of explicit special conversions like staff -> staves, and partly through logical rules like ...f --> ...ves. If you find a word that produces a wrong result, it should be added to the table of explicit conversions.

The makeLink, useTemplate, and useTemplate2 arguments are mutually exclusive; when several are provided, only the first will take effect.

Output styles

The value of the style parameter can be the following:

value example output
text Script error: The function "main" does not exist.
simpleList Script error: The function "main" does not exist.
htmlList Script error: The function "main" does not exist.
htmlListNoBullets Script error: The function "main" does not exist.
htmlListNoBulletsOrMargin Script error: The function "main" does not exist.
tableList Script error: The function "main" does not exist.
none Script error: The function "main" does not exist.

The style none is useful if each element is being transformed into an HTML element such that no textual delimiters are desired.


Make Links

{{#invoke: ParseList | main | Fighter, Cleric, Wizard | makeLinks = yes }}


Script error: The function "main" does not exist.

Make plural

{{#invoke: ParseList | main | Fighter, Cleric, Wizard | makePlural = yes }}


Script error: The function "main" does not exist.

Make Plural Links

{{#invoke: ParseList | main | Fighter, Cleric, Wizard | makeLinks = yes | makePlural = yes }}


Script error: The function "main" does not exist.

Make Plural Links, end with "or"

{{#invoke: ParseList | main | Fighter, Cleric, Wizard | makeLinks = yes | makePlural = yes | textLastDelim = <nowiki>, or </nowiki> }}


Script error: The function "main" does not exist.

Make Plural Links, turn into HTML list

{{#invoke: ParseList | main | Fighter, Cleric, Wizard | makeLinks = yes | makePlural = yes | style = htmlList }}


Script error: The function "main" does not exist.

local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local p = {}

-- Config options, these may be overwritten in the main function
local delimiter = ","
local makeLinks = false
local pluralize = false
local joinWord = "and"

local function splitString(str)
    local values = {}
    for value in str:gmatch("[^" .. delimiter .. "]+") do
        table.insert(values, value:gsub("^%s+", ""):gsub("%s+$", ""))
    return values

local specialPlurals = {
	Thief = "Thieves",
	thief = "thieves",
	Quarterstaff = "Quarterstaves",
	quarterstaff = "quarterstaves",

local function processValue(str)
	if pluralize then
		local plural = specialPlurals[str] or str .. "s"
		if makeLinks then
			return "[[" .. str .. "|" .. plural .. "]]"
			return plural
		if makeLinks then
			return "[[" .. str .. "]]"
			return str

local function processList(listString)
	local values = splitString(listString)
    local count = #values
    if count == 0 then
    	return ""
    elseif count == 1 then
    	return processValue(values[1])
    elseif count == 2 then
    	local v1 = processValue(values[1])
    	local v2 = processValue(values[2])
		return v1 .. " " .. joinWord .. " " .. v2
    local result = ""
	for i, value in ipairs(values) do
		local v = processValue(value, linked)
		if i < count then
			result = result .. v .. ", "
			result = result .. joinWord .. " " .. v
    return result

function p.toSentence(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame, { frameOnly = true })
	delimiter = args['delimiter'] or delimiter
	makeLinks = args['makeLinks'] or makeLinks
	pluralize = args['pluralize'] or pluralize
	joinWord = args['joinWord'] or joinWord
	return processList(frame.args[1])

return p