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|{{{description}}} <!-- HERE BE DRAGONS!  The following monstrosity will auto-generate a nice, sensible introduction paragraph for ''any'' combination of parameters.  So, technically, you never have to provide descriptions for weapons, but for those with unique specialties you might want to do so anyway. -->
|The {{#if:{{{enchantment|}}}{{{rarity|}}}{{{special|}}}||common}} {{RarityColoredText|{{{rarity|}}}|'''{{PAGENAME}}'''}} is {{#if:{{{enchantment|}}}{{{rarity|}}}{{{special|}}}||the mundane, nonmagical}} {{#if:{{{rarity|}}}|{{RarityWithArticle|{{{rarity}}}}}{{#if:{{{enchantment|}}}|,}}|{{#if:{{{enchantment|}}}{{{special|}}}|a}}}} {{#switch:{{{enchantment|}}}|+1 = lightly enchanted|+2 = moderately enchanted|+3 = highly enchanted|+4 = very strongly enchanted|+5 = supremely enchanted}} {{#if:{{{special|}}}|special}} variant of the [[{{{type}}}]] family of weapons.  It is a [[Weapons|{{{category}}} {{{melee or ranged}}} weapon]] {{#switch:{{{handedness}}}|one-handed = wielded in one hand|versatile = that can be wielded in one hand, or with both hands for extra damage|two-handed = that's wielded with both hands}}.  {{#if:{{{ammunition|}}}|It needs [[Ammunition (weapon property)|ammunition]] to shoot at enemies. ''(Note: This limitation is not yet implemented as of Early Access Patch 9.)''}} {{#if:{{{finesse|}}}|As a [[finesse]] weapon, it can benefit from the wielder's Dexterity and not just their Strength.}} {{#if:{{{heavy|}}}|It's a [[heavy]] weapon, which makes it difficult for small creatures to use effectively.}} {{#if:{{{light|}}}|It's a [[light]] weapon that anyone can dual-wield without special training.}} {{#if:{{{loading|}}}|It needs to be [[Loading|loaded]] before firing, which makes it unable to fire multiple times in a single turn of combat. ''(Note: This limitation is not yet implemented as of Early Access Patch 9.)''}} {{#if:{{{reach|}}}|It gives the user [[extra reach]] in melee combat.}} {{#if:{{{thrown|}}}|Its design lends itself well to be [[thrown]] at enemies as a projectile.}} {{#if:{{{can't dual wield|}}}|It's too cumbersome to be dual-wielded, even by characters with special training in dual-wielding.}}
|The {{#if:{{{enchantment|}}}{{{rarity|}}}{{{special|}}}||common}} {{RarityColoredText|{{{rarity|}}}|'''{{PAGENAME}}'''}} is {{#if:{{{enchantment|}}}{{{rarity|}}}{{{special|}}}||the mundane, nonmagical}} {{#if:{{{rarity|}}}|{{RarityWithArticle|{{{rarity}}}}}{{#if:{{{enchantment|}}}|,}}|{{#if:{{{enchantment|}}}{{{special|}}}|a}}}} {{#switch:{{{enchantment|}}}|+1 = lightly enchanted|+2 = moderately enchanted|+3 = highly enchanted|+4 = very strongly enchanted|+5 = supremely enchanted}} {{#if:{{{special|}}}|special}} variant of the [[{{{type}}}]] family of weapons.  It is a [[Weapons|{{{category}}} {{{melee or ranged}}} weapon]] {{#switch:{{{handedness}}}|one-handed = wielded in one hand|versatile = that can be wielded in one hand, or with both hands for extra damage|two-handed = that's wielded with both hands}}.  {{#if:{{{ammunition|}}}|It needs [[Ammunition (weapon property)|ammunition]] to shoot at enemies. ''(Note: This limitation is not yet implemented as of Early Access Patch 9.)''}} {{#if:{{{finesse|}}}|As a [[finesse]] weapon, it can benefit from the wielder's Dexterity and not just their Strength.}} {{#if:{{{heavy|}}}|It's a [[heavy]] weapon, which makes it difficult for small creatures to use effectively.}} {{#if:{{{light|}}}|It's a [[light]] weapon that anyone can dual-wield without special training.}} {{#if:{{{loading|}}}|It needs to be [[Loading|loaded]] before firing, which makes it unable to fire multiple times in a single turn of combat. ''(Note: This limitation is not yet implemented as of Early Access Patch 9.)''}} {{#if:{{{reach|}}}|It gives the user [[extra reach]] in melee combat.}} {{#if:{{{thrown|}}}|Its design lends itself well to be [[thrown]] at enemies as a projectile.}} {{#if:{{{can't dual wield|}}}|It's too cumbersome to be dual-wielded, even by characters with special training in dual-wielding.}}

Revision as of 11:58, 3 February 2023

This template generates entire pages for individual weapons in the game, such as Longsword (not to be confused with Longswords) or Worgfang.

Here's an example of usage:

| <!-- See here for tips on how to use this template: https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Template:WeaponPage -->
| image = Longsword Icon.png
| description = The '''Longsword''' is a [[Weapons|versatile melee weapon]] that can be wielded in one hand, or with both hands for higher damage.  This page describes the most common, nonmagical variant of the [[Longswords]] family of weapons.
| quote = A common sword, passed between hands both fresh and battle-scarred.
| category = martial
| melee or ranged = melee
| handedness = versatile
| type = Longswords
| damage count = 1
| damage die = 8
| two-handed damage count = 1
| two-handed damage die = 10
| damage modifier = melee
| damage type = Slashing
| versatile = yes
| dippable = yes
| weight kg = 1.35
| weight lb = 2.7
| price = 75
| actions =
* {{Pommel Strike}}
* {{Lacerate}}
* {{Rush Attack}}

Note that the template even adds the page to the correct categories. And for the same reason, it shouldn't be invoked here for the purpose of showing how the results look; that would result in this template page being added to the categories to which the weapon type pages are added.