{{ up to date | 2023-08-23 }} <!-- Date format is YEAR-MONTH-DAY, like 2023-08-07. -->
{{ up to date | 2023-11-19 }} <!-- Date format is YEAR-MONTH-DAY, like 2023-08-07. --> <!-- Date format is YEAR-MONTH-DAY, like 2023-08-07. -->{{MiscItemPage
| image = Broom B Faded.png
| icon = Broom B Unfaded icon.png
| description = '''Broom''' is a common [[Miscellaneous]] item. Primarily of use for bartering or sale to [[Traders]].
| quote = This broom's stiff bristles are frayed from use.
| type = Misc
| rarity = common
| weight kg = 0,2
| weight lb = 0,4
| price = 1
| image = Broom B Faded.png
| image = Broom B Faded.png
Line 17:
Line 28:
File:Broom A Faded.png
File:Broom A Faded.png
== Trivia and Notes==
*There are multiple variants of this item, they all have the same weight and sell value but they have different descriptions and icons.