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* Grab [[Silfy]] after you notice her stealing from you {{Approval|Gale|-1}}
* Grab [[Silfy]] after you notice her stealing from you {{Approval|Gale|-1}}
* After saving [[Mirkon]] from the harpies, tell him to stop snivelling or the harpies will return {{Approval|Gale|-1}}
* After saving [[Mirkon]] from the harpies, tell him to stop snivelling or the harpies will return {{Approval|Gale|-1}}
* Take [[Alfira|Alfira's]] lute out of her hands and smash it {{Approval|Gale|-1}}
* Prod [[Nettie]]'s bird twice {{Approval|Gale|-1}}
* Prod [[Nettie]]'s bird twice {{Approval|Gale|-1}}
* If you are confronted about stealing the [[Idol of Silvanus]] return the idol and apologise {{Approval|Gale|-1}}
* If you are confronted about stealing the [[Idol of Silvanus]] return the idol and apologise {{Approval|Gale|-1}}
Gale Approves Gale approves of doing good and helping those in need. He approves of solving conflicts with diplomacy and appreciates thoughtful or pragmatic solutions.
He dislikes harming innocents or destroying or wasting valuable knowledge or lore.
The actions and choices listed on this page will raise or lower Gale 's Approval .
For more information about the approval system, see Approval .
Depending on their approval rating, Gale may greet the player with:
Very Low (-40 or less)[Needs Verification ]
Low (-20 or less)[Needs Verification ]
Neutral (-19 - 20)
Medium approval (20+)[Needs Verification ]
High approval (40+)[Needs Verification ]
Very High approval (60+)[Needs Verification ]
Exceptional approval (80+)[Needs Verification ]
"Always a delight to speak with you. What can I do?"
"I do enjoy our conversations. What do you need?"
"Tell me - What can I do for you?"
"My time is yours. What do you need?"
"Whatever you need, you have only to ask."
"Anything I can do for you - consider it most enthusiastically done."
Partnered - Following Act Three Romance Scene
"Is something on your mind? You can always unburden yourself with me."
"Are you alright? If you have need [sic] me, just say the word."
"Yes, my love?"
Broken Up
"Yes. What is it?"
"You need something of me?"
"What do you need?"
When he is a companion character in your active party, the following interactions will cause Gale to gain approval.
Act One
Act 1 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3 .
Ravaged Beach
Roadside Cliffs
Chapel Entrance
Solve the encounter with Gimblebock outside the Crypt without violence +1
Druid Grove
Persuade Aradin and Zevlor to stop fighting +1
As a cleric of Tempus and after talking to Aradin , tell Remira Liam earned a warriors rest +1
Tell Zevlor you will talk to Kagha about stopping the ritual (immediately after the conflict with Aradin or later, in Zevlor's cave) +1
Agree to help the Tieflings for Wyll
Recruit Wyll into the party +1
Use Athletics /Insight or Detect Thoughts to help Guex train +1
Defend Meli from Barth over Meli stealing the locket +1
Use Persuasion to convince Rolan , Lia , and Cal to stay in the Grove +1
Talk about Rolan's wizard master Lorroakan and agree to set up an introduction +1
Offer to heal Pandirna . Must be a Paladin ,Druid . Cleric or Bard +1
Step between Arka and Sazza +8 (works if Gale has been recruited but is not an active member of your party)
Use Persuasion /Intimidation or Detect Thoughts to convince Arka to not shoot Sazza +1
While talking/buying from Mattis , catch Silfy trying to pickpocket you, and see her tears as genuine +1
After agreeing to steal the Idol of Silvanus for Mol and obtaining it, tell her you will be keeping it +1
Tell Arabella 's mother Komira that the druids are overreacting and you'll speak with them +1
Save Arabella by talking to Kagha or her viper +8 (works if Gale has been recruited but is not an active member of your party)
When speaking to Kagha after Arabella is freed or died
Say "You killed a child in cold blood" OR "Only a monster would threaten a child" +1
As an Drow say you don't threaten/kill children +1
With Speak with Animals , tell Silver the wolf you just wanted to give them your sent OR as a Ranger or Druid , sit with Silver (without speak with animals) +1
Persuade Kagha to fight against the Shadow Druids
Agree with Zevlor to kill the goblin horde's leaders
Play with Alfira or convince her to finish her song +1
While the Druid Grove is preparing for the goblin attack
Convince Memnos to join the fight against the goblins +1
Refuse to open the gate for Minthara +5
Owlbear Nest
Blighted Village
Enter the village without violence +1
Persuade Fezzerk at the windmill to leave peacefully +1
Save Barcus Wroot and tell him that he owes you nothing +1
Sunlit Wetlands
Stand up for Auntie Ethel when she's confronted by Johl and Demir +1
After Auntie Ethel leaves, tell Johl and Demir you'll bring Mayrina home
Tell Gandrel that Astarion is under your protection and refuse to reveal his whereabouts
Goblin Camp
Riverside Teahouse
Drink from the well outside the teahouse (works regardless of whether illusion is active)
Resurrect Mayrina 's husband and give her the wand
The Risen Road
Zhentarim Basement
Free the artist Oskar Fevras from the Zhentarim hideout
Agree to pay the artist Oskar Fevras an extra 200 gold after freeing him
Place autumncrocus on Myrna’s grave
Decrepit Village
Attack Absolute follower Gekh Coal at the beginning of the conversation
The Festering Cove
Tell BOOOAL you will kill him and take his power +1
Myconid Colony
Express your disgust toward slavery while talking to Ward Magmar +1
Stand up for the deep gnome slaves once Nere is freed +1
Crèche Y'llek
Respond to him saying "Go to Hell" with "And good evening to you too" +1
Sacrifice a magic item to keep him stable +10
Say you're gratified to hear he trusts you +1
After speaking to Lae'zel, talk to Shadowheart and tell her you agree
Tell him you're happy to help him find magic items to consume +2
Agree to not ask questions when he asks you to not ask questions
Pet Scratch
At night, when Lae'zel intends to kill everyone before turning into mind flayers, talk her out of it +5
Tell Mizora not to lay a finger on Karlach during her first appearance +1
Threaten to kill Mizora during her first appearance +1
Tell him he is among friends when he says he has something to tell you
Feed the Owlbear Cub when it arrives at the Camp
Successfully skill check to heal the Owlbear Cub when it appears again at the Camp
At camp, promise Barcus Wroot that you will find his friend Wulbren at Moonrise Towers
Question why the Gods don't directly intervene when Elminster comes to your camp
Tell Arabella her parents would be proud +1
After staking Astarion, say bringing him was a mistake +1
When you find Gale conjuring an image of Mystra, pass an Insight check and say "there's more to it than that" +1
When Gale says that Mystra "is all creation"...
(Wizard -only) Tell him you agree and that "there's no greater deity" +5
(Cleric of Mystra only) Tell him "no other god comes close to her divinity" +5
Allow Gale to help you experience the Weave +5 (Class-specific options also give approval)
When experiencing the Weave with Gale, and given a choice of what to imagine:
Picture kissing him. +10 (starts romance )
Picture taking a romantic walk with him. +5 (starts romance )
Tell Raphael you need to think it over or tell him to fix it or die by your hand +1
Ask Gale for advice on how to deal with Raphael +1
Act Two
Act 2 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3 .
Shadowed Battlefield
When Yonas is captured by the shadows during the first shadow ambush:
Say "Move. I'll take care of this." +1
Get ready to fight +1
Last Light Inn
Play the lute to wake up Art Cullagh
Warn Isobel that Marcus plans to kidnap her +10
Tell Halsin he can count on you before he opens the portal +1
Protect the portal Halsin enters +1
Reithwin Town
House of Healing
Persuade Malus Thorm to have the Sisters practice on each other +1
Persuade Malus Thorm to have the Sisters practice on on him +1
Invite Halsin to join your party
Tell Arabella her parents would be proud of her
Act Three
Act 3 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3 .
When he is a companion character in your active party, the following interactions will cause Gale to lose approval.
Act One
Act 1 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3 .
Ravaged Beach
Accept Astarion 's apology when you meet him and say you would have done the same OR that you likewise wanted to see Astarion's innards on the ground -1
Druid Grove
Tell Zevlor that you have other things to do
Tell the Tielfling kids trained by Asharak that they are going to die -1
As a Barbarian , tell Pandirna to hush or you will snap her neck -1
Attack Findal after healing him -1
Grab Silfy after you notice her stealing from you -1
After saving Mirkon from the harpies, tell him to stop snivelling or the harpies will return -1
Take Alfira's lute out of her hands and smash it -1
Prod Nettie 's bird twice -1
If you are confronted about stealing the Idol of Silvanus return the idol and apologise -1
While the Druid Grove is preparing for the goblin attack
As the Dark Urge, tell Zevlor the goblin horde is yours -1
Tell Zevlor (or Asharak if Zevlor is dead) that you are here to take the grove for the goblins/are here with the goblins -10
Betray the Grove after blowing the horn -5
Owlbear Nest
Blighted Village
Goblin Camp
Creche Y'llek
Offer to fight Youth Varrl to the death -1
Kill Youth Varrl -1
Suggest you'll cook or sell the Githyanki egg when trying to convince Varsh Ko'kuu to give it to you -1
Crush the Githyanki egg
Accept Vlaakith's demands to enter the Mysterious Artefact
After asking Gale for initial information about himself and receiving the first response, ask the next question, which Gale will refuse to answer, then try peering into his mind. It does not matter if you succeed the Wisdom check, or not. Disapproval will ensue regardless.
Tell the party that Astarion will remain in the party because you trust him when it is revealed to them he is a vampire, or tell the party that if they don't like [having a vampire in the party], that they can leave -1
Give Astarion the Necromancy of Thay -5 or destroy it
When Elminster visits camp, joke about how you'll be rid of the Absolute and Gale when he uses the orb
Ask Mizora if she will leave if you turn on Karlach -1
When Gale offers to help you experience the Weave, turn him down -2
(Wizard , Warlock , Sorcerer or Bard ) When Gale asks if the Weave feels the same way to you as it does to him, tell him you "practise magic, not melodrama" -1
When experiencing the Weave with Gale, and given a choice of what to imagine:
Picture kicking him in the gut -5
Picture his head on a spike -10
When Gale says that Mystra "is all creation", tell him he's deluded -2 (Not available for sorcerers)
When Gale is helping you experience the Weave and tells you to "picture the concept of harmony", tell him that it's too abstract for your tastes. -1
As the Dark Urge : Confess to murdering the bard. -1
If you do not give Gale enough magical artefacts and he tells the player they no longer need to give him any (because he's made a deal with Raphael ), use the tadpole's powers to find out why -5
Use the tadpole's power to delve into Gale's mind for information, why he needs to consume magical artifacts, and either fail the ensuing wisdom check, or confess to having used the tadpole afterwards. The latter leads to a choice which can result in Gale permanently leaving the party.
Act Two
Act 2 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3 .
Ruined Battlefield
Tell Madeline to stab herself -3
Last Light Inn
Drink the truth serum-spiked wine Jaheira offers you
Tell Isobel she's going to meet Ketheric face-to-face -10
Gauntlet of Shar
Lick the dead spider -1
Lick the dead spider again -1
Tell him you don't want to listen to him wallow in self-pity if he asks you to stay with him during the star scene -5
Act Three
Act 3 Spoilers! This section reveals details about the story of Baldur's Gate 3 .
Refuse to be arrested by the Steel Watcher at the gate between Rivington and Wyrm's Crossing -1
Circus of the Last Days
Insist he participate in Dribbles' show -1
Sharess' Caress
Tell Sauceman Chorizo you can show him pleasures his husband can't
(After taking Raphael's deal) Tell Gale that it was a fair trade -1
Accept the Deal with the Gnomes quest from Manip Falcäo -1
Lower City
Tell Gothric Rillyn being buried alive 'sounds like apt punishment for thievery' -1
House of Hope