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Template:Weapon page: Difference between revisions

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(233 intermediate revisions by 17 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
[[File:{{{image|Dagger Icon.png}}}|frameless|right]]
<includeonly>{{#switch: {{{this is an example|}}}
| yes =
| #default = {{PageSeo
  | image = {{#if:{{{controller icon|}}}|{{{controller icon}}}|{{#if:{{{image|}}}|{{{image}}}|{{{icon|}}}}}}}
  | description = {{#if: {{{description|}}} | {{{description}}} | {{WeaponPage/SeoDescription
    | category = {{{category}}}
    | melee or ranged = {{{melee or ranged}}}
    | handedness = {{{handedness}}}
    | type = {{{type}}}
    | rarity = {{{rarity|}}}
    | enchantment = {{{enchantment|}}}
    | special = {{{special|}}}
    }} }}
}} __NOTOC__
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box bg3wiki-tooltip-gradient-{{#if: {{{rarity|}}}
| {{#replace: {{{rarity}}} | <nowiki> </nowiki> | }}
| common
}}"> {{#if: {{{image|}}} | [[File:{{{image}}}|frameless|right|alt={{PAGENAME}} image]] | {{#if:{{{controller icon|}}} | [[File:{{{controller icon}}}|frameless|right|alt={{PAGENAME}} controller icon]] | {{#if:{{{icon|}}} | [[File:{{{icon}}}|frameless|right|alt={{PAGENAME}} icon]] | }} }} }}{{#if: {{{image|}}} || {{Main only|[[Category:Misc pages without images]]}} }}{{#if: {{{controller icon|}}} || {{Main only|[[Category:Item pages without controller icons]]}} }}{{#if: {{{icon|}}} || {{Main only|[[Category:Item pages without icons]]}} }}

{{#if: {{{description|}}}
| {{{description}}}
|'''{{PAGENAME}}''' is a {{{melee or ranged|melee}}}, {{{handedness|one-handed}}} [[Weapon]] of the [[{{{type|Daggers}}}]] family.
<!-- HERE BE DRAGONS!  The following monstrosity will auto-generate a nice, sensible introduction paragraph for ''any'' combination of parameters.  So, technically, you never have to provide descriptions for weapons, but for those with unique special properties you might want to do so anyway. -->
<strong>{{RarityColor | {{{rarity|}}} | {{{name | {{PAGENAME}} }}} }}</strong> is {{#if: {{{enchantment|}}} {{{rarity|}}} {{{special|}}}
  {{#if: {{{rarity|}}}
    | {{RarityWithArticle | {{{rarity}}} }}{{#if: {{{enchantment|}}} |,}}
    | a
  }}{{#switch: {{{enchantment|}}}
    | +1 = {{blank}} lightly enchanted (+1)
    | +2 = {{blank}} moderately enchanted (+2)
    | +3 = {{blank}} highly enchanted (+3)
    | +4 = {{blank}} very strongly enchanted (+4)
    | +5 = {{blank}} supremely enchanted (+5)
  }}{{#if: {{{special|}}}
    | {{blank}} special
  a mundane, nonmagical
}} variant of the [[{{{type}}}]] family of weapons. It is a [[Weapons|{{{category}}} {{{melee or ranged}}} weapon]] {{#switch: {{{handedness}}}
| one-handed = wielded in one hand
| versatile = that can be wielded in one hand, or with both hands for extra damage
| two-handed = that's wielded with both hands
}}. {{#if: {{{finesse|}}}
| As a [[finesse]] weapon, it can benefit from the wielder's Dexterity and not just their Strength.
}} {{#if: {{{light|}}}
| It's a [[light (weapon property)|light]] weapon that anyone can dual-wield without special training.
}} {{#if: {{{reach|}}}
| It gives the user [[extra reach]] in melee combat.
}} {{#if: {{{thrown|}}}
| Its design lends itself well to be [[thrown]] at enemies as a projectile.
}} {{#if: {{{can't dual wield|}}}
| Its design doesn't lend itself to be dual-wielded, even by those with special training in dual-wielding.

{{quote|{{{quote|Missing quote ... imagine some nice flavor text here.}}}}}
{{#if:{{{where to find|}}}|
== Where to find ==

{{{where to find}}}
{{#if: {{{quote|}}} | {{Description|{{{quote}}}}}}}
== Properties ==

<h2> Properties </h2>
| versatile =
One-handed damage:
<div class="bg3wiki-property-list">
; {{#ifeq: {{{handedness}}} | versatile | One-handed damage | Damage }}
| count = {{{damage count|1}}}
: {{DamageInfo
| die = {{{damage die|4}}}
| {{{damage}}}
| plus = {{{damage plus|0}}}
| {{{damage type}}}
| modifier = {{{damage modifier|}}}
| modifier = {{#if: {{{modifier|}}} | {{#ifeq: {{{modifier}}} |none||{{{modifier}}}}} | {{#if: {{{finesse|}}} | finesse | {{{melee or ranged}}} }} }}
| type = {{{damage type|Slashing}}}
}} {{#ifeq: {{{handedness}}} | versatile |
; Two-handed damage
| versatile =
: {{DamageInfo
Two-handed damage:
    | {{{versatile damage}}}
    | {{{damage type}}}
| count = {{{two-handed damage count|1}}}
    | modifier = {{#if: {{{modifier|}}} | {{#ifeq: {{{modifier}}} |none||{{{modifier}}}}}| {{#if: {{{finesse|}}} | finesse | {{{melee or ranged}}} }} }}
| die = {{{two-handed damage die|6}}}
| plus = {{{damage plus|0}}}
}} {{#if: {{{extra damage|}}} |
| modifier = {{{damage modifier|}}}
; Extra damage
| type = {{{damage type|Slashing}}}
: {{DamageInfo
    | {{#sub: {{{extra damage}}} | 0 | {{#rpos: {{{extra damage}}} | }} }}
    | {{#sub: {{{extra damage}}} | {{#expr: 1 + {{#rpos: {{{extra damage}}} | }} }} }}
}} {{#if: {{{extra damage 2|}}} |
: {{DamageInfo
    | {{#sub: {{{extra damage 2}}} | 0 | {{#rpos: {{{extra damage 2}}} | }} }}
    | {{#sub: {{{extra damage 2}}} | {{#expr: 1 + {{#rpos: {{{extra damage 2}}} | }} }} }}
; Details {{#if: {{{type|}}}
| : {{WeaponType | {{{type}}} }}
| [[Category:Weapon pages without a type]] [[Category:Articles with errors]]
|* {{Range|reach}}
|* {{Range|melee}}
}}{{#if:{{{range m|}}}{{{range ft|}}}|
* {{Range|m={{{range m}}}|ft={{{range ft}}}}}
* {{WeaponType|{{{type|Daggers}}}}}
: {{Rarity | {{{rarity|common}}} | {{{rarity honour|}}} }}
* {{#switch:{{{handedness|one-handed}}}
: {{Enchantment | {{{enchantment|}}} }}
: {{#switch: {{{handedness}}}
| one-handed = {{One-Handed}}
| one-handed = {{One-Handed}}
| two-handed = {{Two-Handed}}
| two-handed = {{Two-Handed}}
| versatile = {{Versatile}}
| versatile = {{Versatile}}
}} {{#if: {{{finesse|}}} | : {{Finesse}}
* {{Ammunition}}
}} {{#if: {{{light|}}} | : {{Light}}
}} {{#if: {{{reach|}}} | : {{Reach}}
* {{Finesse}}
}} {{#if: {{{thrown|}}} | : {{Thrown}}
}} {{#if: {{{can't dual wield|}}} | : {{Can't Dual Wield}}
* {{Heavy}}
}} {{#if: {{{dippable|}}} | : {{Dippable}}
* {{Light}}
: {{#switch: {{{melee or ranged}}}
| melee = {{Range| {{#if: {{{reach|}}} | reach | melee}} }}
* {{Loading}}
| ranged =
  {{#switch: {{{range}}}
* {{Reach}}
  | normal = {{Range|ranged}}
  | short = {{Range|short ranged}}
* {{Thrown}}
  | special
  | #default = {{Range| m = {{{range m}}} | ft = {{{range ft}}} }}
* {{Dippable}}
* {{Weight|kg={{{weight kg|1}}}|lb={{{weight lb|2}}}}}
: {{Weight | kg = {{{weight kg}}} | lb = {{{weight lb}}} }}
* {{Price|{{{price|10}}}}}
: {{Price | {{{price}}} | {{{price honour|}}} }}
* {{Rarity|{{{rarity|common}}}}}
{{#if: {{{uid|}}} {{{uuid|}}} |
: {{SmallIcon|Ico stats.png}} {{#if: {{{uid|}}} | {{Uid|{{{uid}}}}} }} {{#if:{{{uuid|}}}|{{Uuid|{{{uuid}}}}} }}
=== Special ===
</div> {{#if: {{{passives|}}} {{{passives main hand|}}} {{{passives off hand|}}} {{{special|}}} | {{blank}}

The holder of this item gains:
<h3> Special </h3>

'''The holder of this item gains:'''
{{#if: {{{special|}}} | {{blank}}
== Actions ==


{{{actions|* {{Flourish}}}}}<noinclude>
}}{{#if: {{{passives|}}} | {{blank}}
[[Category:Weapon Page Templates]]
{{#invoke: ParseList | main | {{{passives}}} | useTemplate = Passive | type = none }}
}}{{#if: {{{passives main hand|}}} | {{blank}}
<em>Main Hand Only</em>
{{#invoke: ParseList | main | {{{passives main hand}}} | useTemplate = Passive | type = none }}
}}{{#if: {{{passives off hand|}}} | {{blank}}
<em>Off-Hand Only</em>
{{#invoke: ParseList | main | {{{passives off hand}}} | useTemplate = Passive | type = none }}
}}{{#if: {{{weapon actions|}}} | {{blank}}
<h3> Weapon actions </h3>
{{#invoke: ParseList | main | {{{weapon actions}}} | useTemplate = WeaponAction | style = none }}
}}{{#if: {{{special weapon actions|}}} | {{blank}}
<h3> Special weapon actions </h3>
This weapon also grants the following:
{{#invoke: ParseList | main | {{{special weapon actions}}} | useTemplate = WeaponAction | style = none }}
}}</div> {{#if: {{{condition|}}} | {{blank}}
<h2> Condition: {{{condition}}} </h2>
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box bg3wiki-tooltip-gradient-common">
{{Condition | {{{condition}}}
| save = {{{condition save|}}}
| duration = {{{condition duration|}}}
| dc = {{{condition dc|}}}
| radius m = {{{condition radius m|}}}
{{main namespace only|{{Inflicts|{{{condition}}}|item|type=weapon|save={{{condition save|}}}|dc={{{condition dc|}}}|duration={{{condition duration|}}}}}}}
</div>{{#if: {{{condition2|}}} | {{blank}}
<h2> Condition: {{{condition2}}} </h2>
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box bg3wiki-tooltip-gradient-common">
{{Condition | {{{condition2}}}
| save = {{{condition2 save|}}}
| duration = {{{condition2 duration|}}}
| dc = {{{condition2 dc|}}}
| radius m = {{{condition2 radius m|}}}
{{main namespace only|{{Inflicts|{{{condition2}}}|item|type=weapon|save={{{condition2 save|}}}|dc={{{condition2 dc|}}}|duration={{{condition2 duration|}}}}}}}
}}{{#if: {{{where to find|}}}{{{where to find2|}}}{{{where to find3|}}}{{{where to find4|}}}{{{where to find5|}}} | {{blank}}
<h2> Where to find </h2>
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box">
{{#if: {{{where to find|}}}|
{{Where to find|{{{where to find}}}|{{{where to find location|}}}|{{{where to find x|}}}|{{{where to find y|}}}}}
}}{{#if: {{{where to find2|}}}|
{{Where to find|{{{where to find2}}}|{{{where to find2 location|}}}|{{{where to find2 x|}}}|{{{where to find2 y|}}}}}
}}{{#if: {{{where to find3|}}}|
{{Where to find|{{{where to find3}}}|{{{where to find3 location|}}}|{{{where to find3 x|}}}|{{{where to find3 y|}}}}}
}}{{#if: {{{where to find4|}}}|
{{Where to find|{{{where to find4}}}|{{{where to find4 location|}}}|{{{where to find4 x|}}}|{{{where to find4 y|}}}}}
}}{{#if: {{{where to find5|}}}|
{{Where to find|{{{where to find5}}}|{{{where to find5 location|}}}|{{{where to find5 x|}}}|{{{where to find5 y|}}}}}
}}{{#if: {{{where to find6|}}}|
{{Where to find|{{{where to find6}}}|{{{where to find6 location|}}}|{{{where to find6 x|}}}|{{{where to find6 y|}}}}}
</div> }} {{#if: {{{notes|}}} | {{blank}}
<h2> Notes </h2>
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box">
}} {{#if: {{{bugs|}}} | {{blank}}
<h2> Bugs </h2>
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box">
{{Main namespace only|[[Category:Bugs]]}}
{{Main namespace only|[[Category:Equipment]]
{{#switch: {{lc:{{{melee or ranged|}}}}}
| melee = [[Category:Melee weapons]]
| ranged = [[Category:Ranged weapons]]
| #default = }}
{{#switch: {{lc:{{{category|}}}}}
| martial = [[Category:Martial weapons]]
| simple = [[Category:Simple weapons]]
| #default = }}
{{#if: {{{type|}}} | [[Category:{{{type}}}]]}}
{{#switch: {{lc:{{{rarity|}}}}}
| common = [[Category:Common items]]
| uncommon = [[Category:Uncommon items]]
| rare = [[Category:Rare items]]
| very rare = [[Category:Very rare items]]
| legendary = [[Category:Legendary items]]
| story = [[Category:Story items]]
| #default = [[Category:Common items]]}}{{ItemIcon Insert
|image={{{controller icon|}}}
}}{{#cargo_store: _table = weapons
| name = {{{name | {{#titleparts: {{PAGENAME}} }} }}}
| uid = {{{uid|}}}
| legacy = {{#var:legacy|}}
| rarity = {{IfEmpty | {{{rarity|}}} | common}}
| rarity_order = {{#switch: {{{rarity|}}}
  | = 0
  | uncommon = 1
  | rare = 2
  | very rare = 3
  | legendary = 4
  | story = 5
| finesse = {{IfEmpty | {{{finesse|}}} | no}}
| heavy = {{IfEmpty | {{{heavy|}}} | no}}
| light = {{IfEmpty | {{{light|}}} | no}}
| reach = {{IfEmpty | {{{reach|}}} | no}}
| thrown = {{IfEmpty | {{{thrown|}}} | no}}
| cannot_dual_wield = {{IfEmpty | {{{can't dual wield|}}} | no}}
| dippable = {{IfEmpty | {{{dippable |}}} | no}}
| range_m = {{#switch: {{{melee or ranged}}}
  | melee = {{#if: {{{reach|}}} | 1.5 | 2.5 }}
  | ranged = {{#switch: {{{range}}}
    | normal = 18
    | short = 15
    | special
    | #default = {{{range m}}}
| range_ft = {{#switch: {{{melee or ranged}}}
  | melee = {{#if: {{{reach|}}} | 5 | 8 }}
  | ranged = {{#switch: {{{range}}}
    | normal = 60
    | short = 50
    | special
    | #default = {{{range ft}}}
| extra_damage = {{#if: {{{extra damage|}}}
  | {{#sub: {{{extra damage}}} | 0 | {{#rpos: {{{extra damage}}} | }} }}
| extra_damage_type = {{#if: {{{extra damage|}}}
  | {{#sub: {{{extra damage}}} | {{#expr: 1 + {{#rpos: {{{extra damage}}} | }} }} }}
| extra_damage_2 = {{#if: {{{extra damage 2|}}}
  | {{#sub: {{{extra damage 2}}} | 0 | {{#rpos: {{{extra damage 2}}} | }} }}
| extra_damage_2_type = {{#if: {{{extra damage 2|}}}
  | {{#sub: {{{extra damage 2}}} | {{#expr: 1 + {{#rpos: {{{extra damage 2}}} | }} }} }}
| weapon_passives = {{{passives|}}}
{{#cargo_declare: _table = weapons
| name = String (mandatory)
| uid = String
| legacy = String(allowed values = inaccessible, unobtainable)
| image = File
| controller_icon = File
| icon = File
| description = Wikitext
| quote = Wikitext
| category = String (allowed values = simple, martial)
| handedness = String (allowed values = one-handed, two-handed, versatile)
| melee_or_ranged = String (allowed values = melee, ranged)
| type = Page
| rarity = String
| rarity_order = Integer
| enchantment = String
| damage = String
| damage_type = String (allowed values = Piercing, Slashing, Bludgeoning)
| versatile_damage = String
| extra_damage = String
| extra_damage_type = String
| extra_damage_2 = String
| extra_damage_2_type = String
| range_m = String
| range_ft = String
| finesse = Boolean
| heavy = Boolean
| light = Boolean
| reach = Boolean
| thrown = Boolean
| cannot_dual_wield = Boolean
| dippable = Boolean
| weight_kg = String
| weight_lb = String
| price = String
| weapon_passives = List (,) of String
| passives_main_hand = List (,) of String
| passives_off_hand = List (,) of String
| weapon_actions = List (,) of String
| special_weapon_actions = List (,) of String
| special = Wikitext
| bugs = Wikitext
[[Category:Page generating templates]]
[[Category:Weapon page templates]]
[[Category:Cargo templates]]