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Field Field type Value name String Lorlarrio override_page Page Lorlarrio image File Portrait Lorlarrio.png level Integer 9 hp Integer 79 ac Integer 11 xp Integer 250 movement_m Integer 9 weight_kg Integer 75 strength Integer 10 dexterity Integer 12 constitution Integer 15 intelligence Integer 14 wisdom Integer 12 charisma Integer 18 race String Dwarf subrace String Duergar class String Bard subclass String size String Medium type String Humanoid identity Wikitext role String occupation String resistances List of String , delimiter: , conditions List of String , delimiter: , passives List of String , delimiter: , Bardic Inspiration • Duergar Resilience • Dwarven Resilience • Font of Inspiration • Jack of all Trades • Opportunity Attack • Sunlight Sensitivity • Superior Darkvision