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Template:Misc item page: Difference between revisions

Template page
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(149 intermediate revisions by 16 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
| image = {{{image|}}}
| image = {{#if:{{{controller icon|}}}|{{{controller icon}}}|{{#if:{{{image|}}}|{{{image}}}|{{{icon|}}}}}}}
| description = {{MiscItemPage/Description
| description = {{#if: {{{description|}}} | {{{description}}} | {{Misc item page/description
   | type = {{{type}}}
   | type = {{{type}}}
   | rarity = {{{rarity|}}}
   | rarity = {{{rarity|}}}
}} __NOTOC__
}} __NOTOC__
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box bg3wiki-tooltip-gradient-{{#if: {{{rarity|}}}  
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box bg3wiki-tooltip-gradient-{{#if: {{{rarity|}}}  
| {{#replace: {{{rarity}}} | <nowiki> </nowiki> | }}
| {{#replace: {{lc: {{{rarity}}} }} | <nowiki> </nowiki> | }}
| common
| common
}}"> {{#if: {{{image|}}} | [[File:{{{image}}}|frameless|right]] }}
}}"> {{#if: {{{image|}}} | [[File:{{{image}}}|frameless|right|alt={{PAGENAME}} image]] | {{#if:{{{controller icon|}}} | [[File:{{{controller icon}}}|frameless|right|alt={{PAGENAME}} controller icon]] | {{#if:{{{icon|}}} | [[File:{{{icon}}}|frameless|right|alt={{PAGENAME}} icon]] | }} }} }}{{#if: {{{image|}}} || {{Main only|[[Category:Misc pages without images]]}} }}{{#if: {{{controller icon|}}} || {{Main only|[[Category:Item pages without controller icons]]}} }}{{#if: {{{icon|}}} || {{Main only|[[Category:Item pages without icons]]}} }}
{{{description}}}{{#if: {{{quote|}}} | {{blank}}
{{{description}}} {{#if: {{{quote|}}} | {{blank}}
{{Description|{{{quote|Missing quote ... imagine some nice flavour text here.}}}}}
{{quote|{{{quote|Missing quote ... imagine some nice flavour text here.}}}}}


== Properties ==
<h2> Properties </h2>

<div class="bg3wiki-property-list">
* {{#switch: {{{type|}}}
* {{#switch: {{{type|}}}
| Ammunition = {{SmallIcon|Ammunition Icon.png}} [[Ammunition]]
| Arrows = {{SmallIcon|Ammunition Icon.png}} [[Arrows]]
| Books = {{Books}}
| Books = {{Books}}
| Notes = {{SmallIcon|Notes Icon.png}} [[Notes]]
| Coatings = {{Coatings}}
| Food = {{Food}}
| Food = {{Food}}
| Drinks = {{Drinks}}
| Drinks = {{Drinks}}
| Potions = {{Potions}}
| Elixirs = {{Elixirs}}
| Keys = {{Keys}}
| Grenades = {{Grenades}}
| Potions = {{SmallIcon|Potions Icon.png}} [[Potions]]
| Scrolls = {{Scrolls}}
| Scrolls = {{Scrolls}}
| Consumables = {{Consumables}}
| Consumables = {{Consumables}}
| Misc = Miscellaneous Items
| Dyes = {{SmallIcon|Dye.png}} [[Dyes]]
| #default = [[{{{type}}}]] }} {{#if: {{{camp supplies|}}}|
| Misc = {{SmallIcon|Miscellaneous Icon.png}} [[Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous Items]]
| Containers = {{SmallIcon|Containers Icon.png}} [[Containers]]
| Instruments = {{SmallIcon|Instruments Icon.png}} [[Instruments]]
| Alchemy Ingredients = {{Alchemical Ingredients}}
| Alchemical Ingredients = {{Alchemical Ingredients}}
| Alchemy Extracts = {{Alchemical Extracts}}
| Alchemical Extracts = {{Alchemical Extracts}}
| #default = [[{{{type}}}]]
<!--}} {{#if: {{{book author|}}} |
* {{SmallIcon|Books Icon.png}} Author: {{{book author}}}-->
}} {{#if: {{{book author|}}} |
* {{#ifexist: {{{book author}}} | {{SmallIcon|Journal Icon.webp}} Author: {{CharLink|{{{book author}}}}} | {{SmallIcon|Journal Icon.webp}} Author: {{{book author}}} }}
}} {{#if: {{{camp supplies|}}} |
* {{Camp Supplies}}: {{{camp supplies}}}
* {{Camp Supplies}}: {{{camp supplies}}}
}} {{#if: {{{single use|}}}|
}} {{#if: {{{single use|}}} |
* {{SmallIcon|Consumables Icon.png}} Single Use
* {{SmallIcon|Consumables Icon.png}} Single Use
}} {{#if: 1 |
* {{Rarity | {{{rarity|common}}} }}
* {{Rarity | {{{rarity|common}}} | {{{rarity honour|}}} }}
}} {{#if: {{{weight kg|}}} |
* {{Weight | kg = {{{weight kg}}} | lb = {{{weight lb}}} }}
* {{Weight | kg = {{{weight kg}}} | lb = {{{weight lb}}} }}
* {{Price | {{{price}}} }} {{#if: {{{effect|}}} | {{blank}}
}} {{#if: {{{price|}}} |
* {{Price | {{{price}}} | {{{price honour|}}} }}
}} {{#if: {{{uid|}}} {{{uuid|}}} |
* {{SmallIcon|Ico stats.png}} {{#if: {{{uid|}}} | {{Uid|{{{uid}}}}} }} {{#if: {{{uuid|}}} | {{Uuid|{{{uuid}}}}} }}
}} {{#if: {{{uid2|}}} {{{uuid2|}}} |
* {{SmallIcon|Ico stats.png}} {{#if: {{{uid2|}}} | {{Uid|{{{uid2}}}}} }} {{#if: {{{uuid2|}}} | {{Uuid|{{{uuid2}}}}} }}
}} {{#if: {{{uid3|}}} {{{uuid3|}}} |
* {{SmallIcon|Ico stats.png}} {{#if: {{{uid3|}}} | {{Uid|{{{uid3}}}}} }} {{#if: {{{uuid3|}}} | {{Uuid|{{{uuid3}}}}} }}
}} {{#if: {{{uid4|}}} {{{uuid4|}}} |
* {{SmallIcon|Ico stats.png}} {{#if: {{{uid4|}}} | {{Uid|{{{uid4}}}}} }} {{#if: {{{uuid4|}}} | {{Uuid|{{{uuid4}}}}} }}
}} {{#if: {{{uid5|}}} {{{uuid5|}}} |
* {{SmallIcon|Ico stats.png}} {{#if: {{{uid5|}}} | {{Uid|{{{uid5}}}}} }} {{#if: {{{uuid5|}}} | {{Uuid|{{{uuid5}}}}} }}

=== Effect ===
{{#if: {{{effect|}}} |
<h3> Effect </h3>
{{#if: {{{usage cost|}}} | {{InfoBlob | {{r|{{{usage cost|}}}}} }} }}

{{#switch: {{{usage cost|}}}
| action = {{InfoBlob|{{action}}}}
| bonus action = {{InfoBlob|{{action|bonus}}}}
| #default =
{{#if: {{{special|}}} | {{blank}}
=== Special ===

}}</div> {{#if: {{{where to find|}}} | {{blank}}
The wearer of this item gains:
{{#if: {{{stealth disadvantage|}}} | * {{Disadvantage}} on [[Stealth]] checks. }}
{{#if: {{{condition|}}} |

== Where to Find ==
<h2> Condition: {{{condition}}} </h2>

<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box">
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box bg3wiki-tooltip-gradient-common">
{{{where to find}}}
{{Condition | {{{condition}}}
| save = {{{condition save|}}}
| dc = {{{condition dc|}}}
| duration = {{{condition duration|}}}
| radius m = {{{condition radius m|}}}
{{main namespace only|{{Inflicts|{{{condition}}}|item|type=item|save={{{condition save|}}}|dc={{{condition dc|}}}|duration={{{condition duration|}}}}}}}
}} {{#if: {{{condition2|}}} |

}} {{#if: {{{book text|}}} | {{blank}}
<h2> Condition: {{{condition2}}} </h2>

== Text ==
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box bg3wiki-tooltip-gradient-common">
{{Condition | {{{condition2}}}
| save = {{{condition2 save|}}}
| dc = {{{condition2 dc|}}}
| duration = {{{condition2 duration|}}}
| radius m = {{{condition2 radius m|}}}
{{main namespace only|{{Inflicts|{{{condition2}}}|item|type=item|save={{{condition2 save|}}}|dc={{{condition2 dc|}}}|duration={{{condition2 duration|}}}}}}}
}} {{#if: {{{area|}}} |

<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box">
<h2> Area: {{{area}}} </h2>
{{quote | size = 100% | noitalics = yes | {{{book text}}} }}
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box bg3wiki-tooltip-gradient-common">
{{Area full|{{{area}}}|duration={{{area duration|}}}|shape={{{area shape|}}}|range m={{{area range m|}}}|range ft={{{area range ft|}}}}}
}} {{#if: {{{where to find|}}} |

<h2> Where to find </h2>

{{#switch: {{{this is an example|}}}
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box">
| yes =
{{{where to find}}}
| #default = {{#ifeq: {{{type}}} | Misc | [[Category:Misc Items]] | [[Category:{{{type}}}]] }} [[Category:{{{rarity|common}}} Items]]

    ==== Documentation follows ====
}} {{#if: {{{usage|}}} |

<h2> Usage </h2>
This template generates entire pages for individual items of the following types: [[Ammunition]], [[Books]], [[Camp Supplies#Food]], [[Camp Supplies#Drinks]], [[Potions]], [[Scrolls]], [[Consumables]], and other [[Miscellaneous|Miscellaneous Items]]. For Weapons, see [[Template:WeaponPage]]. For Equipment, see [[Template:EquipmentPage]].

'''See the bottom of this page for template parameter explanations. If you're ever unsure what to type, simply leave a parameter empty (don't remove it, as this may confuse other wiki editors).'''
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box">
<!-- See here for tips on how to use this template: -->
| image =
| description =
| quote = The in-game flavour text in the item's tooltip.
| book text =
| type =
| camp supplies =
| single use =
| rarity =
| weight kg =
| weight lb =
| price =
| usage cost =
| effect =
| where to find =

[[Category:Page Generating Templates]] [[Category:Item Page Templates]]
}} {{#if: {{{book text|}}} |

Examples follow.
<h2> Text </h2>

= Ammunition =
{{#if: {{{book spoiler|}}}
| <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-expandtext="Show Spoilers" data-collapsetext="Hide Spoilers" style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #443E20, #232323, #232323, #232323); align-items:center; border-radius:10px; padding: 5px;">

[[File:Books_Icon.png|32px|link=]] ''' {{color|#ebb73f|Spoiler warning!}} This text might contain spoilers about the story of ''Baldur's Gate 3''.'''
| image = Ammunition Arrow Icon.png
<div class="mw-collapsible-content noexcerpt" style="background:#232323; border-radius:10px; padding: 15px;">{{BookText | {{{book text}}} }} </div></div>
| description = {{legendary|Arrow of Shootythings}} is a legendary piece of [[Ammunition]] that does shooty-type things. <!-- This is the first text that will appear on the page. Briefly describe what the item is and what makes it noteworthy. -->
| {{BookText | {{{book text}}} }}
| quote = The in-game flavour text in the item's tooltip.
| book text = <!-- The text of the book. Leave EMPTY for non-books - use "quote" parameter for all other item types. -->
| type = Ammunition <!-- Item type. Choose one of: Ammunition, Books, Food, Drinks, Potions, Scrolls, Consumables, Misc -->
| camp supplies = <!-- Number of Camp Supplies. Leave EMPTY for all except Food and Drinks. -->
| single use = yes
| rarity = legendary <!-- Choose from: common, uncommon, rare, very rare, legendary, story -->
| weight kg = 0.3
| weight lb = 0.7
| price = 36
| usage cost = action <!-- The cost to use the item. Choose from: action, bonus action - or leave EMPTY for non-consumable items. -->
| effect = <!-- The effect(s) of the item when used or consumed. Leave EMPTY for non-consumable items. -->
* Deal an additional {{DamageText|1d4|Piercing}} damage to all creatures within the area of effect
* {{AOE|m=2|ft=6|Radius}}
* Create an [[Awesome Surface]]
* Target creature also takes normal {{code|Weapon Damage}} if the attack hits
| where to find = <!-- Describe where and how to obtain the item. -->
This is a made-up item. You cannot obtain it anywhere in the game.
| this is an example = yes

= Book =
}} {{#if: {{{book author|}}} |

<h2> Author </h2>
| image = Book_WizardyGenericG.png
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box">
| description = '''Book of Wisdom and Insight and Deep Knowledge''' is a common [[Books|Book]]. <!-- This is the first text that will appear on the page. Briefly describe what the item is and what makes it noteworthy. -->
{{CharLink|{{{book author}}}}}
| quote = A weighty tome for sure.
| book text = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Tempor commodo ullamcorper a lacus vestibulum sed arcu non. Lacus laoreet non curabitur gravida arcu ac. Massa sapien faucibus et molestie ac feugiat sed. In dictum non consectetur a. Ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod elementum nisi quis. Non arcu risus quis varius quam quisque. Quis eleifend quam adipiscing vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus. Turpis egestas pretium aenean pharetra. Mollis aliquam ut porttitor leo a diam sollicitudin tempor id. Fames ac turpis egestas integer eget aliquet nibh praesent tristique. Proin nibh nisl condimentum id. Tortor id aliquet lectus proin. Nunc consequat interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla.
}} {{#if: {{{notes|}}} |

Et ligula ullamcorper malesuada proin libero nunc consequat interdum. Pharetra magna ac placerat vestibulum lectus mauris ultrices eros. Augue neque gravida in fermentum et sollicitudin ac. Ultrices gravida dictum fusce ut placerat orci. At tellus at urna condimentum mattis pellentesque. Arcu risus quis varius quam quisque. Tellus cras adipiscing enim eu. Lacinia at quis risus sed vulputate odio ut enim. Orci a scelerisque purus semper eget duis at tellus at. Elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet. Volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue. Aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae. Aliquet nec ullamcorper sit amet risus nullam.
<h2> Notes </h2>
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box">
}} {{#if: {{{bugs|}}} |

Senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Tincidunt id aliquet risus feugiat in ante. Mus mauris vitae ultricies leo integer malesuada. Netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas integer eget. Adipiscing elit pellentesque habitant morbi. Feugiat in fermentum posuere urna nec. Sit amet commodo nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a. Fermentum posuere urna nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh sed. Sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in eu mi. Gravida neque convallis a cras semper auctor neque. Vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper sit amet risus nullam eget felis. Sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo nulla. Sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc. Enim ut tellus elementum sagittis. Quam id leo in vitae. Vitae proin sagittis nisl rhoncus mattis.<!-- The text of the book. Leave EMPTY for non-books - use "quote" parameter for all other item types. -->
<h2> Bugs </h2>
| type = Books <!-- Item type. Choose one of: Ammunition, Books, Food, Drinks, Potions, Scrolls, Consumables, Misc -->
| camp supplies = <!-- Number of Camp Supplies. Leave EMPTY for all except Food and Drinks. -->
| rarity = common <!-- Choose from: common, uncommon, rare, very rare, legendary, story -->
| weight kg = 0.5
| weight lb = 1.1
| price = 10
| usage cost = <!-- The cost to use the item. Choose from: action, bonus action - or leave EMPTY for non-consumable items. -->
| effect = <!-- The effect(s) of the item when used or consumed. Leave EMPTY for non-consumable items. -->
| where to find = <!-- Describe where and how to obtain the item. -->
This is a made-up item. You cannot obtain it anywhere in the game. If you could, it would probably be on some wizard's bookshelf.
| this is an example = yes

= Food =
<div class="bg3wiki-tooltip-box">
{{Main namespace only|[[Category:Bugs]]}}
| image = Food Icon.png
| description = '''Delicious Apple''' is a common [[Camp Supplies#Food|Food]] item that grants [[Camp Supplies]] for a [[Long Rest]]. <!-- This is the first text that will appear on the page. Briefly describe what the item is and what makes it noteworthy. -->
}} {{Main namespace only|{{#switch:{{{type}}}
| quote = Super tasty!
| Misc = [[Category:Misc items]]
| book text = <!-- The text of the book. Leave EMPTY for non-books - use "quote" parameter for all other item types. -->
| Alchemy Extracts|Alchemical Extracts = [[Category:Alchemical extracts]]
| type = Food <!-- Item type. Choose one of: Ammunition, Books, Food, Drinks, Potions, Scrolls, Consumables, Misc -->
| Alchemy Ingredients|Alchemical Ingredients = [[Category:Alchemical ingredients]]
| camp supplies = 5 <!-- Number of Camp Supplies. Leave EMPTY for all except Food and Drinks. -->
| #default = [[Category:{{{type}}}]]
| rarity = common <!-- Choose from: common, uncommon, rare, very rare, legendary, story -->
}}{{#switch: {{lc:{{{rarity|}}}}}
| weight kg = 0.5
| common = [[Category:Common items]]
| weight lb = 1.1
| uncommon = [[Category:Uncommon items]]
| price = 5
| rare = [[Category:Rare items]]
| usage cost = <!-- The cost to use the item. Choose from: action, bonus action - or leave EMPTY for non-consumable items. -->
| very rare = [[Category:Very rare items]]
| effect = <!-- The effect(s) of the item when used or consumed. Leave EMPTY for non-consumable items. -->
| legendary = [[Category:Legendary items]]
| where to find = <!-- Describe where and how to obtain the item. -->
| story = [[Category:Story items]]
This is a made-up item. You cannot obtain it anywhere in the game, but food like this is quite common.
| #default = [[Category:Common items]]}}
| this is an example = yes
{{ItemIcon Insert|
|image={{{controller icon|}}}
|name = {{{name | {{#titleparts: {{PAGENAME}} }} }}}
|uid = {{{uid|}}}
|uid = {{{uid2|}}}
|uid = {{{uid3|}}}
|uid = {{{uid4|}}}
|uid = {{{uid5|}}}
|camp_supplies = {{{camp supplies|0}}}
|action_type = {{{usage cost|}}}
|price = {{{price|0}}}
|weight_kg = {{{weight kg|}}}
|rarity = {{#if:{{{rarity|}}}|{{{rarity}}}|common}}
|book_author = {{{book author|}}}
= Scroll =
|name = String (mandatory)
|uid = String
| image = Scroll of Revivify.png
|type = String(allowed values = Arrows, Books, Coatings, Elixirs, Food, Drinks, Grenades, Potions, Scrolls, Consumables, Instruments, Containers, Misc, Notes, Alchemical Ingredients, Alchemical Extracts, Dyes)
| description = {{uncommon|Scroll of Castyspell}} is an uncommon [[Scrolls|Scroll]] that can be consumed to cast [[A Neat Spell]]. <!-- This is the first text that will appear on the page. Briefly describe what the item is and what makes it noteworthy. -->
|image = File
| quote = The in-game flavour text in the item's tooltip.
|controller_icon = File
| book text = <!-- The text of the book. Leave EMPTY for non-books - use "quote" parameter for all other item types. -->
|icon = File
| type = Scrolls <!-- Item type. Choose one of: Ammunition, Books, Food, Drinks, Potions, Scrolls, Consumables, Misc -->
|description = Wikitext
| camp supplies = <!-- Number of Camp Supplies. Leave EMPTY for all except Food and Drinks. -->
|quote = Wikitext
| single use = yes
|camp_supplies = Integer
| rarity = uncommon <!-- Choose from: common, uncommon, rare, very rare, legendary, story -->
|rarity = String(allowed values = common, uncommon, rare, very rare, legendary, story)
| weight kg = 0.1
|action_type = String
| weight lb = 0.2
|effect = WikiText
| price = 100
|condition_duration = String
| usage cost = action <!-- The cost to use the item. Choose from: action, bonus action - or leave EMPTY for non-consumable items. -->
|condition_save = String
| effect = <!-- The effect(s) of the item when used or consumed. Leave EMPTY for non-consumable items. -->
|price = String
* Consume the scroll to cast {{SmallIcon|Magic Missile Icon.png}} [[A Neat Spell]]
|weight_kg = String
* (Refer to the spell's page to determine whether the scroll takes an {{action}} or {{action|bonus}} to use.)
|book_author = String
| where to find = <!-- Describe where and how to obtain the item. -->
This is a made-up item. You cannot obtain it anywhere in the game.
| this is an example = yes
= Potion =
| image = Potion_A_Icon.png
| description = {{uncommon|Potion of Stuff}} is an uncommon [[Potions|Potion]] that grants +1 to Stuff until the next [[Long Rest]]. <!-- This is the first text that will appear on the page. Briefly describe what the item is and what makes it noteworthy. -->
| quote = The in-game flavour text in the item's tooltip.
| book text = <!-- The text of the book. Leave EMPTY for non-books - use "quote" parameter for all other item types. -->
| type = Potions <!-- Item type. Choose one of: Ammunition, Books, Food, Drinks, Potions, Scrolls, Consumables, Misc -->
| camp supplies = <!-- Number of Camp Supplies. Leave EMPTY for all except Food and Drinks. -->
| single use = yes <!-- "yes" if item is consumed on use (Ammunition, Consumables, Potions, Scrolls, some Drinks, and some Misc Items); otherwise leave BLANK. -->
| rarity = uncommon <!-- Choose from: common, uncommon, rare, very rare, legendary, story -->
| weight kg = 0.5
| weight lb = 1.1
| price = 100
| usage cost = bonus action <!-- The cost to use the item. Choose from: action, bonus action - or leave EMPTY for non-consumable items. -->
| effect = <!-- The effect(s) of the item when used or consumed. Leave EMPTY for non-consumable items. -->
* Stuff +1 until next [[Long Rest]]
| where to find = <!-- Describe where and how to obtain the item. -->
This is a made-up item. You cannot obtain it anywhere in the game.
| this is an example = yes
[[Category:Item page templates]]
[[Category:Page generating templates]]
TemplateData documentation follows from this point on.
[[Category:Cargo templates]]
"params": {
"name": {
"description": "The name of the item; can be left empty if it's the page's name.",
"example": "Potion of Fire Resistance",
"type": "string",
"suggested": true
"image": {
"description": "The filename of the image/icon associated with this item.",
"example": "Potion of Fire Resistance Icon.png",
"type": "wiki-file-name",
"suggested": true
"description": {
"description": "This is the first text that will appear on the page. Briefly describe what the item is and what makes it noteworthy.",
"example": "{{uncommon|Potion of Stuff}} is an uncommon [[Potions|Potion]] that grants +1 to Stuff.",
"type": "content",
"required": true,
"suggested": true
"quote": {
"description": "The in-game flavour text in the item's tooltip.",
"type": "content",
"suggested": true
"book text": {
"description": "The text within the book. Leave EMPTY for non-books - use \"quote\" parameter for tooltip flavour text.",
"type": "content",
"suggested": true
"where to find": {
"description": "Describe where and how to obtain the item.",
"example": "Looted from [[NPC]] in [[Location]].",
"type": "content",
"suggested": true
"type": {
"description": "Item type. Choose one of: Ammunition, Books, Food, Drinks, Potions, Scrolls, Consumables, Misc",
"type": "string",
"suggestedvalues": [
"required": true,
"suggested": true
"camp supplies": {
"description": "Number of Camp Supplies. Leave EMPTY for all except Food and Drinks.",
"type": "number",
"suggested": true
"rarity": {
"description": "Rarity of the item. Choose from: common, uncommon, rare, very rare, legendary, story",
"type": "string",
"suggestedvalues": [
"very rare",
"default": "common",
"autovalue": "common",
"required": true
"weight kg": {
"description": "Weight of the item in kilograms",
"type": "number",
"required": true
"weight lb": {
"description": "Weight of the item in pounds",
"type": "number",
"required": true
"price": {
"description": "Price/value of the item. When two values are listed on the tooltip, use the crossed out \"true\" value, not the adjusted buy/sell price.",
"type": "number",
"required": true
"effect": {
"description": "The effect(s) of the item when used or consumed. Leave EMPTY for non-consumable items.",
"example": "* Grants +1 to [[Stuff]] until next [[Long Rest]]",
"type": "content",
"suggested": true
"usage cost": {
"description": "The cost to use the item. Choose from: action, bonus action - or leave EMPTY for non-consumable items.",
"type": "string",
"suggestedvalues": [
"bonus action"
"suggested": true
"single use": {
"type": "string",
"description": "\"yes\" if item is consumed on use (Ammunition, Consumables, Potions, Scrolls, some Drinks, and some Misc Items); otherwise leave BLANK.",
"suggestedvalues": [
"suggested": true
"description": "This template generates entire pages for individual items of the following types: Ammunition, Books, Food, Drinks, Potions, Scrolls, Consumables, and other Miscellaneous Items. For Weapons, see Template:WeaponPage. For Equipment, see Template:EquipmentPage.",
"format": "block"