(39 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown) |
Line 1: |
Line 1: |
| <includeonly><span class="bg3wiki-resource-template">{{trim| {{#lvardef: type|UNDEFINED}} {{#lvardef: icon|Alert Icon.png}}{{#lvardef:isplural|0}}{{#lvardef:icononly|0}} | | <includeonly>{{trim| |
| {{#lvardef: count | 1}}<!--if count is empty, set it to 1--> <!--this is at the front -->
| |
| {{#if: {{{type|}}} | {{#lvardef:type|{{{type|}}}}}|{{#if: {{{1|}}} | {{#lvardef:type|{{{1}}}}}}}}}
| |
| {{#if: {{{count|}}}| {{#lvardef: count| {{{count|}}}}}|{{#if: {{{2|}}} | {{#lvardef:count|{{{2|}}}}}}}}}
| |
| {{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: count}} > 1 | {{#lvardef:isplural|1}}}} <!--check if count is plural-->
| |
| {{#if: {{{forceplural|}}} | {{#ifeq: {{{forceplural|}}} | yes | {{#lvardef:isplural|1}} | {{#lvardef:isplural|0}}}}}} <!--there may be special cases where you want to have plural forms without a count (i.e. explanations)-->
| |
| {{#switch: {{lc:{{#lvar: type}}}} <!-- lc is to make the input all lower case, so that case is not my biggest priority -->
| |
| | action = {{#lvardef: type|[[Action]]{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Action Icon.png}}
| |
| | bonus = {{#lvardef: type|[[Bonus action]]{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Bonus Action Icon.png}}
| |
| | reaction = {{#lvardef: type|[[Reaction]]{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Reaction Icon.png}}
| |
| | movement = {{#lvardef: type|[[Movement speed|Movement]]}} {{#lvardef: icon|Movement Speed Icon.png}} {{#if: {{{count|}}}| {{#lvardef: count| {{Distance/Transform|{{{count|}}}}}}}|{{#if: {{{2|}}} | {{#lvardef:count|{{Distance/Transform|{{{2|}}}}}}}}}}}
| |
| | sd | supdie | superiority die = {{#lvardef: type|Superiority {{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |Dice|Die}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Superiority Die d8 Icon.png}}
| |
| | fi = {{#lvardef: type|Fungal Infestation Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Fungal Infestation Charge Icon.png}}
| |
| | ki = {{#lvardef: type|Ki Point{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Monk Ki Icon.png}}
| |
| | ws | wldshp | wild shape | = {{#lvardef: type|Wild Shape Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Wild Shape Charges Icon.png}}
| |
| | spell1 | s1 | level1 | l1 = {{#lvardef: type|Level 1 Spell Slot{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Spell Slot Icon.png}}
| |
| | spell2 | s2 | level2 | l2 = {{#lvardef: type|Level 2 Spell Slot{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Spell Slot Icon.png}}
| |
| | spell3 | s3 | level3 | l3 = {{#lvardef: type|Level 3 Spell Slot{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Spell Slot Icon.png}}
| |
| | spell4 | s4 | level4 | l4 = {{#lvardef: type|Level 4 Spell Slot{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Spell Slot Icon.png}}
| |
| | spell5 | s5 | level5 | l5 = {{#lvardef: type|Level 5 Spell Slot{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Spell Slot Icon.png}}
| |
| | spell6 | s6 | level6 | l6 = {{#lvardef: type|Level 6 Spell Slot{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Spell Slot Icon.png}}
| |
| | ar | arcrec | arcane recovery = {{#lvardef: type|Arcane Recovery Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Arcane Recovery Charges Icons.png}}
| |
| | bi | bardin | bardic inspriation = {{#lvardef: type|Bardic Inspiration Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Bardic Inspiration Resource Icon.png}}
| |
| | cd | chadiv | channel divinity = {{#lvardef: type|Channel Divinity Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Channel Divinity Charges Icons.png}}
| |
| | co | chaoat | channel oath = {{#lvardef: type|Channel Oath Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Channel Oath Icon.png}}
| |
| | rg | rage = {{#lvardef: type|Rage Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Rage Charges Icons.png}}
| |
| | sp | srcpnt | sorcery = {{#lvardef: type|Sorcery Point{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Sorcery Points Icons.png}}
| |
| | wp | warpri | war priest = {{#lvardef: type|War Priest Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|War Priest Charges Icon.png}}
| |
| | lh | layonh | lay on hands = {{#lvardef: type|Lay on Hands Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Lay on Hands Resource Icon.png}}
| |
| | nr | natrec | natural recovery = {{#lvardef: type|Natural Recovery Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}}}} {{#lvardef: icon|Natural Recovery Charges Icon.png}}
| |
| | toc | tides of chaos = {{#lvardef: type|Tides of Chaos Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }}{{#lvardef:icon|Tides of Chaos Resource Icon.png}}
| |
| | lp | lukpnt | luck point = {{#lvardef: type|Luck Point{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }}{{#lvardef:icon|Luck Point Resource Icon.png}}
| |
| #default = {{#lvardef: type|Unknown Resource}}[[Category:Pages with unknown resources]]
| |
| }}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 | {{#if: {{{forceplural|}}}||{{#lvar: count}}}}}}{{SmallIcon|{{#lvar:icon}}}}{{#if: {{{icononly|}}}||{{#lvar: type}}}}}}</span></includeonly><noinclude>
| |
| =What is this?=
| |
| This is a template for a quicker and more standardized manner of typing out the class-specific resource. This template is intended to be ''inline''.
| |
| |
| If there are any missing resources, don't hesitate to contribute!
| | {{#lvardef: type | UNDEFINED }} |
| =Usage=
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Alert Icon.png }} |
| <pre>{{Resource | <type> | [count] | [icononly] | [forceplural]}}</pre>
| | {{#lvardef: isplural | 0 }} |
| ----
| | {{#lvardef: icononly | 0 }} |
| <br/><code><></code> Denotes mandatory parameters.
| | {{#lvardef: nameonly | 0 }} |
| * <code>type</code>
| | |
| ** See below for a table of what you can input here.
| | {{#lvardef: count | 1 }} |
| ** <code>type =</code> is optional; you may just type the type name as long as its the first parameter.
| | |
| *** <code>type = supdie</code> is the same as <code>supdie</code>, AS LONG AS THEY ARE IN THE FIRST PARAMETER.
| | {{#if: {{{type|}}} |
| <br/>
| | | {{#lvardef: type | {{{type|}}} }} |
| ----
| | | {{#if: {{{1|}}} | {{#lvardef: type | {{{1}}} }} }} |
| <br/><code>[]</code> Denotes optional parameters.
| | }} |
| * <code>count</code>
| | |
| ** The number of resources.
| | {{#if: {{{count|}}} |
| ** Any number above 2 will be shown to the left of the icon, otherwise it will be hidden. (See [[#Examples|Examples]])
| | | {{#lvardef: count | {{{count|}}} }} |
| * <code>icononly</code>
| | | {{#if: {{{2|}}} | {{#lvardef: count | {{{2|}}} }} }} |
| ** Show the icon only, leaving the count there as well.
| | }} |
| ** Can be used to just quickly get the icon without the text.
| | |
| * <code>forceplural</code>
| | {{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: count}} > 1 | {{#lvardef: isplural | 1 }} }} |
| ** Forces the text to be plural, changing some of the words to their plural form
| | |
| ** The most obvious use of this is for Superiority Die (or Dices in plural).
| | <!--there may be special cases where you want to have plural forms without a count (i.e. explanations)--> |
| =Quick Reference=
| | {{#if: {{{forceplural|}}} |
| {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible" | | | {{#ifeq: {{{forceplural|}}} | yes | {{#lvardef:isplural|1}} | {{#lvardef:isplural|0}} }} |
| |+ name parameter
| | }} |
| ! Resource
| | |
| ! Input
| | <!-- lc is to make the input all lower case, so that case is not my biggest priority --> |
| |-
| | {{#switch: {{lc: {{#lvar:type}} }} |
| | {{Resource|action|forceplural=yes}}
| | |
| | {{C|action}}
| | | action = |
| |-
| | {{#lvardef: type | {{#if: {{{nameonly|}}}|Action|[[Action]]}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{Resource|bonus|forceplural=yes}}
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Action Icon.png }} |
| | {{C|bonus}} | | |
| |- | | | bonus | ba | bonus action = |
| | {{Resource|reaction|forceplural=yes}} | | {{#lvardef: type | {{#if: {{{nameonly|}}}|Bonus action|[[Bonus action]]}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{C|reaction}} | | {{#lvardef: icon | Bonus Action Icon.png }} |
| |-
| | |
| | {{Resource|movement|forceplural=yes}}
| | | reaction = |
| | {{C|movement}}
| | {{#lvardef: type | {{#if: {{{nameonly|}}}|Reaction|[[Reaction]]}}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| |-
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Reaction Icon.png }} |
| | {{Resource|ar|forceplural=yes}}
| | |
| | {{C|ar, arcrec, arcane recovery}}
| | | movement = |
| |- | | {{#lvardef: type | {{#if: {{{nameonly|}}}|Movement|[[Movement speed|Movement]]}} }} |
| | {{Resource|bi|forceplural=yes}} | | {{#lvardef: icon | Movement Speed Icon.png }} |
| | {{C|bi, bardin, bardic inspriation}} | | {{#if: {{{count|}}} {{{2|}}} |
| |-
| | | {{#lvardef: count | {{color|red|(ERROR: Use <code>movement m</code> or <code>movement ft</code>.)}} }} |
| | {{Resource|cd|forceplural=yes}}
| | [[Category:Pages with errors]] |
| | {{C|cd, chadiv, channel divinity}} | | }} |
| |- | | |
| | {{Resource|co|forceplural=yes}}
| | | movement m = |
| | {{C|co, chaoat, channel oath}} | | {{#lvardef: type | {{#if: {{{nameonly|}}}|Movement|[[Movement speed|Movement]]}} }} |
| |- | | {{#lvardef: icon | Movement Speed Icon.png }} |
| | {{Resource|fi|forceplural=yes}} | | {{#if: {{{count|}}} |
| | {{C|fi}}
| | | {{#lvardef: count | {{Distance | m = {{{count|}}} }} }} |
| |- | | | {{#if: {{{2|}}} | {{#lvardef: count | {{Distance | m = {{{2|}}} }} }} }} |
| | {{Resource|ki|forceplural=yes}} | | }} |
| | {{C|ki}}
| | |
| |- | | | movement ft = |
| | {{Resource|l1|forceplural=yes}} | | {{#lvardef: type | {{#if: {{{nameonly|}}}|Movement|[[Movement speed|Movement]]}} }} |
| | {{C|l1, s1, spell1, level1}}
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Movement Speed Icon.png }} |
| |- | | <!-- Backwards compatibility only; this isn't meant to be used with a value --> |
| | {{Resource|l2|forceplural=yes}} | | {{#if: {{{count|}}} |
| | {{C|l2, s2, spell2, level2}} | | | {{#lvardef: count | {{Distance | ft = {{{count|}}} }} }} |
| |-
| | | {{#if: {{{2|}}} | {{#lvardef: count | {{Distance | ft = {{{2|}}} }} }} }} |
| | {{Resource|l3|forceplural=yes}}
| | }} |
| | {{C|l3, s3, spell3, level3}}
| | |
| |- | | | half movement = |
| | {{Resource|l4|forceplural=yes}} | | {{#lvardef: type | {{#if: {{{nameonly|}}}|Movement (Half cost)|[[Movement speed|Movement]] (Half cost)}} }} |
| | {{C|l4, s4, spell4, level4}}
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Movement Speed Icon.png }} |
| |- | | |
| | {{Resource|l5|forceplural=yes}} | | | sd | supdie | superiority die = |
| | {{C|l5, s5, spell5, level5}} | | {{#lvardef: type | Superiority {{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |Dice|Die}} }} |
| |-
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Superiority Die d8 Icon.png }} |
| | {{Resource|l6|forceplural=yes}}
| | |
| | {{C|l6, s6, spell6, level6}}
| | | fi | fnginf | fungal infestation = |
| |-
| | {{#lvardef: type |Fungal Infestation Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{Resource|lh|forceplural=yes}} | | {{#lvardef: icon | Fungal Infestation Charge Icon.png }} |
| | {{C|lh, layonh, lay on hands}}
| | |
| |-
| | | ki = |
| | {{Resource|nr|forceplural=yes}} | | {{#lvardef: type | Ki Point{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{C|nr, natrec, natural recovery}}
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Monk Ki Icon.png }} |
| |-
| | |
| | {{Resource|rg|forceplural=yes}} | | | ws | wldshp | wild shape | wildshape = |
| | {{C|rg, rage}}
| | {{#lvardef: type | Wild Shape Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| |-
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Wild Shape Charges Icon.png |
| | {{Resource|sp|forceplural=yes}} | | }} |
| | {{C|sp, srcpnt, sorcery}} | | |
| |- | | | spell1 | s1 | level1 | l1 = |
| | {{Resource|sd|forceplural=yes}} | | {{#lvardef: type | Level 1 Spell Slot{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{C|sd, supdie, superiority die}}
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Spell Slot Icon.png }} |
| |-
| | |
| | {{Resource|wp|forceplural=yes}}
| | | spell2 | s2 | level2 | l2 = |
| | {{C|wp, warpri, war priest }} | | {{#lvardef: type | Level 2 Spell Slot{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| |- | | {{#lvardef: icon | Spell Slot Icon.png }} |
| | {{Resource|ws|forceplural=yes}} | | |
| | {{C|ws, wldshp, wild shape}} | | | spell3 | s3 | level3 | l3 = |
| |- | | {{#lvardef: type | Level 3 Spell Slot{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{Resource|toc|forceplural=yes}} | | {{#lvardef: icon | Spell Slot Icon.png }} |
| | {{C|toc, tides of chaos}}
| | |
| |- | | | spell4 | s4 | level4 | l4 = |
| | {{Resource|lp|forceplural=yes}} | | {{#lvardef: type | Level 4 Spell Slot{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{C|lp, lukpnt, luck point}}
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Spell Slot Icon.png }} |
| |} | | |
| =Examples=
| | | spell5 | s5 | level5 | l5 = |
| {| class="wikitable mw-collapsible"
| | {{#lvardef: type | Level 5 Spell Slot{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| ! Output
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Spell Slot Icon.png }} |
| ! Input
| | |
| |-
| | | spell6 | s6 | level6 | l6 = |
| | {{Resource | invalid}}
| | {{#lvardef: type | Level 6 Spell Slot{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | <pre>{{Resource | invalid}}</pre>
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Spell Slot Icon.png }} |
| |- | | |
| | {{Resource}} | | | ar | arcrec | arcane recovery = |
| | <pre>{{Resource}}</pre> | | {{#lvardef: type | Arcane Recovery Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| |- | | {{#lvardef: icon | Arcane Recovery Charges Icons.png }} |
| | {{Resource | supdie}} | | |
| | <pre>{{Resource | supdie}}</pre>
| | | bi | bardin | bardic inspiration = |
| |- | | {{#lvardef: type | Bardic Inspiration Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{Resource | SuPdIe | 2}}
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Bardic Inspiration Resource Icon.png }} |
| | <pre>{{Resource | SuPdIe | 2}}</pre> | | |
| |- | | | cd | chadiv | channel divinity = |
| | {{Resource | supdie| forceplural=yes}}
| | {{#lvardef: type | Channel Divinity Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | <pre>{{Resource | supdie| forceplural=yes}}</pre> | | {{#lvardef: icon | Channel Divinity Charges Icons.png }} |
| |-
| | |
| | {{Resource | ki | count = 200}} | | | co | chaoat | channel oath = |
| | <pre>{{Resource | ki | count = 200}}</pre>
| | {{#lvardef: type | Channel Oath Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| |- | | {{#lvardef: icon | Channel Oath Icon.png }} |
| | {{Resource | lh | icononly = yes}} | | |
| | <pre>{{Resource | lh | icononly = yes}}</pre>
| | | rg | rage = |
| |- | | {{#lvardef: type | Rage Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{Resource | movement | count = 5}}
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Rage Charges Icons.png }} |
| | <pre>{{Resource | movement | count = 5}}</pre> | | |
| |-
| | | sp | srcpnt | sorcery = |
| | Costs: {{Resource | ki | count = 2 | icononly = yes}} | | {{#lvardef: type | Sorcery Point{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | <pre>Costs: {{Resource | ki | count = 2 | icononly = yes}}</pre>
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Sorcery Points Icons.png }} |
| |-
| | |
| | Restores: {{Resource | l2 | count = 2}} | | | wp | warpri | war priest = |
| | <pre>Costs: {{Resource | l2 | count = 2}}</pre> | | {{#lvardef: type | War Priest Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| |-
| | {{#lvardef: icon | War Priest Charges Icon.png}} |
| | Recover half of your max {{Resource | ki | forceplural = yes}}, once per short rest.
| | |
| | <pre>Recover half of your max {{Resource | ki | forceplural = yes}}, once per short rest.</pre> | | | lh | layonh | lay on hands = |
| |-
| | {{#lvardef: type | Lay on Hands Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{Resource | type = ar | 1 | forceplural = yes}}
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Lay on Hands Resource Icon.png }} |
| | <pre>{{Resource | type = ar | 1 | forceplural = yes}}</pre>
| | |
| |- | | | nr | natrec | natural recovery = |
| | {{#lvardef: type | Natural Recovery Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Natural Recovery Charges Icon.png }} |
| | |
| | | toc | tides of chaos = |
| | {{#lvardef: type | Tides of Chaos Charge{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Tides of Chaos Resource Icon.png }} |
| | |
| | | lp | luck | lukpnt | luck point = |
| | {{#lvardef: type | Luck Point{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Luck Point Resource Icon.png }} |
| | |
| | | es | eyestalk | eyestalk action = |
| | {{#lvardef: type | Eyestalk Action{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Eyestalk Action Icon.png }} |
| | |
| | | shadowspell3 | ss3 | shadowlevel3 | sl3 = |
| | {{#lvardef: type | Level 3 Shadow Spell Slot{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Shadow Spell Slot Icon.png }} |
| | |
| | | arcane arrow | arcarr | aa = |
| | {{#lvardef: type | Arcane Arrow{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Eyestalk Action Icon.png }} <!-- TODO: Update this icon when patch releases --> |
| | |
| | | bladesong power | bladesong | bsp = |
| | {{#lvardef: type | Bladesong Power}} |
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Eyestalk Action Icon.png }} <!-- TODO: Update this icon when patch releases --> |
| | |
| | | cosmic omen | cosmic | cos = |
| | {{#lvardef: type | Cosmic Omen{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Eyestalk Action Icon.png }} |
| | |
| | | star map | starmap | sm = |
| | {{#lvardef: type | Star Map{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |s}} }} |
| | {{#lvardef: icon | Eyestalk Action Icon.png }} |
| | |
| | | #default = |
| | {{Main namespace only|[[Category:Pages with unknown resources]]}} |
| | |
| | <!-- end switch --> |
| | }} |
| | |
| | <!-- end trim (variable definitions) --> |
| | }}{{#ifexpr: {{#lvar: isplural}} > 0 |
| | | {{#if: {{{forceplural|}}} | | {{#lvar: count}} }} |
| | }}{{#if: {{{nameonly|}}} |
| | | {{Nbts}} |
| | | {{SmallIcon | {{#lvar:icon}} }} |
| | }}{{#if: {{{icononly|}}} |
| | | <!-- blank --> |
| | | {{#lvar: type}} |
| | }}</includeonly><noinclude>{{Documentation}} |
| | [[Category:Templates]] |
| | [[Category:Icon templates]] |
| | [[Category:Link templates]] |
| </noinclude> | | </noinclude> |