Talk:Fighting style

Latest comment: 17 November 2023 by T-Furan in topic How many fighthing styles can I choose?
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How many fighthing styles can I choose?[edit source]

What if I pick Fighter and select Duelling, then pick Ranger and choose Two-Weapon Fighting on second level, what left for Bard level 3 when I choose College of Swords Bards? How does it works? unsigned comment by (talk) 16:28, 17 November 2023

Hi! If you obtain both Duelling and Two-Weapon Fighting prior to speccing into a Swords bard, the bard will have no fighting style options left, but the game will allow you to complete the level up regardless. T-Furan (talk) 16:50, 17 November 2023 (CET)Reply

To remove EA warning[edit source]

I think all that's needed is to either verify the GWF behavior (or remove the extra deets). -- Phentos (talk) 09:32, 10 August 2023 (CEST)Reply

No fighting style on multiclass[edit source]

Seems that when you multiclass into fighter, you don't get a Fighting Style at level 1. At least, when I have Astarion a 1st level of fighter he didn't get to pick Fighting Style, he only got Second Wind. unsigned comment by (talk) 09:22, 11 August 2023

The fighting style option doesn't appear on the "Add Class Fighter" tab, since it isn't an action. The selection is on the next tab down (not the add class tab, but the class feature tab as might otherwise be spell selections, etc). -- Phentos (talk) 08:15, 12 August 2023 (CEST)Reply