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Line 1: Line 1:
<includeonly><onlyinclude>{{#if:{{{border|}}}|<div style="padding-bottom: 1em"><div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box">||}}{{#cargo_query: tables = conditions
<includeonly><onlyinclude>{{#if:{{{border|}}}|<div style="padding-bottom: 1em"><div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box">||}}{{#cargo_query: tables = conditions
| fields = name, icon, effects, types, CONCAT('{{{save|}}}') = save, CONCAT('{{{duration|}}}') = duration, CONCAT('{{{inline|}}}') = inline, CONCAT('{{#replace:{{{altname|}}}|'|"}}') = altname, CONCAT('{{#replace:{{{dc|}}}|'|"}}') = dc
| fields = _pageName = page, name, icon, effects, types, CONCAT('{{{save|}}}') = save, CONCAT('{{{duration|}}}') = duration, CONCAT('{{{inline|}}}') = inline, CONCAT('{{#replace:{{{altname|}}}|'|"}}') = altname, CONCAT('{{#replace:{{{dc|}}}|'|"}}') = dc
| where = _pageName = "{{#replace:{{{1}}}|&#39;|\'}}"
| where = page = "{{#replace:{{{1}}}|&#39;|\'}}"
| format = template
| format = template
| template = Condition/Format
| template = Condition/Format

Revision as of 22:53, 15 November 2023

Template documentation

Use this to display a condition. Examples follow.

This template just runs the Cargo query. For the formatting, see: Template:Condition/Format

Base usage


{{Condition | Bleeding }}


Error 1054: Unknown column 'page' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `cargo__conditions`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_conditions`,`_pageName` AS `page`,`name` AS `name`,`icon` AS `icon`,`effects` AS `effects`,`types__full` AS `types`,CONCAT() AS `save`,CONCAT() AS `duration`,CONCAT() AS `inline`,CONCAT() AS `altname`,CONCAT() AS `dc` FROM `cargo__conditions` WHERE page = "Bleeding" ORDER BY `_ID` LIMIT 100

With duration


{{Condition | Bleeding | duration = 2 }}


Error 1054: Unknown column 'page' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `cargo__conditions`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_conditions`,`_pageName` AS `page`,`name` AS `name`,`icon` AS `icon`,`effects` AS `effects`,`types__full` AS `types`,CONCAT() AS `save`,CONCAT('2') AS `duration`,CONCAT() AS `inline`,CONCAT() AS `altname`,CONCAT() AS `dc` FROM `cargo__conditions` WHERE page = "Bleeding" ORDER BY `_ID` LIMIT 100

With saving throw


{{Condition | Bleeding | save = CON }}


Error 1054: Unknown column 'page' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `cargo__conditions`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_conditions`,`_pageName` AS `page`,`name` AS `name`,`icon` AS `icon`,`effects` AS `effects`,`types__full` AS `types`,CONCAT('CON') AS `save`,CONCAT() AS `duration`,CONCAT() AS `inline`,CONCAT() AS `altname`,CONCAT() AS `dc` FROM `cargo__conditions` WHERE page = "Bleeding" ORDER BY `_ID` LIMIT 100

With duration and saving throw


{{Condition | Bleeding | save = CON | duration = 2 | dc = 15 }}


Error 1054: Unknown column 'page' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `cargo__conditions`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_conditions`,`_pageName` AS `page`,`name` AS `name`,`icon` AS `icon`,`effects` AS `effects`,`types__full` AS `types`,CONCAT('CON') AS `save`,CONCAT('2') AS `duration`,CONCAT() AS `inline`,CONCAT() AS `altname`,CONCAT('15') AS `dc` FROM `cargo__conditions` WHERE page = "Bleeding" ORDER BY `_ID` LIMIT 100

With a border

Use border = 1 to add a border.

{{Condition | Bleeding | save = CON | duration = 2 | border = 1}}


Error 1054: Unknown column 'page' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `cargo__conditions`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_conditions`,`_pageName` AS `page`,`name` AS `name`,`icon` AS `icon`,`effects` AS `effects`,`types__full` AS `types`,CONCAT('CON') AS `save`,CONCAT('2') AS `duration`,CONCAT() AS `inline`,CONCAT() AS `altname`,CONCAT() AS `dc` FROM `cargo__conditions` WHERE page = "Bleeding" ORDER BY `_ID` LIMIT 100



{{Condition | Bleeding | inline = true }}
Result: blabla
Error 1054: Unknown column 'page' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `cargo__conditions`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_conditions`,`_pageName` AS `page`,`name` AS `name`,`icon` AS `icon`,`effects` AS `effects`,`types__full` AS `types`,CONCAT() AS `save`,CONCAT() AS `duration`,CONCAT('true') AS `inline`,CONCAT() AS `altname`,CONCAT() AS `dc` FROM `cargo__conditions` WHERE page = "Bleeding" ORDER BY `_ID` LIMIT 100


Alternative display name

{{Condition | Bleeding | save = CON | altname=oh no i'm bleeding | duration = 2 }}


Error 1054: Unknown column 'page' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `cargo__conditions`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_conditions`,`_pageName` AS `page`,`name` AS `name`,`icon` AS `icon`,`effects` AS `effects`,`types__full` AS `types`,CONCAT('CON') AS `save`,CONCAT('2') AS `duration`,CONCAT() AS `inline`,CONCAT('oh no i"m bleeding') AS `altname`,CONCAT() AS `dc` FROM `cargo__conditions` WHERE page = "Bleeding" ORDER BY `_ID` LIMIT 100

Also displays types

Error 1054: Unknown column 'page' in 'where clause'

Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT `cargo__conditions`.`_pageID` AS `cargo_backlink_page_id_conditions`,`_pageName` AS `page`,`name` AS `name`,`icon` AS `icon`,`effects` AS `effects`,`types__full` AS `types`,CONCAT() AS `save`,CONCAT() AS `duration`,CONCAT() AS `inline`,CONCAT() AS `altname`,CONCAT() AS `dc` FROM `cargo__conditions` WHERE page = "Feverish" ORDER BY `_ID` LIMIT 100