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{{DISPLAYTITLE:Contributor Payment}}
In August 2024, [[bg3wiki:Ads|decided to begin serving ads]]. Part of the justification was that all significant contributors '''up to that point''' would be offered a share.

In August 2024, decided to begin serving ads. Part of the justification was that all significant contributors up to that point would be offered a share.
To apply for your share, please read the following Terms of Agreement and then proceed to the application form below.

To apply for your share, please follow the below steps. Further, this page explains the Terms of Agreement; please read carefully until the end.
'''Feel free to apply even if you think your contributions were rather small. You may still get a small share.'''

== Payment Application Email ==
Please contact me at or on Discord if you have any concerns or questions.

First, make sure there is an email address configured in your user preferences: [[Special:Preferences]]
== Terms of Agreement ==
By submitting the Payment Application form linked below, you (the reader) agree to the following terms.
This is an agreement between you and the owner of the website, '''WikiWiz UG (haftungsbeschränkt)''', hereby referred to as WikiWiz.
=== Re-licensing of past contributions ===
You agree to the re-licensing of all your past contributions to under the dual-licensing model '''CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 + CC BY-SA 4.0''' as explained in [[bg3wiki:Copyrights|Copyrights]].
This means the [ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0] license on contributions remains in effect. In addition, your contributions may also become available under the [ CC BY-SA 4.0] license.
=== Payment amount ===
WikiWiz will pay you an amount depending on the ad revenue of the website and the significance of your past contributions to

Then, '''from that same email address''', send an email as follows.
Depending on the significance of your past contributions up to August 2024, as judged by WikiWiz, you will be allocated to one of several Brackets. Members of each Bracket are entitled to a certain portion of the ad revenue generated from the display of advertisement on during the months from August 2024 up to and including November 2026. The portion you are entitled to is calculated as follows.

To: ''''''
At the end of each month, a flat sum of 6,000 EUR is deducted from ad revenue of that month, to be put aside for business expenses. The remainder is added to a shared pool, referred to as the Surplus Revenue. Depending on which Bracket you fall into, you will be entitled to a certain percentage of this Surplus Revenue.

Subject: '''Payment Application: [USERNAME]'''
The percentage you are entitled to will be notified to you per email after you submit your Payment Application. Should you be unhappy with your share, see Cancellation.

Addendum (December 13, 2024): For minor contributors, WikiWiz may offer a flat one-time payment instead of a percentage share, so as to reduce administrative overhead.

1. Username: '''[USERNAME]'''
=== Payment conditions ===
2. Legal name: '''[LEGAL NAME]'''
3. Payment method: '''["SEPA" or "PayPal"]'''
4. IBAN for SEPA, or PayPal account: '''[IBAN or PAYPAL ACCOUNT]'''
I've read and agree to the Terms of Agreement as explained here:

Please copy/paste the email address, subject line, and contents exactly as above, for ease of automated processing.
WikiWiz will grant you payouts from the aforementioned Surplus Revenue twice per year, beginning in 2025.

Some details about the required fields are explained in the following.
Invoices addressed from you to WikiWiz will be created on your behalf by WikiWiz every December and June. The first invoice will be created in December 2024, representing your share of the Surplus Revenue that has accumulated from the months up to and including November 2024.

=== Username ===
Each subsequent invoice will represent your share of the Surplus Revenue that has accumulated over the subsequent 6-month period. For example, the June 2025 invoice will represent the sum of your shares from the months December 2024 up to and including May 2025. The last invoice will be created in December 2026.
If your Payment Application is not filed at least 14 days before the end of a month in which an invoice would be created, then WikiWiz will instead create that invoice within 60 days after the filing of your Application. For example, if you submit the Payment Application on January 10, 2025, then the invoice you would have received in December 2024 will instead be created no later than March 11, 2025.
Invoices will be paid within 60 days after the creation of the invoice. During each payment, WikiWiz may deduct an amount to cover part or all of the transfer fees.
Addendum (December 13, 2024): For minor contributors, who are offered a flat one-time payment instead of a percentage share, a single invoice will be created within 60 days after confirmation, and the corresponding payment will be made within 60 days of the creation of said invoice.
=== Cancellation ===
You have a right to cancel this Agreement before receiving your first payment, but not after that. However, if you already receive your first payment within 14 days after receiving the email notifying you of your percentage share of the Surplus Revenue, then you have a right to refund that payment and cancel.
The cancellation must be sent in writing via email to '''''' and sent from the same email address that was entered in the Payment Application form.
=== Later amendments to this Agreement ===
WikiWiz may make minor amendments to the language of these Terms of Agreement over time, to clarify unintended ambiguities or correct mistakes which lead to unreasonable requirements on behalf of either party. Such amendments will not affect the core premises of the Agreement.
=== Privacy policy ===
The data you enter in the Payment Application form linked below will be stored and used for the sole purpose of processing your payments. It will not be used for any other purpose, and it will not be passed on to any third parties except for the payment processor of your choice.
== Non-legally-binding notes ==
The following are clarifications in lay terms, and not legally binding.
I'll try to pay the invoices faster than 60 days. That's just the legally binding deadline I'm setting for myself. Same for the 60-day deadline for creating invoices.
Regarding the 6,000 EUR set aside each month: This consists mostly of my gross salary, which is a "business expense" of my company from a legal perspective. Note that I'll be paying income tax, social security, etc. from that. I will ''not'' be receiving anything remotely close to 6,000 EUR net per month. Taxes are high in Germany!

The username in the subject line and main contents of the email must be the username that you used for the edits which you're requesting payment for.
The original plan was to distribute up to 60% of the ''total'' earnings, but that would get me into financial trouble if the earnings drop so low that the remaining 40% is too little. As such, there's going to be a flat deduction from the earnings to ensure a baseline of personal income for myself, plus the ability to cover actual business expenses.

If you've edited the wiki with multiple accounts, '''please only apply once for payment''' and notify me of the second account via a separate email or a message on Discord.
From what remains after that deduction, a portion will be distributed to the contributors. In total about 80%, because based on the current monthly revenue, that comes out to be a bit above the "up to 60% of total" that was originally planned. The remaining 20% will stay in the company for future use, like if I want to expand operations to other venues due to a shrinkage of the BG3 player-base, though it's possible that it will ultimately be paid out to contributors as well if revenue remains high.

The email address from which you're sending the application must be registered as the email address for that account. See: [[Special:Preferences]]
Addition on December 13, 2024: Minor contributors with few edits will be offered flat one-time payments, using part of the remaining 20% of the Surplus Revenue of 2024.

=== Legal name ===
=== Who can apply? ===

A legal name is unfortunately required, since I'm obligated by German trade and tax law to be able to prove where I'm making payments.
Of course, I don't intend to pay every single person who ever made an edit, like if all you did was fix a typo here and there occasionally. But don't undervalue your work either. As a rough guideline, check whether you're in the '''All time (Top 200)''' table in the following page '''and''' have a value of 100+ in the "Changes" (fourth) column:

=== Payment method ===

'''Please choose SEPA if possible!'''
This auto-generated table uses very crude metrics (it doesn't try to weigh the significance of edits) and is therefore '''not''' what the decision will be based on. So, even if you fall outside of the above criteria, feel free to apply if you're anywhere in the top 200 list, or if you're not on the list but only because you had a small number of large edits, or if you contributed to the wiki in some significant way other than editing. If in doubt, feel free to contact me and ask, or just apply and wish for the best.

==== SEPA ====
You can see the list of your own contributions here:

If you reside in a country that supports [ SEPA], please choose this method, because the costs are extremely low and I will cover them.

In this case, you must provide the IBAN of the bank account to which you would like to receive the payment.
Note that, technically, only contributions up to August 2024 are considered. (More precisely, up to July 20, when the license switch to CC BY-SA for new contributions happened.) In practice, I tend to look at slightly later contributions as well, but there's absolutely no promise of paying editors for any future work, since this opens a huge can of worms: Firstly, we don't want to encourage quantity over quality or other ways of trying to game the system to receive more payment. Secondly, payment for ongoing work may end up being considered an employer-employee relation, which brings with it many responsibilities on my behalf that I'm not prepared to take on.

==== PayPal ====
=== Why the license switch? ===

PayPal takes a fee equivalent to 2% of the money sent.
The terms ask you to re-license your past contributions to a dual license, adding the BY-SA license (allowing commercial use) on top of the existing BY-NC-SA license (Non-Commercial only). Some may wonder why this is so, if the website is already showing ads before this license switch has actually happened for all content on the wiki.

This sounds like a small amount, but adds up to large numbers if you consider the total amount of money being transferred. For example, if the amount of PayPal transfers I make for one month, to various people, were to total 10,000 EUR, I would be paying 200 EUR in fees for that month. That would be 2,400 EUR paid by me in one year.
I've done a lot of research before beginning to display ads, and came to the conclusion that it's fine from a legal perspective to serve ads beside content under BY-NC-SA, so long as I'm not asking for payment in exchange for access to the content. However, some people are of the opinion that this is not so clear and creates a legal grey zone. Asking for the re-licensing to the BY-SA + BY-NC-SA dual license is a way of clearing up any remaining ambiguity over this, and ensuring that no disputes come up in the future over the serving of ads on the wiki.

For this reason, recipients choosing PayPal will only receive '''99%''' of the amount they would have otherwise received.
Further, if is allowed to financially benefit from the contents by serving ads, then I believe other people should also have possibilities to financially benefit from the contents in various ways. For example, someone may develop and publish a mobile app that's based on the contents of, but adds some convenience features such as offline access. If this person then asks for payment for this app, they would certainly be breaching the BY-NC-SA terms, since they're asking for payment in exchange for access to the contents of their app, which includes offline copies of the contents. I don't want to be "hoarding" the contents of for myself like that. If I'm benefiting financially from these contents in some way, others should be able to benefit as well, even if in slightly different ways, including direct payment for access. Hence the addition of the BY-SA license.

''(This is approximately equivalent to splitting the fee 50/50 between us. The exact details: You receive 1% less, I pay 0.98% more, and PayPal receives 0.02% less due to the lower transfer amount.)''
==== Aren't those two licenses incompatible? ====

Please note that receiving money via PayPal reveals the name of the recipient to the sender.
The incompatibility of BY-SA and BY-NC-SA is only with respect to derivative works, not dual licensing. It's a bit difficult to explain the difference, and this isn't the place for it, but you can read [[bg3wiki:Copyrights]] and [[bg3wiki:Licensing]] to learn more. See also the [ Wikimedia Commons multi-licensing essay] which has very nice explanations.

=== Example Email ===
== Payment Application ==

Here's a filled-out example email for Jane Doe, a fictitious editor.
''Before proceeding, make sure there is an email address configured in your user preferences: [[Special:Preferences]]''

'''By submitting this linked Payment Application form, you confirm that you've read and agree to the Terms of Agreement above:'''
Subject: Payment Application: Jane93
1. Username: Jane93
2. Legal name: Jane Doe
3. Payment method: SEPA
4. IBAN for SEPA, or PayPal account: DE08500211202366464222
I've read and agree to the Terms of Agreement as explained here:

== Terms of Agreement ==
'''[ Payment Application]'''

By sending the Payment Application Email as instructed above, you agree to the following terms.
Some further details about the required fields are explained in the following.

This is an agreement between you and the owner of the website The German LLC "WikiWiz UG (haftungsbeschränkt)" hereby referred to as WikiWiz.
=== Username ===

=== Re-licensing of past contributions ===
The username must be the username that you used for the edits which you're requesting payment for.

You agree to the re-licensing of all your past contributions to under the dual-licensing model '''CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 + CC BY-SA 4.0'''.
If you've edited the wiki with multiple accounts, '''please only apply once for payment''' and notify me of the second account via a separate email or a message on Discord.

This means the existing [ CC BY-NC-SA 4.0] license that already applies to your contributions remains in effect. But in addition, your contributions also become available to the public under the [ CC BY-SA 4.0] license.
=== Email ===

Please see [[bg3wiki:Copyrights]] for the details of how this arrangement works with regard to copyrighted material composed by multiple editors.
The email address must be configured as the email address for the corresponding account. There will be a further confirmation step at some later point to verify that you're indeed in control of that email address.

=== Payment amount ===
=== Legal name ===

WikiWiz will pay you an amount of money depending on the monthly ad revenue of the website and the significance of your contributions to
A legal name is unfortunately required, since I'm obligated by German trade and tax law to be able to prove where I'm making payments.

Depending on the significance of your contributions as judged by WikiWiz, you will be allocated to one of several brackets. Members of each bracket are entitled to a certain portion of's monthly ad revenue up to and including November 2026.
=== Payment methods ===

Each month, a flat sum of 6,000 EUR will be deducted from the ad revenue, to be put aside for business expenses. The portion of earnings you are entitled to, based on which bracket you fall into, will be a percentage of the remainder after this deduction.
'''If your country supports SEPA, please fill in the IBAN for SEPA and leave the rest blank.'''

The exact percentage share will be notified to you per email as a response to the Payment Application Email. Should you be unhappy with your share, see Cancellation.
In other cases, feel free to fill in the details of multiple payment methods, as their fees can vary and I will choose what's best at the time of payment.

=== Payment conditions ===
==== SEPA ====

You will receive periodic payments for your monthly shares accumulated over 6-month periods. Invoices will be created on your behalf every December and June.
If you reside in a country that supports [ SEPA], please choose this method, because the costs are extremely low and I will cover them. The transfer is usually completed in 1-2 business days.

The first invoice will be created in December 2024, representing the sum of your shares up to and including November 2024. Each subsequent invoice will represent the subsequent 6-month period. For example, the June 2025 invoice will represent the sum of your shares from December 2024 up to and including May 2025. The last invoice will be created in December 2026 and represent the remainder of your shares ending with November 2026.
In this case, you must provide the IBAN of the bank account to which you would like to receive the payment. (Note that having an IBAN doesn't mean your bank supports SEPA. But if it does support SEPA, you will definitely have an IBAN.)

The payment for each corresponding invoice will be made no later than 60 days after the creation of the invoice.
==== Wise ====

=== Cancellation ===
This is the best option if SEPA isn't possible. The transfer fees are acceptable and proper exchange rates are used. The transfer is usually completed in 1-2 business days.

You have a right to cancel this Agreement before receiving your first payment, but not after that.
Creating a Wise account should be free of charge for private individuals, and you should be able to transfer received funds to your bank account at no or little cost.

The cancellation must be sent in writing via email, and sent from the same email address as the Payment Application Email.
==== PayPal ====

== Non-legally-binding notes ==
PayPal applies a significant margin to the exchange rate, leading to exorbitant fees on large transactions. Avoid it if you're a major contributor!

The following are clarifications to the above agreement in lay terms and are not legally binding.
If you're a smaller contributor, or you're fine with PayPal taking a significant cut due to the convenience it provides, it's fine to use.

I'll try to pay the invoices faster than 60 days. That's just the legally binding deadline I'm setting for myself.
==== Wire transfer ====

Regarding the 6,000 EUR set aside each month: This consists mainly of my salary (also a "business expense" from a legal perspective) since this is my job now.
This is similar to Wise in terms of fees and exchange rate, but the transfer can take a long time. (In the worst case, more than a month.) It also requires more personal details to be provided. All the fields must be filled.

The original plan was to distribute up to 60% of the ''total'' earnings, but that would get me into financial trouble if the earnings ever drop to a low point such that the remaining 40% aren't enough. As such, there's going to be a flat deduction from the earnings to ensure a baseline of personal income for myself plus the ability to cover actual business expenses of the company.
==== Other ====

From what remains after that deduction, a ''portion'' (not all) will be distributed to the contributors. I'm thinking about 75%, because based on the current monthly revenue that comes out to about the same thing as the "60% of total" that was originally planned. The remaining 25% of those profits will stay in the company for future use, like if I want to expand operations to other venues due to a shrinkage of the BG3 player-base.
If none of the options seem good for you, talk to me and we'll work something out. For example, Western Union is also a possibility.

Latest revision as of 00:40, 25 January 2025

In August 2024, decided to begin serving ads. Part of the justification was that all significant contributors up to that point would be offered a share.

To apply for your share, please read the following Terms of Agreement and then proceed to the application form below.

Feel free to apply even if you think your contributions were rather small. You may still get a small share.

Please contact me at or on Discord if you have any concerns or questions.

Terms of Agreement

By submitting the Payment Application form linked below, you (the reader) agree to the following terms.

This is an agreement between you and the owner of the website, WikiWiz UG (haftungsbeschränkt), hereby referred to as WikiWiz.

Re-licensing of past contributions

You agree to the re-licensing of all your past contributions to under the dual-licensing model CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 + CC BY-SA 4.0 as explained in Copyrights.

This means the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license on contributions remains in effect. In addition, your contributions may also become available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

Payment amount

WikiWiz will pay you an amount depending on the ad revenue of the website and the significance of your past contributions to

Depending on the significance of your past contributions up to August 2024, as judged by WikiWiz, you will be allocated to one of several Brackets. Members of each Bracket are entitled to a certain portion of the ad revenue generated from the display of advertisement on during the months from August 2024 up to and including November 2026. The portion you are entitled to is calculated as follows.

At the end of each month, a flat sum of 6,000 EUR is deducted from ad revenue of that month, to be put aside for business expenses. The remainder is added to a shared pool, referred to as the Surplus Revenue. Depending on which Bracket you fall into, you will be entitled to a certain percentage of this Surplus Revenue.

The percentage you are entitled to will be notified to you per email after you submit your Payment Application. Should you be unhappy with your share, see Cancellation.

Addendum (December 13, 2024): For minor contributors, WikiWiz may offer a flat one-time payment instead of a percentage share, so as to reduce administrative overhead.

Payment conditions

WikiWiz will grant you payouts from the aforementioned Surplus Revenue twice per year, beginning in 2025.

Invoices addressed from you to WikiWiz will be created on your behalf by WikiWiz every December and June. The first invoice will be created in December 2024, representing your share of the Surplus Revenue that has accumulated from the months up to and including November 2024.

Each subsequent invoice will represent your share of the Surplus Revenue that has accumulated over the subsequent 6-month period. For example, the June 2025 invoice will represent the sum of your shares from the months December 2024 up to and including May 2025. The last invoice will be created in December 2026.

If your Payment Application is not filed at least 14 days before the end of a month in which an invoice would be created, then WikiWiz will instead create that invoice within 60 days after the filing of your Application. For example, if you submit the Payment Application on January 10, 2025, then the invoice you would have received in December 2024 will instead be created no later than March 11, 2025.

Invoices will be paid within 60 days after the creation of the invoice. During each payment, WikiWiz may deduct an amount to cover part or all of the transfer fees.

Addendum (December 13, 2024): For minor contributors, who are offered a flat one-time payment instead of a percentage share, a single invoice will be created within 60 days after confirmation, and the corresponding payment will be made within 60 days of the creation of said invoice.


You have a right to cancel this Agreement before receiving your first payment, but not after that. However, if you already receive your first payment within 14 days after receiving the email notifying you of your percentage share of the Surplus Revenue, then you have a right to refund that payment and cancel.

The cancellation must be sent in writing via email to and sent from the same email address that was entered in the Payment Application form.

Later amendments to this Agreement

WikiWiz may make minor amendments to the language of these Terms of Agreement over time, to clarify unintended ambiguities or correct mistakes which lead to unreasonable requirements on behalf of either party. Such amendments will not affect the core premises of the Agreement.

Privacy policy

The data you enter in the Payment Application form linked below will be stored and used for the sole purpose of processing your payments. It will not be used for any other purpose, and it will not be passed on to any third parties except for the payment processor of your choice.

Non-legally-binding notes

The following are clarifications in lay terms, and not legally binding.

I'll try to pay the invoices faster than 60 days. That's just the legally binding deadline I'm setting for myself. Same for the 60-day deadline for creating invoices.

Regarding the 6,000 EUR set aside each month: This consists mostly of my gross salary, which is a "business expense" of my company from a legal perspective. Note that I'll be paying income tax, social security, etc. from that. I will not be receiving anything remotely close to 6,000 EUR net per month. Taxes are high in Germany!

The original plan was to distribute up to 60% of the total earnings, but that would get me into financial trouble if the earnings drop so low that the remaining 40% is too little. As such, there's going to be a flat deduction from the earnings to ensure a baseline of personal income for myself, plus the ability to cover actual business expenses.

From what remains after that deduction, a portion will be distributed to the contributors. In total about 80%, because based on the current monthly revenue, that comes out to be a bit above the "up to 60% of total" that was originally planned. The remaining 20% will stay in the company for future use, like if I want to expand operations to other venues due to a shrinkage of the BG3 player-base, though it's possible that it will ultimately be paid out to contributors as well if revenue remains high.

Addition on December 13, 2024: Minor contributors with few edits will be offered flat one-time payments, using part of the remaining 20% of the Surplus Revenue of 2024.

Who can apply?

Of course, I don't intend to pay every single person who ever made an edit, like if all you did was fix a typo here and there occasionally. But don't undervalue your work either. As a rough guideline, check whether you're in the All time (Top 200) table in the following page and have a value of 100+ in the "Changes" (fourth) column:


This auto-generated table uses very crude metrics (it doesn't try to weigh the significance of edits) and is therefore not what the decision will be based on. So, even if you fall outside of the above criteria, feel free to apply if you're anywhere in the top 200 list, or if you're not on the list but only because you had a small number of large edits, or if you contributed to the wiki in some significant way other than editing. If in doubt, feel free to contact me and ask, or just apply and wish for the best.

You can see the list of your own contributions here:


Note that, technically, only contributions up to August 2024 are considered. (More precisely, up to July 20, when the license switch to CC BY-SA for new contributions happened.) In practice, I tend to look at slightly later contributions as well, but there's absolutely no promise of paying editors for any future work, since this opens a huge can of worms: Firstly, we don't want to encourage quantity over quality or other ways of trying to game the system to receive more payment. Secondly, payment for ongoing work may end up being considered an employer-employee relation, which brings with it many responsibilities on my behalf that I'm not prepared to take on.

Why the license switch?

The terms ask you to re-license your past contributions to a dual license, adding the BY-SA license (allowing commercial use) on top of the existing BY-NC-SA license (Non-Commercial only). Some may wonder why this is so, if the website is already showing ads before this license switch has actually happened for all content on the wiki.

I've done a lot of research before beginning to display ads, and came to the conclusion that it's fine from a legal perspective to serve ads beside content under BY-NC-SA, so long as I'm not asking for payment in exchange for access to the content. However, some people are of the opinion that this is not so clear and creates a legal grey zone. Asking for the re-licensing to the BY-SA + BY-NC-SA dual license is a way of clearing up any remaining ambiguity over this, and ensuring that no disputes come up in the future over the serving of ads on the wiki.

Further, if is allowed to financially benefit from the contents by serving ads, then I believe other people should also have possibilities to financially benefit from the contents in various ways. For example, someone may develop and publish a mobile app that's based on the contents of, but adds some convenience features such as offline access. If this person then asks for payment for this app, they would certainly be breaching the BY-NC-SA terms, since they're asking for payment in exchange for access to the contents of their app, which includes offline copies of the contents. I don't want to be "hoarding" the contents of for myself like that. If I'm benefiting financially from these contents in some way, others should be able to benefit as well, even if in slightly different ways, including direct payment for access. Hence the addition of the BY-SA license.

Aren't those two licenses incompatible?

The incompatibility of BY-SA and BY-NC-SA is only with respect to derivative works, not dual licensing. It's a bit difficult to explain the difference, and this isn't the place for it, but you can read bg3wiki:Copyrights and bg3wiki:Licensing to learn more. See also the Wikimedia Commons multi-licensing essay which has very nice explanations.

Payment Application

Before proceeding, make sure there is an email address configured in your user preferences: Special:Preferences

By submitting this linked Payment Application form, you confirm that you've read and agree to the Terms of Agreement above:

Payment Application

Some further details about the required fields are explained in the following.


The username must be the username that you used for the edits which you're requesting payment for.

If you've edited the wiki with multiple accounts, please only apply once for payment and notify me of the second account via a separate email or a message on Discord.


The email address must be configured as the email address for the corresponding account. There will be a further confirmation step at some later point to verify that you're indeed in control of that email address.

Legal name

A legal name is unfortunately required, since I'm obligated by German trade and tax law to be able to prove where I'm making payments.

Payment methods

If your country supports SEPA, please fill in the IBAN for SEPA and leave the rest blank.

In other cases, feel free to fill in the details of multiple payment methods, as their fees can vary and I will choose what's best at the time of payment.


If you reside in a country that supports SEPA, please choose this method, because the costs are extremely low and I will cover them. The transfer is usually completed in 1-2 business days.

In this case, you must provide the IBAN of the bank account to which you would like to receive the payment. (Note that having an IBAN doesn't mean your bank supports SEPA. But if it does support SEPA, you will definitely have an IBAN.)


This is the best option if SEPA isn't possible. The transfer fees are acceptable and proper exchange rates are used. The transfer is usually completed in 1-2 business days.

Creating a Wise account should be free of charge for private individuals, and you should be able to transfer received funds to your bank account at no or little cost.


PayPal applies a significant margin to the exchange rate, leading to exorbitant fees on large transactions. Avoid it if you're a major contributor!

If you're a smaller contributor, or you're fine with PayPal taking a significant cut due to the convenience it provides, it's fine to use.

Wire transfer

This is similar to Wise in terms of fees and exchange rate, but the transfer can take a long time. (In the worst case, more than a month.) It also requires more personal details to be provided. All the fields must be filled.


If none of the options seem good for you, talk to me and we'll work something out. For example, Western Union is also a possibility.