MediaWiki API help
This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.
Documentation and examples:
list=allusers (au)
- This module requires read rights.
- Source: MediaWiki
- License: GPL-2.0-or-later
Enumerate all registered users.
- aufrom
The username to start enumerating from.
- auto
The username to stop enumerating at.
- auprefix
Search for all users that begin with this value.
- audir
Direction to sort in.
- One of the following values: ascending, descending
- Default: ascending
- augroup
Only include users in the given groups. Does not include implicit or auto-promoted groups like *, user, or autoconfirmed.
- Values (separate with | or alternative): bot, bureaucrat, checkuser, checkuser-temporary-account-viewer, interface-admin, maintainer, push-subscription-manager, suppress, sysop, widgeteditor
- auexcludegroup
Exclude users in the given groups.
- Values (separate with | or alternative): bot, bureaucrat, checkuser, checkuser-temporary-account-viewer, interface-admin, maintainer, push-subscription-manager, suppress, sysop, widgeteditor
- aurights
Only include users with the given rights. Does not include rights granted by implicit or auto-promoted groups like *, user, or autoconfirmed.
- Values (separate with | or alternative): apihighlimits, applychangetags, autoconfirmed, autocreateaccount, autopatrol, bigdelete, block, blockemail, bot, browsearchive, changeemail, changetags, checkuser, checkuser-log, checkuser-temporary-account, checkuser-temporary-account-log, checkuser-temporary-account-no-preference, confirmemail, createaccount, createpage, createtalk, delete, delete-redirect, deletebatch, deletebatch-spoof, deletecargodata, deletechangetags, deletedhistory, deletedtext, deletelogentry, deleterevision, echo-create, edit, editcontentmodel, editinterface, editmodules, editmyoptions, editmyprivateinfo, editmyusercss, editmyuserjs, editmyuserjson, editmyuserjsredirect, editmywatchlist, editproject, editprotected, editsemiprotected, editsitecss, editsitejs, editsitejson, edittemplates, editusercss, edituserjs, edituserjson, editwidgets, hideuser, import, importupload, ipblock-exempt, linkpurge, mailpassword, manage-all-push-subscriptions, managechangetags, markbotedits, masseditregex, mergehistory, minoredit, move, move-categorypages, move-rootuserpages, move-subpages, movefile, nominornewtalk, noratelimit, override-export-depth, pagelang, patrol, patrolmarks, protect, purge, read, recreatecargodata, renameuser, renderfile, renderfile-nonstandard, reupload, reupload-own, reupload-shared, rollback, runcargoqueries, sboverride, searchdigest-admin, searchdigest-reader, sendemail, siteadmin, skipcaptcha, spamblacklistlog, stashbasehtml, stashedit, suppressionlog, suppressredirect, suppressrevision, unblockself, undelete, unwatchedpages, upload, upload_by_url, userrights, userrights-interwiki, viewmyprivateinfo, viewmywatchlist, viewsuppressed
- Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).
- auprop
Which pieces of information to include:
- blockinfo
- Adds the information about a current block on the user.
- groups
- Lists groups that the user is in. This uses more server resources and may return fewer results than the limit.
- implicitgroups
- Lists all the groups the user is automatically in.
- rights
- Lists rights that the user has.
- editcount
- Adds the edit count of the user.
- registration
- Adds the timestamp of when the user registered if available (may be blank).
- centralids
- Adds the central IDs and attachment status for the user.
- Values (separate with | or alternative): blockinfo, centralids, editcount, groups, implicitgroups, registration, rights
- aulimit
How many total usernames to return.
- Type: integer or max
- The value must be between 1 and 500.
- Default: 10
- auwitheditsonly
Only list users who have made edits.
- Type: boolean (details)
- auactiveusers
Only list users active in the last 30 days.
- Type: boolean (details)
- auattachedwiki
With auprop=centralids, also indicate whether the user is attached with the wiki identified by this ID.
- auexcludenamed
Exclude users of named accounts.
- Type: boolean (details)
- auexcludetemp
Exclude users of temporary accounts.
- Type: boolean (details)
- List users starting at Y.
- api.php?action=query&list=allusers&aufrom=Y [open in sandbox]