1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
name | String | Performing 'Old Time Battles' |
icon | File | Performing 'Old Time Battles' Condition Icon.webp |
effects | Wikitext | - Playing a tune. Perform the same song nearby to join in.
brief | Wikitext | |
types | List of String, delimiter: , | |
stack_id | String | PERFORM |
status_groups | List of String, delimiter: , | |
tick_type | String | |
properties | List of String, delimiter: , | Performing • UnsheathInstrument • DisableCombatlog |
stack_type | String | |
condition_name | String | |
condition_save | String | |
condition_dc | String | |
condition2_name | String | |
condition2_save | String | |
condition2_dc | String | |
condition3_name | String | |
condition3_save | String | |
condition3_dc | String | |